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Hero Overview

Taro Sakamoto is the titular main protagonist of the comedy action manga series, Sakamoto Days. Once a legendary dreaded hitman in Japan and a former member of the Japanese Association of Assassins' Order, he is now a retired man working as a store owner after he met and married Aoi Sakamoto, and got a child together, Hana Sakamoto.

He is voiced by Sugita Tomokazu in Japanese (who also voiced Gintoki Sakata in Gintama, Joseph Joestar in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Gyomei Himejima in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Rudeus Greyrat in Mushoku Tensei, and Adalman in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime), Matthew Mercer in the English dub (who also voice Jotaro Kujo in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Levi Ackerman in Attack on Titan, and Trafalgar Law in One Piece) and he is portrayed by Saori Izawa in the Shōnen Jumpp live action trailer.


Sakamoto is a chubby man with grey hair tied to a bun, a small mustache, and a pair of round glasses (Made of bulletproof glass). He usually wears a green apron over his clothes.


Sakamoto is a man of few words, and tends to let his actions do the talking. However, when the situation is serious, he gets talkative. He also has a temper, though he is quick to calm down.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Superhuman Physical Abilities: Sakamoto easily surpass normal human abilities, as he can move at unseen speeds, survive fatal injuries, and knock out foes in a single blow.
  • Weapon Mastery: Sakamoto is a master of many weapons, including unconventional ones, such as pens, and even cough drops.
  • Skinny Form: When Sakamoto is serious, he miraculously loses all weight, and becomes skinny, doubling his already impressive abilities.


  • Fat: Sakamoto's fat has left him literally getting stuck in certain situations.

External Links[]


           Sakamoto Days Logo Heroes

Sakamoto Store
Taro Sakamoto | Shin Asakura | Lu Shaotang

Akira Akao

Japanese Association of Assassins
Taro Sakamoto | Takamura | Hyo | Yoichi Nagumo | Shishiba | Osaragi | Kindaka

Heisuke Mashimo
