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Heroine Overview

Sukuyo Mankanshoku (満艦飾 好代 Mankanshoku Sukuyo) is a supporting character in the anime and manga series Kill la Kill. She is Barazō Mankanshoku’s wife and the mother Mako Mankanshoku and Matarō Mankanshoku.

She is voiced in Japanese by Yukari Fukui and in English by Erika Harlacher.


Sukuyo is a slim woman with light brown hair, often tied up in a bun and leaving a rather thick fringe over her forehead, amber eyes, like the rest of her family. Sukuyo wears a pink dress with an apron over it and a light green jacket. Completing the outfit is a pair of white shoes, perhaps slippers.


At some point in her life, Sukuyo married Barazō Mankanshoku and raised two children, Mako, and Matarō. It is unknown if she moved to Honnō City or has always lived there.

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Kill la Kill logo Heroes

Ryūko Matoi | Senketsu

Mankanshoku Family
Mako Mankanshoku | Barazō Mankanshoku | Sukuyo Mankanshoku | Matarō Mankanshoku | Guts

Student Council
Satsuki Kiryūin | Ira Gamagōri | Uzu Sanageyama | Nonon Jakuzure | Hōka Inumuta | Shirō Iori

Nudist Beach
Sōichirō Kiryūin | Aikurō Mikisugi | Tsumugu Kinagase
