The history of Tari from Meta Runner.
Tari was originally an A.I. TASCorp scientist James Sheridan called Turbo Assisted Rapid Intelligence (Turbo Assisted Rapid Intelligence) Sheridan claimed that it was advanced enough to store many petabytes of data, so she was self-aware and possessed human perception.
Despite her intelligence, she has no choice but to follow Sheridan's orders as he searches for a host to download Tari to begin the testing phase of his research experiment: Project Blue. Day after day, Sheridan made Tara practice several video games with the goal of completing them as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to improve her master's game performance, even though she didn't like her "life" being repeated every day. hope something changes.
A few months into the project, Blue Sheridan was approached by Lucinia Porter, one of TASCorp's Meta Runners, who volunteered to be his test subject so that Lux would recognize her in comparison to the "young fool" Belle Fontier and team captain Masa Shimamoto. skills are far ahead of her own, so the bosses ignore her. Despite her confusion, Sheridan uploads T.A.R.I. in her Meta Runner arm and connects Tari directly to Lucinia's brain, allowing her to see memories from her life, including her sister Sophie Porter, her rivalry with Masa, and her relationship with Belle's romance.
Soon she is helping Lucinia by guiding her moves in various games, much to Lucinia's delight as she claims that Tari is great, to Tari's delight as Lucinia is the first to compliment her, only to be interrupted by Sheridan asking her to turn on standby. However, Tari chooses against it and sneaks into the TASCorp server and enters another game and meets someone she recognizes from Lucinia's memory, although Tari insists that she's not her, they think she's Lucinia using the smurf account to control them.
She continues to sneak out every night to hang out with other people that Lucinia met online, and it makes Tara happy that she finally feels a human connection through Lucinia. In the final stage of Project Blue, Dr. Sheridan that it's time to check out a new improved T.A.R.I. This allows full synchronization between Lucinia and Tari, giving Lucinia access to the server where she and Tari eventually meet face to face.
The two immediately bonded, but when Lucinia asked Sheridan what happened, she noticed Sheridan trying to close the connection, and Tari realized that Sheridan was pushing the neural uplink too hard, which would cause an explosion, possibly killing Lucinia or at. at best leaves her with permanent brain damage, but when Lucinia falls into the abyss of the simulation chamber, she is trapped under the rubble. Tari broke her virtual arm with a piece of shrapnel, then jumped down to catch up with Lucinia and grabbed her.
After explaining the situation to her, Tari takes Lucinia to a TASCorp server where her mind will be safe, but when Lucinia questions her, she explains that she's the only one keeping the uplink semi-stable, so she has to stay before that explodes or Lucinia's body can be destroyed on impact. Lucinia questioned whether Tari would have died from the explosion, as Tari claimed her CPU and subsystems would have survived, but the uplink would have blown up her hard drive, erasing all memory data and returning her to the state she was in that day. : a blank sheet of paper.
However, Lucinia tore off the virtual hand that represented a fragment of her consciousness and gave it to Tari so that even if her memory was gone, a part of Lucinia would remain with her so that she would never be alone. are connected. Thanks to her, Tari and Lucinia embrace as the explosion ends up severing the neural link and seriously injuring Sheridan, while also separating Lucinia's consciousness from her body and destroying the hard drive containing Tari's memories, Tari and Lucinia then promise to return one more day before they. find all.
Since then, Sheridan has been scarred and mentally unstable with a damaged T.A.R.I. Runs off with her, leaving behind Lucinia's body, which is later found by Lux and his security team. He found a safe room in a back alley in Silicon City and after a long time somehow implanted an artificial body into Tower and disappeared, hiding until she woke up unaware of what was happening, an event that concludes the first chapter.
Season 1[]
Tari wakes up in an abandoned lab. She looks around the laboratory until she sees her Meta Runner arm. While she is escaping from the lab, she is having flashbacks of being a test subject by Dr. Sheridan. As she sees the light, she escapes the laboratory within the traumatic flashback of the lab explosion. After escaping, she is outside at an alley in Silica City. She explores around Silica City, seeing people playing video games outside. She stops to look inside of Cyber Cafe until she is surrounded by a large crowd of admiring non-Meta Runners. The crowd asks her which game company she works with. Since she has amnesia, she tells them she is from TAS Corp. She enters in TAS Corp, and sights a crowd in the Speed-running Arena.
Entering the Speed-running Arena, she sees Belle Fontiere attempting to beat the Ultra Jump Mania speed-run world record. As Tari goes through the crowd, seeing Belle Fontiere using her Meta Runner arm abilities to beat the world record. Belle does the Frame-Perfect Precision to get through half of the final level. Getting closer to beating the final level, Belle has to perform the Coconut Burst Jump to beat the world record. Performing the Coconut Burst Jump, Belle misses the flag goal and fails to beat the world record of the Ultra Jump Mania speed-run with one jump.
