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Sweetping & Tangyping (Korean: 새콤핑&달콤핑, Chinese: 酸酸萌可&甜甜萌可) is a Legend Dessert Teenieping of Sweetness and Refreshment, who appears in Dessert Catch! Teenieping. They first appears in "Romi Goes To The Dessert Village" as their trapped in their Cake Houses, and physically makes her first appearance at the end of "Sweet and Sour Legend Teenieping."
Sweetping's Appearance
Sweetping had a light pale red skin with white hair and small bangs, her hair is designed with a ponytail, at the end of the ponytail has a lighter shade of white, she has a frosting like berry with heart earrings, she has her crown and two red hearts at her sides. She also has heart pupils.
She has a white ruffle and white translucent cape, her ruffle contains a yellow ribbon. She has a long red princess dress that is very glittery, which also has a bottom skirt, and white tights.
Lastly, her staff is designed as a heart with a ribbon and crown.
Tangyping's appearance
Tangyping has a light-yellow body and blue eyes with star shaped pupils inside. She has a long yellow ponytail, two green stars as accessories, one of them have an orange clip, and a silver crown on her head. She also has golden star earrings.
She wears a long sleeveless green yellow dress, decorated with silver diamond pattern, the center is where her Legend symbol is. She also wears a white laced cape which is also attached to her dress and a purple bow with a golden button on a white collar attached on it.
Her prop is a green & yellow staff with a purple bow attached on it and a green star-like shape as well as golden sides and white wings on it.
Although Sweetping came off as quite immature and arrogant when stuck inside the cake house. When reconciling with Tangyping, she is actually shown to be a very sweet and caring Teenieping who wants nothing but the best for Tangyping, the Dessert Teeniepings and the village.
Tangyping has a sharp, arrogant, and innocent personality, and although she sometimes shows unreasonable pride, but cares about Sweetping.
Because of her role as a Legend Teenieping; being a guardian of the Dessert Village. Of course, she would have powers which tie in with the magic of the village. Along with Tangyping, Sweetping has exceptional abilities as well as the remarkable power to fly.
Sweetping and Tangyping casting Tinkle Puff
With the combined power of her friend, Tangyping. Sweetping is able to perform many actions, such as casting a special tinkle puff that can revert the spells of other Teeniepings or create a magical door leading to the Dessert Village. This tinkle puff is also seen reverting the Sugar Magic of the malfunctioned Sugar Berry Pact.
The sugar berry pact finally calming down
With the help of Tangyping, she can help Romi transform into Princess Harmonious. As usual, when transformed, Romi gains physical prowess, and can use the power of her magic staff to carry out her objective.
Romi transformed into Princess Harmonious
More noticeably, she also has more powers since Princess Harmonious is a much more powerful transformation. She is also equipped with much stronger magic as she can, for example, spawn and manipulate various desserts to her will and use it either for offense or defense.
Romi, along with Tangyping and Sweetping, charging up the Sugar Prism Shot
Another thing is that along with Tangyping, she can cast a very powerful beam that is seen reverting a Corrupted Magic Sugar Ball back to its original state. This magic was also used to amplify the power of the Sugar Prism Shot, which was used in order to break Puffping's Corrupted sugar shield.
Tangyping and Sweetping's Tinkle Puff shower
Finally, along with Tangyping, she can create a magic Tinkle Puff shower which doesn't really serve any other purpose other than being pleasing to look at.
Because of her role as a Legend Teenieping; being a guardian of the Dessert Village. Of course, she would have powers which tie in with the magic of the village. Along with Sweetping, Tangyping has exceptional abilities as well as the remarkable power to fly.
Tangyping and Sweetping casting their tinklepuff
With the combined power of her friend, Sweetping. Tangyping is able to perform many actions, such as casting a special Tinkle Puff that can revert the spells of other Teeniepings or create a magical door leading to the Dessert Village. This Tinkle Puff is also seen reverting the Sugar Magic of a malfunctioned Sugar Berry Pact.
