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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

I bind things, Kaladin. I am honorspren. Spirit of oaths. Of promises. And of nobility.  
~ Sylphrena to Kaladin About her Nature

Sylphrena, or Syl, is an honorspren on Roshar in the Stormlight Archive Series of novels that's bonded with Kaladin, making him a Windrunner. She is a splinter of Honor and one of the last eleven remaining honorspren created directly by the Stormfather. Among her kinsmen, she's known as the Ancient Daughter. At first, Kaladin believes her to be a windspren; she only reveals her true nature several months after the two first met.


Sylphrena is extremely short, and glows a bright blue light constantly, but other than that takes the form of a normal looking woman, with long, flowing hair, a long, flowing, thick dress, and pale, smooth skin.


Sylphrena appears extremely childlike and energetic, despite her actual age. She enjoys teasing Kaladin a lot, which does sometimes gert on his nerves; however, it's never malicious, as she only does it either because she wants to just have fun with him, or she wants to help him overcome his own issues, in her own way. At the end of the day, she loves Kaladin and wants to help him with his goals. Also, since she's an honorspren, she's a very honorable individual, which is one of the things that makes her a perfect match to be bonded with Kaladin.

Abilities and Atributes[]

Like other larger spren, Syl can change her form and choose who to show herself to, making her an excellent spy. She can float or fly through the air, as well as walk sideways, and is particularly good at finding things. She can also use Adhesion to stick things together. She generally uses this to play pranks on people, though she has also applied this ability to assist people. She's also, like all honorspren, able to sense an oncoming highstorm days prior. 

Nahel Bond[]

As an honorspren, Syl has the capacity to bond with people, gaining higher sentience in the Physical Realm in exchange for granting her partner -- currently, Kaladin -- Windrunner abilities, including the Surges of Adhesion and Gravitation. Beyond that, once her Surgebinder reaches the Third Oath, she is able to transform into a living, shape-shifting Shardblade. In this form, she's capable of communicating with Kaladin telepathically. 

However, there is a downside to this bond. When Kaladin strays from his Oaths and break them, Syl begins to lose her higher mental functions, to the point where she essentially dies. However, she is brought back once Kaladin returns to the path of the Windrunner and swears the Third Oath. 


The Way of Kings[]

Words of Radiance[]


Rhythem of War[]


  • (Sylphrena speaks to Kaladin about her nature) I bind things, Kaladin. I am honorspren. Spirit of oaths. Of promises. And of nobility.  
  • (To Kaladin) I know this because I am intelligent and articulate. You should compliment me now.  
  • (To Kaladin) I'm behind what is happening to you. I'm doing it. It's both of us. But without me, nothing would be changing in you. I'm . . . taking something from you. And giving something in return.  
  • (Encouraging Kaladin) It seems that if you're worried about hurting people, you shouldn’t be afraid to help the bridgemen. What more could you do to them?  
  • (Upon seeing Stormspren) Something dangerous is coming.  
  • (Just before beocming a Shardblade) Kaladin! Stretch forth thy hand!  
  • (Talking to the Crew of Honor's Path) You'd better catch me before I scamper away! Wow! I’m feeling capricious today. I might just vanish again, off to where nobody can find me!  


  • In an earlier version of The Way of Kings, Syl was named "The East Wind."  
  • Sylphrena originally came from an unpublished Cosmere work called Climb the Sky.  
  • Sylphrena's name is inspired by the word "sylph", or air spirit, and "sylphlike" can be used to describe a slender young woman, both of which fit Syl to a certain degree.  


           Cosmere Heroes

Breeze | Clubs | Demoux | Dockson | Elend Venture | Hammond | Harmony | Hoid | Kelsier | Kelsier's Crew | Marasi Colms | Mare | Marsh | OreSeur | Preservation | Sazed | Spook | Steris Harms | Tindwyl | Vin | Waxillium Ladrian | Wayne | Yeden

Stormlight Archive
Adolin Kholin | Dalinar Kholin | Jasnah Kholin | Kaladin Stormblessed | Knights Radiant | Shallan Davar | Stormfather | Sylphrena | Szeth | Wyndle