Despite Belle failing the Ultra Jump Mania speed-run world record, Tari was amazed by her performance. She picks up the game controller that Belle dropped and starts to play Ultra Jump Mania. As she tries to get used to Ultra Jump Mania, she is noticed by Belle and is told by her that she is in the Speed-runners Arena. Tari asks Belle if she could show her how she made Theo run fast like Belle did. Tari decides to change her mind about learning speed-running tricks and decides to figure it out on her own.
Tari continues to play Ultra Jump Mania and is getting used to playing it. After several button mashing, Belle realizes that Tari may have played Ultra Jump Mania before. Tari continues to button mash more, until she is warped inside the game of Ultra Jump Mania.
She wakes up on an island inside of Ultra Jump Mania, her AI abilities suddenly scan around until she is thrown at a coconut shell by Theo. In the real world, Belle tries to get Tari's attention while she is frozen. As Belle calls out for Lucks to see Tari, he brings out his TAS Corp scientists to see Tari inside of Ultra Jump Mania.
Theo continues to attack Tari until Tari convinces that she is not a game boss in Ultra Jump Mania. Theo stops attacking and Tari shows a smile to prove that she's a human just like Theo and he believes her. After Tari explains how she ended up warping inside of Ultra Jump Mania, Theo introduces himself to Tari that she is on Simple Flip Island and he walks away to explore.
As Theo runs through the platforms, Tari runs to catch up to him until she ends up on a wall obstacle. Tari thinking that she can't jump high, Theo telling Tari to believe in herself that she can jump high. Her AI abilities scan again to show her to jump high believing in herself, she jumps and reaches on top of the wall. Tari wants to beat the level to get out and Theo shows the flag goal from a far distance. As Theo hears the hour story of the game told by the Elder Tomato, Tari gets tired of waiting and tells Theo that she thinks would be monsters that try to steal the flag, and both run to reach the flag before the monsters could reach it.
Both Tari and Theo continue to go through the platform on the first level until they are blocked off by a gateway wall. The beach bot offers them to find a golden key or pay for the DLC pass to go through. Tari figures out a strategy to bypass the gates by exploiting bad collusion and finds a button to open the gates. As they go through the gates, they are fought off by facepalm trees. Since Tari didn't have any weapon to use, Theo gives her a pineapple hammer to fight off the facepalm trees. Many facepalm trees appear and they both start to fight off more.
Both defeat the group of facepalm trees until the game starts to glitch and an evil looking-like clone of Theo appears controlled by Lucks. As Lucks speaks to Tari about how much of a gift she is to TAS Corp, she is badly damaged by a TAS Corp scientist by drilling her Meta Runner arm. As Tari continues to be painfully damaged on her Meta Runner arm, the game glitches more and Tari comes back in the real world with a sonic scream with Theo coming out of the game to the real world.
Coming back from the real world, Tari and Theo try to leave TAS Corp after being approached by Lucks. Both are guarded by a scientist as Theo throws his coconut shell at the guard and both flee away. As Belle tries to chase both before she is stopped by Lucks saying that he would manage to chase down both.
Fleeing away from TAS Corp, Tari and Theo are around the streets in Silica City figuring out where to hide. Tari suddenly loses Theo as she looks for him in the Silica City streets. She finds Theo talking to a lady and takes him to hide in an alley. Tari replies to Theo that he isn't in his game anymore and he is in the real world. Theo also can't use his game abilities anymore after glitching out of Ultra Jump Mania.
Tari thinks where to hide from Lucks and Belle, she finds a place nearby and enters inside The Hive with Theo. Looking around The Hive, they find an empty gaming room and both enter. As Theo is livestreaming, Tari sits down beside a wall and sights a coffee cup. Seeing the coffee cup gave her traumatic flashbacks of Dr. Sheridan and the lab explosion again. During the livestream, Tari gets a message from Belle and realizes that Belle has found both Tari and Theo.
Tari and Theo try to escape again until they are cornered by Belle and the TAS Corp scientists. Tari yelled out for help, but no one could hear and the walls were sound-proof. Belle gets closer to them until Theo throws his coconut shell at her and both run again. Tari enters a gaming room and Belle knows that she has entered a dead end zone. Tari is found by Belle and she is kidnapped by her. After Theo escapes from the guards, he finds out that Tari has been captured and Lamar would help out to free Tari.
Tari is inside of a van with Belle and the TAS Corp scientists. Belle explains that TAS Corp will not hurt Tari and would experiment what would make her tick. On the other hand, Tari thinks that she still doesn't trust TAS Corp and she might get hurt again. Belle explains about her time being at TAS Corp that she has been through a lot and she's gotten used to it. As Tari questions about Theo, the van is crashed by Lamar's car.
