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Officially, Natasha "Tasha" Dexter is the lead associate of the Vallery Irons Protection bodyguard agency - V.I.P. - based in Los Angeles but, with the eponymous Vallery Irons only a figurehead, it is really Tasha who runs the operation.

She was portrayed by Molly Culver in all 88 episodes of the 1998 to 2002 VIP television series created by J. F. Lawton, and also appears in the one-shot 2000 comic of the same name.


Tasha Dexter is as mysterious as she is lethal. In fact, Tasha Dexter is not even her real name. Her background is a black hole of classified documents, with her aliases and exploits spanning stints in the KGB, CIA, and even the shadowy Assassins' Guild. In one memorable moment, V.I.P.'s hapless receptionist attempts to trace her genealogy, only to cause the computer to literally explode—a testament to how deeply shrouded her past is.

Tasha’s love for chaos and action is unmatched. In her downtime, she paints, but her artistic sensibilities lean toward scenes of explosions and carnage. To her, war zones are the ultimate muse, much to the bewilderment of her bubbly and unorthodox "boss", Vallery Irons. Val’s cheeky characterization of Tasha as a "gun-toting sadomasochist" isn’t far from the truth. Her trigger-happy nature and proficiency with firearms make her indispensable in the high-stakes world of V.I.P., where every mission seems to teeter on the edge of disaster.

But Tasha’s penchant for violence is balanced by an underlying complexity. She has been married four times, her personal life as colorful and tumultuous as her professional one. Her first and third husbands were the same man, a fellow assassin known as "The Owl," who seemed to match her intensity. Her second marriage, to a mild-mannered dentist, was a brief foray into normalcy after a harrowing stint in a Soviet gulag. Despite her efforts, the pull of action and espionage was too strong, and the marriage ended as Tasha returned to the world of danger.

While she occasionally uses her charm to extract information from men, Tasha’s seductions are strictly transactional. As Val once quipped after Tasha seduced a KGB agent for intel, "If Tasha finds out she had sex for nothing, she gets really crabby." This blunt approach underscores Tasha’s pragmatic, no-nonsense attitude toward her work.

A true "action girl," Tasha is a master of hand-to-hand combat, firearms, and infiltration. Her stealth skills are legendary, allowing her to slip in and out of high-security locations with ease. She also boasts improbable piloting skills, capable of flying almost any aircraft, a trait that has saved her team on more than one occasion. Yet, her loveable rogue nature often shines through; she isn’t above "pinching" items or bending the rules to achieve her objectives.

Despite her undeniable capabilities, Tasha’s relationship with Val is a classic case of teeth-clenched teamwork. Val’s eccentric, celebrity-obsessed personality grates on Tasha, but she respects her "boss"’s unorthodox methods and uncanny knack for pulling off miracles.

Tasha Dexter embodies the essence of controlled chaos. Whether dismantling a mob boss’s operation, surviving the aftermath of Soviet Union politics, or enduring Val’s antics, she is a one-woman force of nature. Behind her icy Russian exterior lies a character whose layers of humor, grit, and vulnerability make her one of the standout members of the V.I.P. team.

External Links[]

  • V.I.P. at Wikipedia
  • VIP at TV Tropes
  • VIP at Passion & Perfection
  • VIP at Comic Vine