I think the 'reception' section of this page needs altering.
It ends saying that Rainbow Dash did not become a fan favourite, this is either biased or poorly researched on the bases all six main characters of the show have an equal number of people who love them to those that hate them, Rainbow Dash included and i quote from TV Tropes; "Pick a pony, anypony. There will be people who love him/her and people who think he/she's the worst character on the show and ought to be removed." So above all when it comes to MLP:FIM there really is no point saying weather a character is popular with their fanbase or not because there’s an equal number of people who will agree and disagree with that. This also applies for the page for Pinkie Pie, yes she’s very popular but then again so is Fluttershy and the other 4 characters and again there are still an equal number of people who consider her ‘annoying’.
Personally I do like both characters but I don’t think personal opinion should be presented as fact which is what is happening here from everything I’ve learnt about the fanbase.