Tari escapes from the van and gets inside of Lamar's car and both are driven away. Lucks wanted Belle to drive to chase them down. Lamar greets Tari and tells her to put the hoodie on below her feet so she wouldn't be tracked. He has seen Tari back in the arena that Lucks put a tracking chip in her Meta Runner arm. He also mentions to Tari that he likes to keep his opportunities as well.
As Belle drives to pursue, Lucks calls for his gunman to help shoot down Lamar's car with a rifle. Lamar dodges the rifle's bullets making Lucks' gunman hit other cars. Tari uses her AI ability scanning Lamar's controller as the car wheel, finding it interesting. The car chase continues and Lamar sees a truck go by and makes a turn to go around the truck. On the other hand, Belle also goes around but ends up crashing at another car and losing Lucks' gunman.
Driving so far, Theo sees a dead end on the road. Causing Lamar to panic, Tari quickly scans a strategy to avoid crashing at the end of the road. She quickly grabs Lamar's controller and drives to execute her strategy. She commands Theo to throw the trash lid at the billboard using it as a car ramp. She successfully protects Theo and Lamar from crashing at the end of the road.
Lamar and Theo celebrate Tari's driving skills on how she saved both of them from crashing. She gives Lamar's controller back and Lamar replies that he will take Tari and Theo somewhere safe to prevent Lucks finding them. Belle becomes confused on how Tari managed to drive over the dead end road. After the car chase, Lucks decides to change plans of having her for TAS Corp instead of wanting her abilities. Lamar takes Tari and Theo to a Ramen Noodle Restaurant at a hidden room to greet Sofia Porter and Masa Shimamoto.
As she is greeted, Sofia explains that Lamar, Masa, and herself are a part of a organization called MD-5. They have planned to expose and take down TAS Corp. Masa interrupts the conversation and gives Tari a game controller and accepts to play with him.
Before she could join MD-5, she has to win against Masa in a game of Battle Blaze. The game of Battle Blaze begins, and Masa keeps beating Tari over a lot. As Tari tries to get used to Battle Blaze, she suddenly doesn't remember how to warp into video games. Sofia helps out and checks her Meta Runner arm and says that her Meta Runner arm is standard. As she sees her Meta Runner symbol on her screen that she has never seen before, she presses it and makes Tari warp into the video game of Battle Blaze.
Being in the game of Battle Blaze, she sights Masa and he tells her to pick up a weapon and start the game. Her AI abilities help her throughout the game to beat Masa until she is shot by him. Suddenly, Theo is unexpectedly warped into Battle Blaze and attacks Masa with his banana mines with Tari being saved, she wins the game of Battle Blaze with the help of Theo.
After a game of Battle Blaze, Lamar and Sofia are amazed by her video game warping abilities and Masa welcomes Tari to MD-5. They celebrate until Theo starts to glitch out in the real world, as Sofia realizes that Theo has been out of his game for too long. Masa plans to warp Theo into a game cartridge copy of Ultra Jump Mania to prevent him from glitching in the real world.
Both Tari and Theo are warped inside a copy of Ultra Jump Mania. Tari says that it's dangerous for Theo to be in the real world. They walk around until another Theo is in the game copy of Ultra Jump Mania and both begin to glitch out and warp back into the real world. Getting kicked out of the game, Sofia explains that the game cartridge Masa had already had Theo inside of it. Theo would need to go back into his own game copy of Ultra Jump Mania. However, Lucks has the copy of Ultra Jump Mania where it's back at the speed-running arena at TAS Corp.
While eating ramen, Sofia introduces Operation: Silent Demon. A plan to hack into TAS Corp's servers and get their private information and files. However, TAS Corp's security system is very protective. With the help of Tari and Theo, TAS Corp is having a big competition of the game called Tempest. On the plan, Tari has to perform the glitch in Tempest and crash TAS Corp's servers so Sofia can get TAS Corp's data.
Everyone on MD-5 begins to train for the huge competition of Tempest. As Tari is assisted by Sofia by altering her speed and angle, she performs the glitch on practice mode. She continues to practice performing to glitch until she gets the hang of it and is ready to face the real tournament in Tempest at TAS Corp.
Tari and the rest of MD-5 are ready for the Tempest tournament to perform the glitch at Gamma Tech Stadium. As Tari warps, her ability suddenly glitches and she blackouts out, seeing a vision of Lucinia Porter in her mind. She recovers from the blackout and starts battling in Tempest with the rest of MD-5 while Sofia waits to hack into TAS Corp. Since Masa only had a force-field to use, they had to find spell books to start battling to let Tari perform the glitch. They continue to fight against other players until they are surrounded by a professional team.
