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Heroes Wiki
Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

And I pledge to you that as Toa of Fire I will do all I can to keep you and our home safe from harm. Remember -- your bravery, your wisdom, your spirit, make you as mighty as any Toa!
~ Tahu to the Ta-Matoran.
No, not gone, not really... but he's right. The best way to honor him for the gifts he has given us is to make this world what he wanted it to be: a place of peace, a living world where Matoran and Agori can achieve their destinies. Come my friends, new and old... it is time to begin.
~ Tahu to his allies.

Tahu is the main protagonist in the BIONICLE franchise. He was a hot-headed and reckless but brave, selfless and courageous Toa of Fire and the leader of the Toa Mata team who were tasked of defeating Makuta Teridax and the Brotherhood of Makuta and reawakening the Great Spirit Mata Nui from his slumber.

He was also voiced by Scott McNeil in the first movie and Nolan Balzer in the animated show.


Toa Mata[]

In his original Toa Mata form, Tahu was the red-bodied Toa with two pairs of orange arms and legs. He has two pairs of red eyes and wore the red Kanohi Hau. He also wore the golden Hau during his quest.

Later during the final battle against Teridax, Tahu regained his original form after being devolved by Mata Nui as his body was similar to his original form though he had the orange chest armor on his red body and have two pairs of red shoulder armors. However, this was revealed that this is his only form that was suitable for wielding the Golden Armors.

Toa Nuva[]

After being upgraded by the Energized Protodermis, Tahu's appearance became different: He had a silver chest armor and silver shoulder armors. He also wore the Hau Nuva. His mask and some of his body parts also became deep red.

Adaptive Armor[]

When Tahu wore the Adaptive Armor, his body armor and limbs became silver and also have the rocket booster which fitted on his back. His red eyes also became greenish yellow. He also have three spikes on both of his shins. However, he lost this form after he was devolved back to his original form by Mata Nui.


This Fire Toa is full of hot air. Will he be prepared for the heat of battle, or will he burn out quickly?
~ Kopaka's thought about Tahu.

Tahu was very strong and brave but was also the fiercest and the most feared. His ideas sometimes clashed with Kopaka's, however they had a mutual respect for each other. His flaming temper could make him hotheaded and irrational at times. Since he had the least patience of the Toa he would jump into a situation without thinking, which could get him, and the other Toa, into a predicament, however this changed as he matured.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Fire Element: As the Toa of Fire, Tahu have the ability to manipulate the power of fire as he can shoot out fireballs from his weapon, create the wall of magma to shield himself and can even melt anything that he came contact to especially armors and even tough metals. He can also combine his fire element with Onua's earth element to create the explosive molten balls of lava and with Lewa's air element to create the crystal-like glass that can trap their opponents. He later have the ability to create molten weapons such as blades and club of lava.
  • Leadership: Tahu was a capable and well-known leader of the Toa Mata despite his rash personality as he led his team in the missions and even against their enemies. At first, his leadership was very weak due to his flaws, though he later became a better leader after he matured.
  • Superhuman strength: Tahu was also very strong as he can lift heavy objects or obstacles with a little difficulty and can even engage his enemies head on.
  • Intelligence: Tahu was also intelligent despite his


  • Kanohi Hau: This is Tahu's personal Kanohi mask as it granted him an ability to create the energy shield which he used it for defending himself and his allies against devastating attacks.
    • Kanohi Hau Nuva: After Tahu became the Toa Nuva, his mask was also upgraded and granted him the ability to create the force field which can withstand his opponents' most powerful attacks and he also use it to protect himself and others around him.
  • Fire Sword:


  • Tahu was the only Toa Nuva with only one Kanohi Nuva, as the five others that he collected were destroyed during the destruction of Ta-Koro; his Kanohi Nuva has since been returned into the form of an ordinary Kanohi.
  • Tahu is the only Toa to possess the Rahkshi Powers upon defeating Makuta Teridax in Bara Magna as his Golden Armors were likely to have absorbed his Kraata powers during the final battle.
  • So far, Tahu have the most forms (which included his Golden Armor form) throughout the series.

See also[]

External Links[]


           BionicleTitle Heroes

Toa Mata
Tahu | Gali | Lewa | Pohatu | Onua | Kopaka | Takanuva | Toa Ignika

Toa Metru
Vakama | Nokama | Matau | Onewa | Whenua | Nuju

Toa Inika
Jaller | Hahli | Kongu | Nuparu | Hewkii | Matoro

Vakama | Nokama | Matau | Onewa | Whenua | Nuju | Dume | Lhikan

Jaller | Hahli | Kongu | Nuparu | Hewkii | Matoro | Kapura | Macku | Hafu | Onepu | Taipu | Kopeke | Nuhrii | Vhisola | Orkahm | Tehutii | Ehrye | Sarda | Idris | Defilak

Order of Mata Nui
Mata Nui | Helryx | Axonn | Brutaka | Hydraxon | Johmak | Krakua | Mazeka | Tobduk | Trinuma | Botar | Ancient | Maxilos | Spinax | Umbra

Toa Hagah
Norik | Bomonga | Gaaki | Iruini | Pouks | Kualas

Voya Nui Resistance Team
Garan | Balta | Dalu | Piruk | Kazi

Ussal (Pewku) | Gukko (Ka) | Graalok | Krahka | Tahtorak | Keetongu | Toa Terrain Crawler | Klakk

Great Beings | Artakha | Makuta Teridax

Bionicle G2
Tahu | Gali | Lewa | Pohatu | Onua | Kopaka | Ekimu
