Túrin Turambar is a character of The Silmarillion, and the main protagonist of The Children of Húrin.
Túrin is the son of Húrin. He became famous as a very brave warrior who participated in many battles. However, Túrin also very often brought misfortune. At the age of 20, Túrin found himself indirectly responsible for the death of Saeros, the king's advisor. He showed his contempt for Túrin during a meal in the halls of Menegroth, mocking his unkempt appearance and uttering mocking words towards his mother, for which Túrin threw a goblet in Saeros's face, which enraged him. Later, Saeros waylaid Túrin in the forest and rushed at the unarmed man with a sword and shield in his hands. Túrin nevertheless gained the upper hand in that battle, took away the weapon and drove Saeros through the forest naked, wanting to take revenge for the humiliation. The elf decided that Turin wanted to kill him, and ran so fast that he did not notice the crevice on his way. At the last moment, Saeros tried to jump over it, but as a result he fell on sharp stones at the bottom of the abyss and died. Túrin did not wait for the royal trial, partly because of fear of punishment, partly because of pride and stubbornness, reinforced by the words of Mablung, who immediately accused Túrin of the death of the elf and condemned him even before he understood what had happened. Thingol, after studying all the circumstances of the case and thanks to the testimony of Nellas, who saw how Saeros attacked first, forgave Túrin and sent Beleg in search of him, so that he would declare his forgiveness and call him to return back to Doriath. At the same time, Beleg, with the permission of the king, armed himself, in addition to his famous bow, with the black sword Anglachel, which had once been given to Thingol by Eöl the Dark Elf as a gift for the right to own the forest of Nan Elmoth. Later he became an outlaw. However, he still managed to regain clarity of thought and again continued his good deeds as a brave warrior. He also met a beautiful girl named Niniel and, unaware that she was actually his sister, he married her. She even got pregnant. Soon the dragon Glaurung, who cast a spell on Niniel, which is why she and Túrin got married, removed his spell and, unable to withstand what happened, Ninel committed suicide. Upon learning of this, Túrin killed Glaurung, and then Brandir, who began to laugh at him. Then, unable to bear all that he had done, Túrin threw himself on his own sword and died. But his story isn's finished by that. During Dagor Dagorath, he will kill Morgoth.
Túrin is clearly a controversial character. On the one hand, he is a brave warrior, ready to defend his loved ones and even the whole kingdom. And even in the upcoming Dagor Dagorath he will also take part, where he will kill Melkor himself. On the other hand, all his actions in one way or another unwittingly brought misfortune to his friends: the house of Hador, his relative Aerin and sister Nienor in particular, his best friend Beleg, the whole of Nargothrond, and he also intentionally killed the innocent leader of the Haladin, Brandir. Feeling guilty for everything he has done, Turin commits suicide in order to break the circle of disasters he brings. However, as already said, he will take part in the Dagor Dagorath and kill Melkor, thereby atone for all his guilt.