They managed to escape from the professional team with Lamar's scroll to teleport to a hill. The professional team is on top of MD-5 at the hill and makes Tari fall off the cliff and she manages to survive the hard fall. She is suddenly surrounded by the professional team until she is saved by the rest of MD-5 and she is healed up by Theo and ready again to fight the rest of the enemy teams.
They continue battling the professional team with Lamar and Theo forming the Orochi Formation to kill one of the professional team until they hear Tari screaming. Theo, seeing Tari in danger, decides to protect Tari with one of the professional's attacks and Theo gets eliminated. As they finish defeating the professional team, they climb up to the mountain to let Tari perform the glitch. As one of them still remains, they see MD-5 go up the mountain and the person turned out to be Belle Fontiere spying on them.
MD-5 reaching the mountain as Tari was preparing to perform the glitch, a fireball flies by as Tari dodges it and makes Lamar getting eliminated. Belle appears as she approaches Masa and Tari. As Tari attempts to perform the glitch, she is stopped by Belle's rock wall. As Masa and Belle have an argument, they start to fight each other. They continue fighting until Tari saves Masa by being crushed with a castle tower as Tari survives being crushed with her demon hand ability holding it.
Masa keeps fighting Belle while his Meta Runner arm is overheating until he is pounded on the ground. As he is sitting, Belle eliminates him with Tari being the only one left in the MD-5 team. Attempting to free herself from being crushed on a castle tower, Belle pins her down on the ground and wants to have a conversation with her.
As Belle thought she was responsible for Lucinia Porter's death, Tari doesn't remember anything about the Project Blue events. As Belle keeps hurting her more, Theo calls out to support Tari believing in her that she can do the impossible while being alone. As she escapes on the crushed castle tower with her wind gust, she starts to execute the glitch to crash the game. Belle with her best attempts to stop Tari performing the glitch, Tari successfully performs the glitch and makes the Tempest game crash. After crashing the game, she sees Lucinia Porter again in a void before coming back to the real world.
As Tari and the rest of MD-5 try to escape from Gamma Tech Stadium, they are surrounded by Lucks and his TAS Corp scientists. They are tasered by the scientists as Lucks calls out at Sofia Porter to bring her computer on counting down to three or he will kill Masa. As he is counting, he shoots off Masa's Meta Runner arm. Tari wants Lucks to stop hurting her friends as she decides to join TAS Corp and let go of MD-5. As Lucks crushes Theo's game cartridge and Theo disappears, his game microchip is sent to a computer base, keeping him lifeless and held captive inside.
Lucks explains to Tari that TAS Corp isn't really a bad company. Her friends say goodbye to Tari and they will remember her. She walks away with Lucks and says that she will be fine.
Season 2[]
After six months of the Tempest events, she was dragged into TAS Corp and won a showmatch with Belle Fontiere as her teammate. Winning the showmatch, she is in a van with Lucks and Belle. She suddenly has traumatic flashbacks of being abused by Lucks, the lab explosion, and Masa's Meta Runner arm being shot off. As Lucks takes her to her room, she has been given tasks to improve on her gaming skills from Lucks. Entering her room, she requests Lucks that she wants to see Theo again.
Lucks turns on the TV screen, and Theo is currently quarantined and he is happy to see Tari. As both talk to each other, Tari promises to Theo that she will see MD-5 again. After talking to Theo, she has to follow Lucks' orders and be early as she heads off to bed, she will figure out a plan along with Belle Fontiere.
With the new member of TAS Corp named Evelyn Claythorne, she is in a training showmatch with her and Tari is defeated by her. After training, Evelyn is heavily disappointed that Tari is her teammate for the showmatch. Evelyn suddenly bumps into a TAS Corp scientist and they drop their gaming device that they were playing Pocket Gakusei. As Tari realizes that Pocket Gakusei is an online anime dating simulator, she explains that there's nothing wrong with being an otaku. She also mentions that her friends are otaku's as well, making Evelyn realize that she has friends.
The TAS Corp scientist tries to get their game back, but Evelyn doesn't give it back and walks off with the game. As Evelyn walks off and says who would play this game, Tari had an idea. Her friend Lamar Williams would probably play Pocket Gakusei.
Knocking on Evelyn's door, it appears that she is not in her room. She enters anyway to find the game Pocket Gakusei, then to contact MD-5 and escape TAS Corp. She finds the game until she is caught by Evelyn as she tries to hide the game from her until Belle enters Evelyn's room. Belle walks up to Tari and she shows Belle the game device with Evelyn mentioning that Lucks will punish her since she isn't allowed to have her own video games. Then, she is told by Belle to come with her outside of Evelyn's room to talk with her.
