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HA HA! Explosive I like your style.
~ Super Brainz completing the player in GW2.
~ Super Brainz's catchphrase.

Super Brainz also known as Captain Brainz is a major protagonist in the Plants vs. Zombies series. He serves as a major protagonist in Plants vs Zombies: Heroes and Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. He's the secondary antagonist in the Plants vs. Zombies comic: Garden Warfare.


Early life[]

While not much is known about Super Brainz's life before being brought back from the dead and mutated into a solider for Dr. Zomboos's army it's implied that Super Brainz was a reporter or photographer of some kind.

Garden Warfare 2[]

Super Brainz is a major character in Garden Warfare 2. In Garden Warfare 2 Super Brainz is a playable character in the game. He functions much like that of a brute class should the player use him they should sneak up on plants and do heavy amounts of damage then. When the Player entered a portal to his room, he introduced himself and gave them the first mission, Sidekick Tryouts, in which the Player had to defend a tombstone on Boney Island.

After completing the first quest, he tasked the Player to find his friends.

When his friends were reunited with him, the Player had to help his team defeat his rival, Super Bean.

Finally, after having defeated the Super Bean, he congratulated the Player and let them open another portal to another one of the top zombies, or meet Dr. Zomboss at his lab.

plants vs. Zombies Heroes[]

It was revealed during the intro comic strip that Dr. Zomboss successfully transformed a Basic Zombie into Super Brainz with his Hero-Tron 5000. After the machine's malfunction which led to the creation of the rest of the plant and zombie heroes, he proceeded to battle against Green Shadow.

Plant Missions[]

In Zombopolis Apocalypse, Super Brainz tried to make himself famous by giving out newspapers of how brains are good and how plants are bad. He also replaced the mayor's statue with a statue of himself, infuriating Green Shadow, Solar Flare, Spudow, and Grass Knuckles. He managed to defeat the Plants Heroes easily, but when he got distracted by a mirror, the plants managed to defeat him. While the plants were putting the mayor's statue back up, he disguised himself as a reporter to flee the scene.

In (Mission) RED Alert, Super Brainz appeared as the main facing opponent. As seen in the comics, he helped Dr. Zomboss capture Rose, who managed to send a message to Crazy Dave. He came up with a plan to rescue her by using Pepper M.D., Red Stinger, and Briar Rose. After seeing them, Zomboss ordered Super Brainz and the zombies to attack them, but easily got defeated by her team.

Zombie Missions[]

After the player unlocks Zombie Missions, Dr. Zomboss attempts to persuade Super Brainz into joining him. However, he was distracted by his reflection in a hand mirror and didn't seem to notice Zomboss.

In Battle at the BBQ, Super Brainz attends Dr. Zomboss' barbecue party. When Zomboss commands a zombie to turn on the lights, he mistakenly turned on the Plant signal instead, which attracted Green Shadow and she attacked them. Super Brainz, The Smash and Impfinity fight her. At some point, Super Brainz attempts to hit her in the face with a pie, but missed and hit Zomboss in the face instead. Eventually, The Smash grabbed her by her cape and tossed into Brain Freeze's jello, which managed to defeat her. This prompted Super Brainz and Zomboss to rejoice.

In The Great Cave Raid, he, alongside Rustbolt and Electric Boogaloo, found a hidden cave under Suburbia. Zomboss planned to make it into a new secret hideout, until Spudow came out of the ground nearby and attacked by lobbing his head at them multiple times. However, Super Brainz defeated him by tightening his head to prevent his attack.

In It Came From the Green House, Super Brainz, Impfinity and Brain Freeze came to the greenhouse when the zombies woke Chompzilla up. While they were all scared, Super Brainz forced her mouth open and Impfinity freed Brain Freeze from one of her vines, which allowed him to blast her mouth full of snow and prevent her from attacking them. Super Brainz and Brain Freeze then high-five while the trio celebrated their victory.

