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We'll call ourselves the Supa Buddies! Most of the time, we'll just be our normal selves, but when danger rears its ugly head, we'll be super-heroes!!!
~ Li'l Petey revealing the Supa Buddies to Dog Man

The Supa Buddies are four of the main protagonists (alongside the Community Oriented Policing Services) of the Dog Man franchise. It is a superhero group that Li'l Petey started in Dog Man: Lord of the FLEAS.


It didn’t get the name, and they didn’t have their nicknames until Lord of the FLEAS. They received their costumes in Dog Man And Cat Kid where they took them from the dressing room. (Except Lightning Dude)

Lil' Petey made a flip-o-rama mask for 80-HD. The members of the Supa Buddies group are Lil' Petey (aka Cat Kid), Dog Man (aka The Bark Knight), 80-HD (aka Lightning Dude), and Molly (superhero name yet to be debated). Lil' Petey (also known as Cat Kid) is the leader of the Supa Buddies.

Dog Man and Cat Kid []

Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas[]

Dog Man: Brawl of the Wild[]

Dog Man: For Whom the Ball Rolls[]

Dog Man: Fetch-22[]

Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea[]

Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder[]



  • They re-appeared in the eleventh book: "Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea", but the difference is that Lighting Dude got replaced by Molly.


           Dog Man logo Heroes

Dog Man | Chief | Officer Knight | Greg the Dog | Milly

Supa Buddies
Dog Man | Li'l Petey | 80-HD | Molly

Petey the Cat | Li'l Petey | Grampa | Big Jim

Channel 2 News
Sarah Hatoff | Zuzu | Seamus

Nurse Lady | Doctor

Cat Kid Comic Club
Flippy | Li'l Petey | Molly
The Baby Frogs
Melvin the Frog | Naomi | Poppy | Summer & Starla

The Friendly Friends
Crunky | Bub | Mike the Fly | Ducky the Beetle | Daryl the Moth | Uncle Larry

Super Diaper Baby
Super Diaper Baby | Diaper Dog

Yolay Caprese

See Also
Captain Underpants Heroes