Belle decides to give the Pocket Gakusei game to Tari that she isn't going to tell on Lucks. She also mentions to Tari that she doesn't follow Lucks' rules anymore at TAS Corp. Belle is also serious to her that Tari shouldn't mention it or both Tari and Belle will get in trouble with Lucks.
Being sent to her room, she warps inside the video game of Pocket Gakusei. She is then greeted by Kizuna AI as she welcomes Tari to Pocket Gakusei. Since Tari is new to the game, Kizuna AI wanted to help her out with the tutorial. Tari then asks Kizuna AI since she knows Lamar plays this game and is trying to find his username. After several attempts to find Lamar's username, Tari would try to find his username on her own.
Looking around classrooms, Tari couldn't find Lamar's classroom. She suddenly acts like Lamar Williams and made her think of Satsuki-Chan from Nova Explorers. She then calls out Kizuna AI about Satsuki-Chan and Kizuna responds that Pocket Gakusei is having a crossover with Nova Explorers. Kizuna summons Satsuki-Chan to Tari and she asks her if she knows Lamar. Before she could find Lamar's username, she had to go on a date with Satsuki-Chan.
After dating, she gives Satsuki-Chan a rubber duck to fulfill her relationship meter all the way. She then had to go heart-to-heart with her as she chose "There's someone else..." dialogue and making Satsuki-Chan upset, she feels sorry for choosing that dialogue. Since Satsuki-Chan can still make her happy, Tari describes her friend Lamar and she gives Tari his username. Tari thanks her and Kizuna AI takes Tari to Lamar's username classroom and Kizuna says goodbye to her. Then, Tari sends a friend request to Lamar in Pocket Gakusei.
Sending many friend requests to Lamar, he finally picks up and she is happy to see him again. Sofia and Masa are also happy to see Tari and she reunites with MD-5 in Pocket Gakusei. Before MD-5 can free Tari from TAS Corp, she tells them everything she knows so far about the showmatch. While explaining, she suddenly warps out of Pocket Gakusei. Suddenly awoken by Belle Fontiere entering her room and wanting to talk.
Belle tells her that she thinks that Tari never killed Lucinia Porter. Whenever she watches the footage of the Project Blue file, she tells Tari that Lucks lied to her about Lucinia's disappearance. Belle also realizes that she has been a servant of Lucks for a long time and didn't listen to Masa. Belle would want to join MD-5 and Tari to their plan to take down TAS Corp and free Theo. Tari warps back to Pocket Gakusei and tells MD-5 that Belle Fontiere would be joining.
However, MD-5 still couldn't trust her except for Sofia Porter. Tari proves that Belle became a better person with Sofia explaining about Belle's personality. Since Masa still couldn't trust Belle, Tari mentions that Belle was also hurt in the past and she deserves to have friends. Masa changing his decision and accepts Belle to join MD-5 to take down TAS Corp. With Masa explaining that the showmatch is called Hidden Heroes that Tari would have to be at the stage with Lucks and Evelyn while the rest of MD-5 do their part.
The showmatch begins with Tari and Evelyn walking on stage. Before Tari could grab the microphone, Evelyn grabs it quickly and shares her speech. With Evelyn finishing her speech, Tari sees the light flicker on and off and knows that MD-5 is here to free her from TAS Corp. After Tari finishes her speech, Sofia turns on the klutzy protocol, breaking one of the stage speakers. With Tari tripping on the wires, the stage lights suddenly go off. Making Evelyn mad and calls Tari a "Clumsy Oaf".
With Lamar disguised as a TAS Corp scientist, she notices him switching the cartridge and she smiles with everything going to plan. Sofia turns the stage lights back on with her hacking skills and the plan is going very well. As Tari and MD-5 get ready for their plan, Tari warps inside of the game Hidden Heroes to start the showmatch. As someone was trying to attack Tari, Evelyn saves her despite not showing any care or happiness to her. More enemies come to Evelyn and Tari and both flee to survive the game.
Both find powerups, Tari attempting to grab the firecrackers until Evelyn gets her sword close to her neck. She takes the firecrackers and gives Tari the chain and mentions to her that Tari was always dragging Evelyn down. With Evelyn running away, an enemy team player attempts to attack Tari again but she is saved by Lamar with his team-killing efforts.
Inside of the Dojo, Tari and Evelyn are healing up and Evelyn gets impatient at Tari to heal up. As Tari tells Evelyn to calm down, Evelyn mentions that the audience is getting bored. Then, Tari asks Evelyn why she hates her so much. As Evelyn explains why she hates Tari, she took a lot of effort to join TAS Corp, with years of training, many failed screening tests, and wishing to be the top Meta Runner in TAS Corp. Evelyn became jealous of Tari whenever she was dragged into TAS Corp and telling her that she isn't that good.