In KO at the OK Arcade, Super Brainz and Impfinity infiltrated the arcade and challenged Solar Flare to an arcade game, which the zombies won three out of four matches.

In Everything's Coming Up Goats, Super Brainz is seen admiring his reflection in a hand mirror in Rose's palace. After Rose arrives, she attempted to goatify him. However, he used his to reflect the beam which made her get transformed into a goat instead, though the last panel suggests this was an accident.

In Menace on the Molten Mountain, a group of Peashooters empowered by Captain Combustible attacked Super Brainz, Immorticia, Impfinity, and Neptuna on a mountain. The Zombie Heroes fought them until Super Brainz used Neptuna's tank to extinguish his fire.

In When Fungi Attack, Super Brainz, Electric Boogaloo, and Professor Brainstorm invaded Nightcap's dojo and fought him. While Nightcap initially appeared to be winning, Professor Brainstorm defeated him via using an invention to zap him and his mushroom team.

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare[]

In the comic he's far more villainous than his other iterations.

In the Plants vs. Zombies Darkhorse comic series he appears as the secondary antagonist of the comic. Super Brainz is sent by Dr. Zomboss to deal with Rose and Nate. Super Brainz is seen fighting the plants that Nate and Rose send to deal with him. Rose realizes that he's extremely powerful and casts a spell on Super Brainz causing him to see the Z-Mechs as plants. Super Brainz ends up fighting all the Z-Mechs and destroying them because of the illusion cast by Rose.

Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville[]

Super Brainz returns as a playable character in the game. He has all of his abilities in GW2 expect that now he has a shield which he can activate to use as a form of defense.


Cozmic Brainz[]

More than just a strange Zombie in a spandex body suit, with the help of his galactic bracelets, Cozmic Brainz wields powers unknown.
~ Cozmic Brainz's description.

Cozmic Brainz is one of Super Brainz's Super Rare variants in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. He is a cosmic being of the League of Awesome. He wields his primary weapon Cozmic Fists, which he can create a mini black hole that sucks plants in it and lefts them unrevivable when charged at level 3, and his other weapon, Cozmic Beam, an overheating beam of cosmic projectiles.

Electro Brainz[]

Electro Brainz' supercharged, powered-up approach to fisticuffs might just be the jolt the Zombies need in their eternal struggle versus the Plants.
~ Electro Brainz's description.

Electro Brainz is a Rare Super Brainz variant in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. He is an electrical member of the League of Awesome, who controls his Electro Fists and Electro Beam that behaves like Super Brainz's, except that they can perform electric damage to enemies.

Toxic Brainz[]

With the help of his (mostly) sealed hazard suit, and a constant chemical bath, Toxic Brainz is able to keep his skin looking its greenest.
~ Toxic Brainz's description.

Toxic Brainz is one of Super Brainz's Legendary variants in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. He is a chemical-bathed member of League of Awesome. His primary and secondary weapons are Toxic Fists and Toxic Beam, which deal with toxic damages to enemies in a way like the original Super Brainz. Additionally, he has a bar for his Toxic Overlord mode, which grants him speed and damage boost in a certain amount of time. To fill up this bar, he must do damage with his Toxic Fists.

Party Brainz[]

It's the Neon Icon himself, the one and only Party Brainz. He's been partying so long and so hard, that he can't remember what mission Dr. Zomboss sent him on in the first place.
~ Party Brainz's description.

Party Brainz is another Legendary Super Brainz variant in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2. He is one of the party characters. His primary and secondary weapons are Party Fists and Party Beam, which behaves like Super Brainz's weapons. Similar to all other party variants, earning vanquishes to fill his Party Time bar, which grants him temporary speed and damage boost.

Breakfast Brainz[]

Breakfast Brainz always starts the day off right, with a hearty meal and plenty of caffeine. He also sports a bacon cape, which is both cool and delicious.
~ Breakfast Brainz's description.