The Sugar Berry Pact finally calming down
With the help of Sweetping, she can help Romi transform into Princess Harmonious. As usual, when transformed, Romi gains physical prowess, and can use the power of her magic staff to carry out her objective.
Romi transformed into Princess Harmonious
More noticeably, she also has more powers since Princess Harmonious is a much more powerful transformation. She is also equipped with much stronger magic as she can, for example, spawn and manipulate various desserts to her will and use it either for offense or defense.
Romi, along with Tangyping and Sweetping, charging up the Sugar Prism Shot
Another thing is that along with Sweetping, she can cast a very powerful beam that is seen reverting a Corrupted Magic Sugar Ball back to its original state. This magic was also used to amplify the power of the Sugar Prism Shot, which was used in order to break Puffping's Corrupted sugar shield.
Tangyping and Sweetping's tinkle puff shower
Finally, along with Sweetping, she can create a magic Tinkle Puff shower which doesn't really serve any other purpose other than being pleasing to look at.
She and Sweetping before they fought
In the past, she and Sweetping are close friends, but when they made the cake to host a party celebrating the birth of the Sugar Berry Pact, they argued over whether the cake should be sour or sweet. It was a small argument at first, but it gradually escalated into harsh words and eventually led to division, and they flew to the Cotton Forest and locked themselves into the cake houses.
Romi Goes To The Dessert Village[]
She and Sweetping fighting
After seeing Romi and the Royal Dessert Teeniepings, she asked who they are, and then Sweetping asks Tangyping why she is replying. Saying that there is nothing, Tangyping argues with Sweetping again, telling her to reply to the message from 10 days ago first. That was the first thing they said in a month, but since she didn't even want to hear her voice, she told her to send it via message and the argument became more intense. Then Sweetping comes to her senses and asks her companions what's going on. Romi tries to ask them why they are fighting, but Tangyping misunderstands that she is asking for a delicious cake recipe and says she will tell her the recipe. When Sweetping tried to stop her from saying that her recipe was better than the sour and soggy cake, Tangyping fought again over Sweetping's cake, saying that she could only make sweet and sticky cakes, and eventually widened the cracks in the cake canyon, causing territory and damage. However, while they were fighting, the Sugar Berry Pact went misbehaved again, which causes a strange portal to Harmony Town opening again, and Sweetping and Tangyping are still fighting.
Sweet and Sour Legend Teenieping[]
Sweetping and Tangyping recounciled
Sugar Berry Pact met the Magic Sugar Ball again, causing Sugar Magic to go wild. When all Dessert Teeniepings deployed Sugar Shield, she and Tangyping used Sugar Magic to stabilize the Sugar Berry Pact and melt the Sugar Shield. Romi asked if it was Sweetping and Tangyping, and they confirmed. Jellyping lost her temper and demanded to leave the house, but Heartsping realized they were the ones in the house. Shashaping asked why they were locked in the house while making a cake. They went far away from the cake palace due to the Magic Sugar Ball negative effects. Their relationship grew apart. Romi thought they were best friends. Fluffyping said it's okay to join. Romi resolved to reattach the house. Jellyping said they could go home when both of them came out. They failed to push each other's houses. Donutping pushed Sweetping's house alone. They still had no intention of reconciling. Shashaping explained that the Dessert Village was in ruins. They reconciled and resurrected the two houses. Romi said they looked beautiful. They reconciled again, and they used their magic to make Sugar Magic sprinkle on all of them.
Sweet and Sour Dessert Party[]
Tangyping introducing herself
They landed with such a sweet pure smell, that reminds all of them back home, which made Puffping suspects this smell, as he spied among the Teeniepings, she and Sweetping went to introduce themselves, as they know while they are in their cake houses, Fluffyping mistaken the wrong one. As the Dessert Teeniepings pleased for a party, she and Sweetpin g would wonder on what delicious cake their citizens want, as they have chosen the babies' request, a drawing by Donutping which is a cake of the two holding hands, everything went out perfectly, and danced with all the other Teeniepings in the party, but as its time to eat the beautiful cake, it exploded in a purple bubble gum, causing some disaster.