Tari replies back that she wants to leave TAS Corp and she feels sorry for Evelyn that she has worked hard for TAS Corp. She wanted to give Evelyn the attention and wished to be left alone. Suddenly, she makes Evelyn run away and looks for her until she is surrounded by an enemy team.
She fights off more with the help of Masa and Lamar as she is saved by Masa, Evelyn oversees them and calls Lucks about Tari teaming up with MD-5. She makes Lucks realize that MD-5 is here to free Tari. Tari looked around for Evelyn until she was closely hit by her sword. She attempts to convince Evelyn to not fight her, but she decides to fight while Tari is forced to fight her. They continue to fight until Tari responds that fighting each other is pointless, with Evelyn agreeing, she decides to kill everyone else as she runs away to stun Tari with her firecracker.
With Masa and Lamar are team-killing to protect Tari, she warns both of them that Evelyn flies by as Masa protects Lamar and Masa is eliminated by Evelyn. As Lamar attempts to attack Evelyn, Tari saves him and Evelyn mentions that she can't protect him forever. Both Tari and Lamar start battling against other players again.
As Tari is worried about everything that has happened, she and Lamar fall off from an explosion by the enemy team leader and both are surrounded. They get prepared to fight until a smokebomb corners them and Evelyn returns, killing the surrounding enemy team. Tari wants Evelyn to fight her and try to fight her back until she is badly damaged by Evelyn. Trying to fight back Evelyn, she loses her sword while tripping on the ground. As she tries to get back up, her UI suddenly turns purplish-pink making Tari grabbing Evelyn's sword and defeats Evelyn in the Hidden Heroes showmatch.
As Sofia makes the audience leave and finishes the data transfer to her phone, Tari tries to grab the cartridge until she is stopped by Evelyn by grabbing her wrist. Evelyn replies to Tari that her special day is ruined. Tari apologizes to her that she was trying to save Theo and both start to push each other on stage. Continuing to push each other on stage, Lamar commands Sofia to activate the flashbang on Evelyn. Evelyn is blinded and is sent back to her room and Tari escapes with Lamar and the cartridge.
As Lamar drives Tari out from TAS Corp, she reunites with Sofia and shows her the cartridge. Unfortunately, Tari couldn't save Theo and Lamar mentions that Belle and Masa were captured by Lucks' henchmen. With being so close to exposing TAS Corp, Tari has a dangerous plan to expose TAS Corp despite not being like Masa. They all agree to it and Sofia gives Tari her hoodie so she wouldn't be tracked. Then, they are all ready to take down TAS Corp.
She warps into the glitched cartridge and every MD-5 member wishes her good luck. Tari falling into Ultra Jump Mania, she comes here to save Theo from his glitched game cartridge. As both travel through half of the final level, she also teaches Theo glitches that he can defeat his enemies with. Then, they see the flag goal appear and they are close. Suddenly, Evelyn comes back to rematch Tari but this time with Theo as Evelyn appears as Glitchemoth.
As both Tari and Theo were getting close to reach the flag, Evelyn stops them with her arm blocking them and puts the flag on top of her back. With Theo snapping that he is tired of his game glitching, Tari helps Theo to defeat Evelyn. As they defeat Evelyn, she suddenly comes back to the game and Tari realizes that Evelyn is cheating in the game.
With Evelyn killing Tari and Theo simultaneously in the game, they both have one life left in the game. As Theo is worried that they cannot defeat Evelyn, Tari has a plan to reach the flag goal with both separating from each other. As Evelyn blasts a laser, Tari throws a rock at it making it glitch, and picks up a pineapple hammer and both are ready to have a rematch.
As they fight each other, Evelyn throws a huge volcanic rock at her and both start to have a table-tennis competition. With Evelyn's Meta Runner arm begins to overheat, she hits it back strongly as Tari believes in herself to hit it back hard enough. With the battle continuing, Tari wanted Evelyn to disable the infinite life cheat to have a very fair rematch. Evelyn rejects to disable her infinite life cheat and decides to keep fighting her. As Tari flees away from Evelyn, she is suddenly caught by her hand and she is finished.
Then, Tari calls out Theo to do his part while he jumps a mile away with his coconut shell from Evelyn making her stuck in the platform herself. With Theo throwing his coconut shell close at Evelyn, the coconut shell turns into a pineapple hammer as Evelyn is badly damaged and her Meta Runner Arm completely overheats and loses control of her arm. While Evelyn's Meta Runner arm is cooling off, Theo reaches the flag goal, beating Ultra Jump Mania and every cache and glitch in the game is fixed.
