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This scum T.D.S. Mercenary Group
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or he will send lightning bolts to terminate you.

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Threat Defense Service

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"I want you to know my real name. It's Chihiro."

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..We've faced worst and we've suceeded each time. Let's add this one to the tally.
~ Dispatcher to the Player during Containment
This has to be the final challenge. Stay vigilant! We haven't won yet...
~ Commander supporting the Players in defeating the Void Reaver

Threat Defense Service, better known as T.D.S, are the titular main protagonists of the Roblox game Tower Defense Simulator, ironically sharing the same initials.

T.D.S was formed sometime during the Zombie Apocalypse that was started by Patient Zero through a God Cube Fragment, their army over time has been shown to have made technological advancements, their main goal is to ensure the safety of others, make sure none is corrupted or destroyed; and secure the God Cube Fragments.



T.D.S's full goal is to ensure safety of Robloxia's inhabitants after the zombie apocalypse began, it is a full scale army that is tasked to eliminate any threat that comes underway; their second priority is to ensure the God Cube fragments are secured and aren't used by any hostile force.

Jack-O-Bots Invasion[]

The earliest event to be mentioned story-wise; The Umbra sent Jack-o-Bot and the Halloween themed army to destroy; of course T.D.S was able to defeat them.

Lord Sinister's Invasion[]

T.D.S was notified by a village in the woods that they were being invaded by Lord Sinister on Halloween Night, they would arrive at the location to take down Lord Sinister; with Narrator overarching the event.

Solar Eclipse[]

The Umbra; the first harnesser of the God Cube would arrive at Earth to leave it in eternal eclipse with her army at her side, T.D.S taking action would start a push in the woods to arrive at Totality Tower, taking down Jaxe and Swamp Monster; finally arriving at the outside of Totality Tower they would take on the Head Knight of the Esteemed Mistress, "Penumbras" finally entering the tower they would have a intense fight against The Umbra; leading to her defeat.

Overture Incident[]

The most unclear story bit that hasn't been expanded on since; T.D.S was notified to arrive at the Lunar Theater, presumably by an invite from the Narrator or a detection of a God Cube Fragment

They would fight the hostile actors to defend the "God Cube;" it is unknown if this was a real version of a stage prop that would become manipulated on; as the real God Cube was suggested to have exploded and shattered during the dark ages; suggested by Umbra's origins.

There, they would learn the story of Umbra and Jack-o-Bot, and suggested by teasers and map design, the "God Cube" would explode, leading the roof to be destroyed; Narrator would unleash his attack upon T.D.S. fighting them last as the forms of his hands.

It is unclear what happened after.

Failed Gateway[]

With God Cube radioactivity spotted in a wasteland; T.D.S is sent to dispatch and investigate, discovering the Children of Exo are putting in the stages of freeing Lord Exo. Once they arrive they fight Titus and his pawns in order to try and secure the God Cube Fragment. Coming out successful in taking Titus down; the three mercenaries gunpoint Titus, only then to discover they were fully distracted and the portal was set to open, the three mercenaries were sucked into the Hexscape Dimension.

Nightmare Realm[]

When Commander and some of his mercenaries woke up, they find the Super Computer that make the portal is broken. The Dispatcher tells them that, they have to defend themselves from Conserver's soldiers and was almost cut short. During the fight, The Super Computer was fixed and they have contact with the Dispatcher, She tells Commander that he and his men have to get the God Cube out of Conserver and place it on to the Super Computer to get it working. After the Conserver was defeated, Commander got hold of the God Cube and placed it on the Computer making the Portal working, As Commander, Scout, Minigunner along with some TDS Mercenaries are going to the portal. Dispatcher realizes that the portal is not shutting off and some of Conserver's men went into the portal with the lifeless Conserver.

The Containment[]

TDS arrived at some dimension where one of Lord Exo's adjutants, Primordial Drakobloxxer is located at. Two new mercenaries, Hallow Punk and Harvester were sent by the Dispatcher to help Commander and his men fight against Drakobloxxer's soldiers. TDS fought valiantly against the Children of Exo, Drakobloxxer took matters into his hands and tried handling the TDS group himself along with some of his soldiers but failed and was defeated by Commander and his men. As the Commander and the other Mercenaries was about to get retrieve the God Cube, It was then stolen by Titus' adjutants and "thanked" Commander and his men for doing their work and letting T.D.S. get hold of the God Cube for a while and they went into the portal and into the unknown. Commander, Scout, Minigunner, and Harvester cant do anything but watch them leave with the God Cube. Dispatcher told Commander that they need to go back to the base so that they can prepare for the next battle. The Children of Exo would unleash Operation I.C.E.

Pls Donate[]

A God Cube Fragment was detected by T.D.S. in a different realm, being the Pls Donate realm in which Corrupted Haz3M resides; their task is to make sure the realm doesn't go dark and defend the economy; in which they do so.

Outpost 32[]

A portal research base that was made to study cross-realm travel with the supplied fragments; Sentinel Ramiel would redirect the portal of the returning soldiers from Pls Donate to Outpost 32, Sentinel Ramiel being an undercover janitor would assault the residing scientists in the research room; inserting the keycard into the slot leading to the Frost Realm; the Frost Invasion would begin with Frost Spirit leading.

The massive Frost Army would try to push their way to Outpost 32 to accomplish the goal of destroying their research; of course T.D.S. was able to defend the desperate attack taking down the Frost Spirit sending it back to where it came from.

Sentinel Ramiel would be stopped by T.D.S's brightest mind Professor V, where she would obtain the keycard and would be able to figure out cross realm travel.



  • Ironically T.D.S shares the same initials as "Tower Defense Simulator"
  • Its implied full title can be seen in the Pizza Party Warden Teaser