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Sun is a supporting character from Zenonia and the adoptive sister of Regret.


Sun is a 16 year old with long blonde hair tied into a ponytail with a purple ribbon (blue in the game) and black eyes. She shown to be wearing a purple scarf, a white shirt with white shorts, her right leg a pouch, and her feet has white socks with purple shoes.



Sun meets Regret at the town of Adonis when he was looking for the guild of night. In her second appearance in the game, she is looking a man named Vague and tries to find him for the whereabouts of the her father, Wolfred Dupre, who the commander of the holy knights. Sun finds out that her father has died. She unconscious and Regret took her to an Inn to rest. While sleeping, She had a nightmare of what happened to her parents and she asked Regret for her name and age.

At the Town of Hades, she realized that Regret is her brother. In Libra desert, she wrote a letter to her brother that he must stay safe in his journey.

In the good ending, She and Lady Charity looked and over and recovered Regret's wounds from his battle with Ladon. Sun felt sad that Lady Charity gave her life to save him.

In the bad ending, Regret strikes her down.

After the events of the first Zenonia game, she is never mentioned in other games.


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Main Cast
Regret Lu EcneMorpice Daza Chael Ryan Neal Abel Evan
Supporting characters
SunWolfred Dupre Celine/Frey ElisaIselPontifex TemirLuxferre Lisa

Langue ParoleLepe Runa Anya Celina
