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On to the next mine. Next corporate pig farm or sweatshop factory. Years of running, all across this planet. From the jungle to the big waters to…whatever you call those places that are nothing but sand…and it's always the same. Always misery. Always Lazarus. Except this time, I've left myself weak and sun-starved. Dreaming of so long ago…When I still knew who I was. Maybe it was for the best I hadn't already left. Because after all these years of watching these poor people treat the poorest and lowest among them as little more than cattle…I've gotten tired of running.
~ Superman

Kal-El is a survivor from the planet Krypton whose parents sent him to Earth as a child. He grows up to fight for those mistreated by the corrupt Lazarus Corporation as Superman.



Kal-El was a boy who lived on the planet Krypton, a world dominated by science and technology that controlled most of the planet's natural resources. His parents Jor-El and Lara-El were considered part of the Labor Guild, the lowest social class in a society that dictates its way of life through a caste system. Despite this, they took pride in their status, as laborers made their own way in life regardless of how society treated them and the conditions they have to work in. Jor-El was once on the crisp of becoming a member of scientific elite known as the Science League until he was laughed out of his position for condemning their treatment of Krypton's resources, warning that relentless harvesting would eventually doom the planet. Unfortunately, his claims would hold true as a mining tunnel one day exploded with a radioactive liquid while Jor-El was investigating it for possible structural issues. He managed to escape the mines with radiation burns and returned his home in the Redlands to prepare his family for the worst as more eruptions began to occur across the planet. Although Lara tried to assure their son Kal-El that they would all make it through the disaster together, only Kal-El survived when he was evacuated from Krypton and sent to live on the planet Earth.

Kal-El would develop powers under the Earth's yellow sun but remained elusive of the world's people until he learnt that a business called the Lazarus Corporation was abusing its workers and hoarding resources not unlike the people of Krypton. Determined to make a difference and prevent Earth from sharing Krypton's fate, Kal-El fought against the Lazarus Corporation and secretly helped its laborers as Superman.

Absolute Superman[]



           Download-Superman-Logo-PNG-001 Heroes

Superman | Supergirl | Superboy | Power Girl | Steel

Kent Family
Lois Lane | Jon Kent | Jonathan Kent | Martha Kent

Jor-El | Lara Lor-Von | Zor-El | Alura In-Ze | Lor-Zod | Mon-El

Supporting Characters
Batman | Bizarro | Wonder Woman | Nightwing | Damian Wayne | Tim Drake | Lana Lang | Jimmy Olsen | Perry White | Pete Ross | Cat Grant | Chuck Riggs | Sam Lane | Lucy Lane | Bibbo Bibbowski | Maggie Sawyer | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Dan Turpin | Lobo | Lex Luthor | Livewire | Lori Lemaris | Maxima | Parasite | Roberta Lee | Saturn Girl | Natasha Irons | Superboy-Prime | Otho-Ra | Osul-Ra | Teen Titans | Tommy Lee | President Superman | Justice League

Krypto the Superdog | Streaky the Supercat | Comet the Super-Horse

Theatrical Movies
Superman (1978): Superman
Supergirl (1984): Supergirl
Superman Returns: Superman | Lois Lane
Man of Steel: Superman | Lois Lane | Jor-El | Calvin Swanwick | Colonel Nathan Hardy
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Batman | Superman | Wonder Woman | Alfred Pennyworth | Lois Lane | Calvin Swanwick | The Flash | Aquaman | Cyborg
DC League of Super-Pets: Krypto | Ace | PB | Merton | Chip | Keith and Mark | Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | Green Lantern | The Flash | Aquaman | Cyborg | Lois Lane

Direct-to-video Movies
Superman: Doomsday: Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen
Superman/Batman: Public Enemies: Superman | Batman | Power Girl | Captain Atom | Captain Marvel | Amanda Waller | Black Lightning | Toyman III | Starfire | Hawkman | Lois Lane
Superman/Batman: Apocalypse: Superman | Batman | Wonder Woman | Supergirl | Big Barda | Harbinger
All-Star Superman: Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Atlas | Samson
Superman vs. The Elite: Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Vera Lynn Black
Superman: Unbound: Superman | Lois Lane | Supergirl | Jimmy Olsen | Zor-El | Alura In-Ze
The Death Of Superman: Superman | Lois Lane | Justice League (Batman, Aquaman, Cyborg, The Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Martian Manhunter, & Wonder Woman) | Jimmy Olsen
Reign Of The Supermen: Superman | Superboy | Steel | Eradicator | Lois Lane | Justice League (Batman, Aquaman, Cyborg, The Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Martian Manhunter, & Wonder Woman) | Jimmy Olsen | Chloe Sullivan
Superman: Man of Tomorrow: Superman | Lois Lane | Martian Manhunter

Superman: The Animated Series: Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Supergirl | Aquaman | Orion | Steel
Smallville: Clark Kent | Lana Lang | Chloe Sullivan | Lois Lane | Oliver Queen | Kara Kent | Tess Mercer | Whitney Fordman
Krypto the Superdog: Krypto the Superdog | Streaky the Supercat | Comet the Super-Horse | Hot Dog
Superman & Lois: Superman | Lois Lane | Jordan Kent | Jonathan Kent II | Sam Lane | Lana Lang | Kyle Cushing | Sarah Cortez | Chrissy Beppo | John Henry Irons | John Diggle | Natalie Lane Irons
My Adventures with Superman: Superman | Lois Lane | Jimmy Olsen | Supergirl | Martha Kent | Jonathan Kent | Jor-El | Newskid Legion (Flip Johnson) | Brain | Monsieur Mallah | Sam Lane | League of Lois Lanes (Jalana Olsen) | Steel

Also See
Justice League Heroes | DC Multiverse Heroes

           DC Comics logo.svg Multiverse Heroes

Parallel Universes and Timelines
Absolute Universe: Batman | Superman | Wonder Woman
DC vs Vampires: Alfred Pennyworth | Batgirl | Batman | Batwoman | Damian Wayne | Green Arrow | Jayna | Killer Croc | Mister Miracle | Supergirl
The Dark Knight Returns: Batman | Carrie Kelley | Green Arrow | Superman
JLA: The Nail: Atom | Batman | Batwoman | Hawkwoman | Martian Manhunter | Superman | The Flash | Wonder Woman
Just Imagine: Batman | Catwoman | Superman | Wonder Woman
Batman & Dracula: Alfred Pennyworth | Batman | Commissioner Gordon | Selina Kyle | Tanya
Earth One: Batman | Killer Croc | Superman | Wonder Woman
Batman: Full Moon: Batman | Man-Bat
Flashpoint: Batman | Cyborg | Element Woman | Superman
Last Rites: Batman | Batwoman | Catwoman
Futures End: Batman | Bruce Wayne
DC Future State: Aquaman | Aquawoman | Batman | Green Lantern | Superman | Superwoman | The Flash | Wonder Woman (Nubia, Yara Flor)
DC One Million: Aquaman | Batman | Hourman | Starman | Superman | Superman Prime | The Flash | Wonder Woman
Others: Batgirl (Zero Hour) | Batman (Dark Prince Charming) | Batman (Speeding Bullets) | Batman (The Blue, the Grey, and the Bat) | Bruce Wayne (Castle of the Bat) | Catwoman (Guardian of Gotham) | Jokester | President Superman | Superman (Golden Age)