Come Back, Puffping[]
Tangyping & Sweetping use their magic together
After they use their sugar magic to get rid of the bubble gum, they chase after Romi and Puffping. They ask Puffping to return the Magic Sugar Ball and Sugar Berry Pact, but Puffping runs away even further. The place they ran to was Harmony Elementary School. When Puffping tried to absorb the Sugar Magic of the Sugar Berry Pact and make it his own, Romi slammed Jellyping at Puffping and knocked him down, and they joined forces to purify the Magic Sugar Ball. However, when Puffping attacks with a bazooka, they are almost attacked, but thanks to Romi flying her body to block it, they are safe.
However, Puffping steals the Magic Sugar Ball again, and Puffping attacks by splitting into five legs with the buff of the Magic Sugar Ball. However, Jennie, who transformed into White Labyrinth, defended Puffping's attack, and thanks to White Labyrinth returning the Sugar Berry Pact, Romi transformed into Princess Berryheart. Together, they attacked Puffping and brought back the Magic Sugar Ball, and they completed purifying the Magic Sugar Ball.
After that, the cornered Puffping deploys the Sugar Shield, but the power of Sugar Magic is too strong to melt the Sugar Shield with the Sugar Prism Shot. So, they and Princess Berryheart join forces to melt the Sugar Shield and catch Puffping.
Back To The Dessert Village[]
Tangyping & Sweetping terrified
They swear not to let anyone touch the Magic Sugar Ball and make a gate to return to Dessert Village with all the Dessert Teeniepings, but Puffping touches the Magic Sugar Ball hoping to meet it one last time, causing Puffping to awaken to the final stage, and they stop Puffping from destroying the Cake Castle in Dessert Village. When Puffping made a crack in Dessert Village with her breath, she played a crucial role in sealing the crack. They and Princess Berryheart managed to halt Puffping's movements with the potent force of Sugar Magic, but Puffping's protective shield shattered just as they attempted to separate Puffping and the Magic Sugar Ball, leading to another crack in Dessert Village. This time, Puffping ended up slipping into the crack because they were a step too slow.
Hearts as One! Harmonious[]
While defending Puffping, Puffping broke the Sand Cookie wall and the debris that was created damaged the Sugar Berry Pact, so they felt it and showed a gap. While showing a gap, Sweetping was attacked. Afterwards, they try to build a wall of cookies, but Puffping destroys them all, and the two fall down after being hit by the fragments, and are soon pushed back to the cake palace.
Tangyping and Sweetping before their sacrifice
Soon, when Romi, standing in front of the cake palace, was about to receive Puffping's final blow, they defended Puffping's attack on Romi's behalf. However, it was difficult to endure, and they eventually disappeared.
Tangyping & Sweetping hugs Puffping
When Princess Harmonious heard Puffping's painful voice and entered Puffping's mind, Puffping cried and said that he could not go back. They showed up as ghosts and apologized to Puffping, saying that it was their fault. They succeeded in purifying Puffping. And the Dessert Village was restored to its original state when the Magic Sugar Ball was placed in the Cake Palace.
- Sweetping and Tangyping are the first known Teeniepings who have a duo transformation for Romi, as they both help her transform into one single princess.
- Sweetping and Tangyping is the only other Teenieping to have the hearts concept are similar to Heartsping.
- Along with Sparkping, Ladyping and Luckyping. She is the fourth Teenieping who has a staff as a prop.
- She is also the second Legend Teenieping who has a staff as a prop.
- Along with Sweetping, they are the third pair of siblings in the Catch! Teenieping series.
- They are also the second pair of twins with Muffping and Cupping being the first.
- Tangyping’s Legend symbol is slightly higher up on her than Sweetping’s symbol.
- Tangyping and Sweetping are the second Teeniepings who wear earrings, the first was Luckyping.
- She and Sweetping are the first Teeniepings with their pupils being a different shape.
- She and Sweetping are one of the tall Teeniepings.
- She and Tangyping are one of the tallest Teeniepings.
- She and Tangyping are the first Teeniepings to have a different shaped pupils.
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