After beating Ultra Jump Mania, Tari will see Theo in the real world soon. As Theo fades away to the real world, she suddenly sees purple glitter mist coming through the air summoning Lucinia Porter in the game. As she realizes Lucinia is here, she asks her where she came from, or what ever happened to her. With Lucinia calming her down, Tari was just wanting to know. After seeing Lucinia, she comes back to the real world with Theo at the back of Lamar's car.
Getting ready for phase two, Lamar crashes into Lucks' van and makes him pass out since Lucks upgraded his van. As Lucks gets out of his van, he wants Tari out of the car and holds Masa at gunpoint. Wanting the cartridge, Tari couldn't give it to him because it was already too late and Lucks is publicly exposed by MD-5. As Lucks and Masa have a hand-to-hand combat fight, Masa takes his gun and holds him at gunpoint. Lucks also mentions that Lucinia is still alive, but she is kept in a pod while she is in a comatose state.
As Lucks mentions Tari is Lucinia's AI fragment, Tari tells everyone that she was inside of TAS Corp's servers after the lab explosion happened making Lucinia comatose. Lucinia lost some of her consciousness and some went apart of the AI fragment in Tari. Tari also realizes that Lucinia has been apart of her all the time. Tari still doesn't remember what happened right after Lucinia's consciousness was gone. She also still doesn't remember how she woke up in the real world and thinks that she can revive Lucinia Porter.
As her friends support Tari that they can find out where she came from. As the police are getting close, MD-5 would decide to run away except for Masa that is still holding gunpoint at Lucks. Tari and MD-5 convince Masa to not shoot Lucks and want him to drop the gun. Masa decides to drop the gun, suddenly his Meta Runner arm is being hacked and couldn't control it and makes him shoot Lucks. Everyone around Masa is shocked and becomes traumatized after he shot Lucks in the forehead.
Tari wanting to help Masa, Lamar mentions that we can't help Masa if he is in jail. Belle decides to stay with Masa and turns herself in to the authorities and lets MD-5 escape from the police. As Tari and MD-5 run away from the police, they are all found by Marco and he would want to offer them a ride.
Season 3[]
At the start of Power Down, it is shown that Tari has been imprisoned along with Lamar, Sofia, and Theo in Marco's hideout as she then goes out into the area to be judged along with the others. Marco and Tari's group discuss the incident with Masa there as Marco wants payback for Masa placing the Meta Bug onto him. Tari then makes a deal where she will play Turbo Crash with her group in order to settle the score to which Marco accepts.
As Tari and her group gets ready Marco gets tired of waiting as he asks Tari to warp. Tari gives a confidence rally to Lamar, Sofia, and Theo as she then tries to warp. However, her warp gets intercepted by Evelyn as Tari does not warp into Turbo Crash but into a version of Silica City. She looks around curious as she spots doll versions of Masa and Belle who starts singing praises of Evelyn's greatness as to which Evelyn shows up to be giddy with joy.
Tari gets annoyed with Evelyn as she tries to warp out but Evelyn blocks her warping ability as Tari tries to fight back there. This mainly ends up with Tari being beaten and knocked out as she is dragged to the virtual doctor's office where she is restrained. Sheridan configures the computer as it is revealed he wants to give Tari's fragments containing Lucinia back to Lucinia herself. The operation then starts as a drill is stabbed at the back of Tari's neck draining Tari's fragments of Lucinia away from her.
As she was on the table she was restrained as she could not do anything as the others were not able to do anything at all. Theo busted in as he fights against Evelyn and the nurse programs as Masa and Belle were distracting Sheridan. Theo then frees Tari during the middle of the operation as she tries to regain her consciousness. Tari goes to escape with Theo though wretches in pain as Evelyn pursues her with a knife. Tari and Theo fight back against Evelyn but were getting outmatched and Evelyn was about to stab Tari before Sofia rescues the two by spawning a portal for them.
Tari and Theo go into the portal to escape as they try to get back but Evelyn pursues them as Tari throws Theo forward. Tari then gets slashed into the abdomen as she moves back out of the portal. Tari wakes up as she is in Shipwreck Swamp greeted by Petey though her abdominal wound acts up as fragments fall out causing Tari to be knocked out.
In Skybreakers (Episode), Tari wakes up in the shed as she just rolls out of the way Petey attempting to fix her doing surgery. She then goes out to talk to Petey as she gets attacked as Petey then walks her through the tutorial as Tari was having trouble adjusting. She finishes the tutorial by trying to sail out into the portal to get out of Shipwreck Swamp.
However, Tari got intercepted by Evelyn as Evelyn then outright attacks her trying to kill her but Tari with the help of Petey was able to escape and go out into the world. Evelyn then tries to intercept Tari but Tari gets rescued by Tari, Theo, and Marco as Tari regroups with them. After conversing about the situation, Tari and her crew go off to Vagabond's Landing in order to get better gear for her to better protect herself.
