Suguha Kirigaya, also known as Leafa, is a major protagonist from the anime/manga/light novel franchise Sword Art Online. She is the cousin and adopted sister of Kazuto Kirigaya and was raised along with him.
She is voiced by Ayana Taketatsu in the original Japanese version and Cassandra Lee Morris in the English dub, the latter of which also voices Sue Morris, Pollen, Morgana and Tsurara Oikawa.
Real Life[]
Suguha has short black hair and dark grey eyes, almost blackish. Her breasts are also much larger than the rest of the female characters shown so far although the novel mentions that she has grown a lot recently. She also has a cute childish look and is often seen with an embarrassed expression, especially when around her brother. Due to the Kendo training, she has strong and defined muscles that show up even when she makes small movements. In one volume, Kazuto has described her as "monstrously muscular" and although he claims he is exaggerating, he does state that "she is heavier than she looks."
Her three sizes are 82-62-81.
ALfheim Online Avatar[]
In the game ALO, Suguha appears as a more grown up person than a child. She has bright green eyes and wears white and green clothes. She also has a white and green collar on her neck. She has long blond hair, often tied up with a flower like hairband. Her hair bangs, however, are not tied up with her hair. Like all of the other players in ALO, her ears are quite long and pointy. Her display name is spelled as "Leafa".
Unlike her cousin Kazuto, Suguha is upbeat and outgoing. She is much more social and converses easily with others. Even when Kazuto began to push her away after finding out they weren't really siblings, she still treated him with good spirits and tried to get back in his life. She can be very aggressive towards those that annoy her or cross her and can easily lose her temper. This is demonstrated in one case when Recon attempts to kiss her after confessing to her; she punches him and then beats him up. Despite treating Recon most of the time with annoyance, she cares for him as a good friend, although she does not seem to return his feelings. She did, however, say she enjoyed seeing "this side" of him when he confessed, and was shocked and motivated by his sacrifice at the battle at the World Tree. Despite her positive outlook and slightly aggressive behavior, Suguha can be somewhat fragile and delicate due to her young age, especially when her cousin, Kazuto is involved. Once she found out that Kirito and Kazuto were the same person, she locked herself in her room away from her cousin and went into a slight depression. In addition to this, after seeing Kazuto in a comatose state due to being locked in SAO, she broke down crying for the first time in years. Most of the time she is quick to rebound from these moments and be the same upbeat girl she always is. She also is, besides Asuna and possibly Sinon, the only girl Yui will allow to interact with Kirito, most likely because the two are family.
Kirigaya Suguha is raised with Kazuto as his sister since her parents took Kazuto in after his parents died in a traffic accident. Kazuto is Suguha's first cousin; his mother was Suguha's mother's sister. They were taught Kendo by their grandfather, who was a former policeman and a Kendo champion. Kazuto gave up after two years and embraced the world of technology, leaving her behind. The truth is, Kazuto found out he was not her real brother around this time and the distance between them became further and further apart, until they were practically strangers before the SAO Incident. She continued with Kendo and became a national quarter-finalist.
Suguha originally disliked VRMMOs for the reason it hid people's nature and reality. She took up ALO in order to understand Kazuto better when he was trapped in SAO. She won the Sylph tournament earning the title as strongest Sylph before Volume 3. She learned how to play ALO from her classmate, Recon. Suguha has become very good at ALO, because of the many years she has practiced Kendo and the skills learned there were very effective for fights in ALO. She enjoys flying in the game, Recon nicknamed her "Speed Holic" due to her joy of flying.
- As Leafa, she is one of the 5 fastest Sylphs and has won the Sylph fighting tournament various times.
- In Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment, Leafa is the only main character to not appear with her real-life appearance.
Heroes | ||
Main Heroes Allies Mother's Rosario Arc Original Scale Alicization Arc |