Breakfast Brainz is another Super Rare and the final variant of Super Brainz. He appears in the Trouble of Zombopolis DLC. His primary weapon is Break-fists, which he rapidly punches enemies until he gets exhausted, and his second one is the Batter Spatter, which he shoots overheating rapid-fire ammo of waffles.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Super Ultra Ball: Super Brainz can throw an explosive fireball that can deal 120 damage to plants.
    • Super Multi Ball: He can fire three fireballs at once. They're weaker individually than the Super Ultra Ball, but stronger overall.
    • Super Guided Ultra Ball: He fires a very slow, but powerful homing fireball at enemy plants.
  • Turbo Twister: Super Brainz can spin around and deal damage to plants close to him.
  • Heroic Kick: He can propel forward and deal damage to all plants in front of him with his feet.
    • Hyper Jump Thump: Super Brainz jumps up into the air and punches the ground to deal damage and pull plants closer to him.
  • Superhuman Strength: Thanks to his superpowers given to him by Zomboss's machine, he can lift several times his own weight.
  • Heroic Beam: Super Brainz fire a beam on energy from his hands.
  • Flight: Mainly shown off in the trailer for PvZH and in the GW2 comics, he can fly.
    • Carried Away: Super Brainz's signature superpower. He can move a zombie and make it do a bonus attack when the Player plays this trick.
  • Ultra Flying Fist: He can create a flying energy fist that attacks plants at a relatively short distance.
  • Alpha Better Shield: He can create an energy shield that can protect him from incoming attacks.
  • Brainium Basher 9000.1: Super Brainz's legendary primary weapon, as he can charge himself forward as a projectile to deal damages to enemies.


Super Brainz appears to be powerful, however, he lacks intelligence, and is highly egotistical. As seen in the comic, he can be easily be hypnotized by a mirror. Even if not being distracted by his own reflection, a dandruff repellent damaged, which made him run away to fix it.


His most heroic quality is his hairstyle.
~ Super Brainz's in-game description in Plants vs. Zombies: Heroes.
Super Brainz are close-range brawlers. They close gaps by either leaping in or pushing forward with their Alpha Better Shield.
~ Super Brainz's in-game description in Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville.
His short-range Heroic Fists and long-range Heroic Beam make him a threat at any distance!
~ Super Brainz's in-game description in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2.
Super Brainz always wanted a house with a nice yard.
~ Graveyard's in-game description in Plants vs. Zombies: Heroes.
Super Brainz uses Tricks to move Zombies into unprotected lanes, hitting the Plant Hero hard with Anti-Hero abilities.
~ Super Brainz's description on the official Plants vs. Zombies: Heroes website.
Although he was created in a laboratory for the sole purpose of fighting in the Battle of Zomburbia, Super Brainz is convinced he's starring in an 80's action movie at all times. When he is not spouting one-liners, he's making sure his perfect hair stays that way.
~ Super Brainz's stickerbook description in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2.
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a... flying Zombie? Super Brainz will try to find a way around your Plants so he can strike directly at your Hero. Not so super-duper!
~ Crazy Dave on Super Brainz in Plants vs. Zombies: Heroes.
Pretty lights, no hurtz! Feels funny! Need disco ball!
~ Super Brainz in the Dark Horse comics.


Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2[]

Plants vs. Zombies Heroes[]

Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville[]

External Links[]


           Pvz logo stacked rgb Heroes

Acorn and Oak | Beta-Carrotina | Cactus | Captain Combustible | Chomper | Chompzilla | Citron | Grass Knuckles | Green Shadow | Kernel Corn | Nightcap | Peashooter | Rose | Snapdragon | Solar Flare | Spudow | Sunflower | The Tree of Wisdom | Torchwood | Wall-Knight | Wildflower | Perfume-shroom | Zomboids
Other heroes
Crazy Dave | Nate Timeley | Patrice Blazing | Penny
All-Star | Super Brainz | Brain Freeze | Professor Brainstorm | Rustbolt | The Smash | Electric Boogaloo | Huge-Gigantacus | Immorticia | Imp (Z-Mech) | Impfinity | Neptuna |