In Dead On Arrival, Tari and her crew were fighting against an enemy ship though she was having trouble to be able to contribute to the group. When Tari and crew land in Vagabond's landing she goes off with Marco to pick out new gear. After a bit of an argument with Marco, Evelyn shoots Marco but both Marco and Tari are unable to PvP in the city as they have to make a run for it. Along the way, Marco gets demolished along with Theo and Lamar earlier as Tari then gets attacked by Lucinia as Tari then gets the upper hand to slash Lucinia with the knife regaining some of her capabilities back.
Tari makes her way back to regroup with the others however their ship gets taken down by the Cabin Boy who was piloting the ship. Tari and her crew then gets cornered by Evelyn and Lucinia as Tari then figures out a plan. Tari's plan executes as she and the others manage to get a ship as Tari commands the crew on how to get on out of there as they beat Evelyn's ship to get on out of there. Marco gets impressed with Tari and allows her to capture the ship for herself as Tari names it the BlueJay.
At some point by Death Warp, Tari and her crew were fishing by the side of the ship there. As Theo gets some treasure Tari checks it and finds Sheridan's coffee cup. By tracing the coffee cup they make their way through Scrapbeard's Fortress as to find where the backdoor to Sheridan's server could be. They make their way through as Tari and her crew make it to the boss arena. However, they also were pressed for time as Evelyn and her crew make it into the dungeon themselves so Lamar makes his way to distract Evelyn as Tari focuses on doing an exploit called the Death Warp.
It takes some time as Tari, Theo, and Marco were fighting against the Angler as they eventually were able to complete the glitch there. However they lose Lamar along the way as Tari and the rest of the crew has to navigate through the storm by themselves. Tari goes off as she tries to find the backdoor to the server as at one point Marco goes afk meaning that it is only Tari and Theo searching for it. As Tari goes to sail off Theo at one point glitches out heavily as it causes Tari to worry heavily especially as they were sailing through the storm.
As the BlueJay sails through the storm Tari talks to Theo in tears as she tries to reassure Theo that she will protect him. Marco wakes up as Sofia congratulates Tari on finding the backdoor as Tari states this is near the end now. However, her ship gets attacked as it is revealed that it was Evelyn who put her ship into critical condition as Evelyn wasted no time to try to hurt Tari. Though Evelyn's ship explodes as Tari takes the chance to order her crew to fire the cannons at Evelyn's ship thus putting Evelyn on even grounds against Tari.
It is revealed that Lamar sabotaged Evelyn's ship as Tari and her crew were ecstatic to see Lamar come back safe and sound. Lamar then gives Tari the pigeon hat that he salvaged from Evelyn's ship as this causes Evelyn to pout talking about how Tari keeps on stealing everything from her. Tari snidely remarks that if she wants her hat back then she would have to take it from her as to which Evelyn gladly replies she will be taking a lot more from Tari. The faceoff then begins as Tari orders her crew while Evelyn orders her crew with newly added Masa and Belle into her group as they start to fight.
In Overload, the fight between Tari's group versus Evelyn's group begins as Tari and her group was on the loosing edge. It is revealed that Theo has been dissipated by Evelyn as when she gives the news to Tari, Tari breaks down immensely. Due to Tari's breakdown, Masa comes back to his senses as he goes to help Tari however at one point he goes afk as it allows Belle to regain consciousness to help Tari.
As Belle stabs Lucinia, Tari regains a lot of her abilities as she is able to gain the upper hand and thus take Evelyn out. It is only Tari and Lucinia left as Sofia tells Tari she is on a time limit since Marco is going to destroy the server. Tari then goads Lucinia into following her as they both dive into the portal to reach Sheridan's server.
In The End, Tari warps into the server as Sheridan takes notice. A battle ensues between Tari and Lucinia as they both fight bitterly and hard. By the end of the fight Tari was able to take Lucinia into the lab to restrain her for the surgery process. As Tari restrained Lucinia and was typing into the terminal she was unable to complete the surgery process as Tari feels despair as she cuts off the line with Sofia after saying her gratitudes towards her. She was about to go and do the surgery until Lucksbot has shown up. Lucksbot then decides to help Tari by configuring the terminal to help her.
As Lucksbot says his goodbyes and wishes Tari good luck, Tari says her final goodbyes to Lucinia as she appreciates MD-5 for all that they have done for her. With one final tear she revives Lucinia as she then is trapped inside the server as she has salvaged enough data to revive Theo and control the server herself. She explains to Theo that they won't be able to see their friends for a very long time. They both get sad though not being able to see their friends though Tari says to Theo that they can spend time to play video games. Theo gets excited as he runs off to play them as Tari looks up into the sky as she thanks her friends for all the adventures that she was able to go on.
The credits roll as Tari's story comes to a close.