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And now time resumes!

Task Force X is an organization by Amanda Waller to use metahumans for her tasks. They have bombs in their necks that explode if they do something bad.



Enchantress is their archenemy in the first movie who dies at the end. She bites people and turns them into her army.

In Other Media[]


Peacemaker is a spinoff of Suicide Squad focusing on Peacemaker, one of the members of Task Force X.

Harley Quinn[]

Harley Quinn is a spinoff of Suicide Squad and an adult animated series about Harley and Joker's break-up.

LEGO Batman Movie[]

Batman mentions Suicide Squad while locked up in Arkham Asylum.

           DC Extended Universe Logo Heroes

Justice League
Batman | Superman | Wonder Woman | The Flash | Cyborg | Aquaman

Suicide Squad
Deadshot | Harley Quinn | Rick Flag | Katana | El Diablo | Bloodsport | Ratcatcher 2 | Polka Dot Man | King Shark | Peacemaker | Javelin | The Detachable Kid

Shazam Family
Shazam | King Shazam | Lady Shazam | Shazam Strong | Shazam Thunder | Shazam Lightning

Wonder Woman | Hippolyta | Antiope

Old Gods
Zeus | Artemis

Aquaman | Orm Marius | Nuidis Vulko | Atlanna | Atlan

Mera | Nereus

Harley Quinn & Associates
Harley Quinn | Cassandra Cain

Birds of Prey
Huntress | Black Canary | Renee Montoya

Corto Maltese Freedom Fighters
Sol Soria | Milton

11th Street Kids
Peacemaker | Leota Adebayo | Vigilante | Ik Nobe Llok | Emilia Harcourt | John Economos | Eagly

Justice Society
Hawkman | Doctor Fate | Cyclone | Atom Smasher

Flashpoint Justice League
The Flash | Batman (DCEU Flashpoint) | The Flash (DCEU Flashpoint) | Supergirl

Unity of Earth
Zeus | Artemis | Hippolyta | Antiope | Atlan

The Insurgency
Batman | The Flash | Cyborg | Mera

Alternate Reality Heroes
Batman (Earth-89) | Batman (Earth 66) | The Flash | Superman (Donnerverse) | Supergirl | Supergirl (Donnerverse)

Lois Lane | Jor-El | Martian Manhunter/Calvin Swanwick | Colonel Nathan Hardy | Alfred Pennyworth | Steve Trevor | James Gordon | Green Lantern Corps | Karathen | Brine King | Topo | Stephen Shin | Wizard Shazam | Flo Crawley | Black Adam | Adrianna Tomaz | Amon Tomaz | Karim Tomaz | Hurut | Anthea | Blue Beetle | Jenny Kord | Khaji-Da
