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Heroes Wiki
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The Klyntar (colloquial: Symbiotes) are a fictional species of extraterrestrial symbiotes appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, most commonly in association with Spider-Man. The Symbiotes bond with their hosts, creating a symbiotic bond through which a single entity is created. They also are able to slightly alter their hosts' personalities, and/or memories by influencing their darkest desires and wants, along with amplifying their physical and emotional traits and personality, granting them super-human abilities.

The first and most well-known symbiote is Venom , who originally attached itself to Spider-Man during the Secret Wars storyline, but after Spider-Man rejected it, Venom instead attached itself to Eddie Brock , and together they became one of Spider-Man's archenemies and allies; the Venom symbiote would go on to have numerous other hosts, some of them villains as well, such as Mac Gargan, some heroes, such as Flash Thompson (who became Agent Venom ). Other well-known symbiotes are Carnage , whose most common host is serial killer Cletus Kasady, and Anti-Venom.

The symbiotes have appeared in various media. Venom has been the most featured one, appearing as the main antagonist of Spider Man 3 , and the titular protagonist and Anti Hero  of Venom; the latter also featured other symbiotes, most notably Riot , who served as the film's main antagonist.

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