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Blue Beet!
~ Blue Beet after transforming.

Takuya Kai (甲斐 拓也 Kai Takuya?) is the team's leader of the B-Fighters who uses the B-Commander to transform into Blue Beet (ブルービート Burū Bīto?) and one of the main protagonists of Juukou B-Fighter, as well as a supporting character in its sequel B-Fighter Kabuto.

He is portrayed by Daisuke Tsuchiya.


He was an insect researcher from Earth Academia who is the first to learn of Jamahl's evil schemes. Whilst investigating a sudden mass swarming of insects, researcher Takuya Kai of the Earth Academia meets the mystical Insect Elder Guru. He tells him that the insects sense the invasion of the extra-dimensional Jamahl Empire, and are preparing to fight them. With Guru's help, Takuya and his mentor Professor Mukai develop three armor suits infused with the power of beetles. One suit is entrusted to Takuya, the other two to Daisaku Katagiri and Rei Hayama. They become the B-Fighters, who regularly oppose the schemes of Jamahl and its three generals.



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See Also[]

  • Andrew McCormick, his american counterpart from Big Bad Beetleborgs