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Heroes Wiki

Taweret is a supporting character in the 2022 Disney+ series Moon Knight.

She was portrayed by Antonia Salib.


Taweret, once revered as a goddess of the Ennead by the ancient Egyptians, went into hiding when humanity ceased believing in their pantheon. After Abdallah El-Faouly’s death, Taweret guided him through the Duat to the Field of Reeds.

When new souls arrived in the afterlife, Taweret greeted them in an unexpected setting: the Putnam Psychiatric Hospital, which she found peculiar as a memory. There, she met Marc Spector and Steven Grant, who screamed in fear at her appearance. Taweret screamed back but quickly tried to calm them, humorously asking if they were twins. The pair responded that it was complicated. Nervously, she consulted a script, admitting she hadn’t performed such duties in a long time. She explained how they had imagined the hospital setting, noting it was unusual.

Taweret then led Marc and Steven to a boat destined for the Field of Reeds. She carefully removed their hearts, explaining the Scales of Justice needed to balance for them to enter Aaru. When the scales remained unbalanced and trembled instead, Taweret deduced they were hiding something and encouraged them to revisit their memories to uncover the truth.

As Marc and Steven delved into their memories, Taweret helplessly watched souls plummet into the Duat, a result of Ammit's return to Earth. When the men returned, they resolved to stop Ammit and Arthur Harrow. Although Taweret was unsure how to assist since they were deceased, Steven proposed freeing Khonshu. Taweret agreed to deliver a message to Layla El-Faouly, instructing her to release Khonshu.

Steering the boat toward the Gates of Osiris, Taweret encouraged Marc and Steven to complete their journey and balance their hearts. However, when the two returned, it was too late—the scales still did not balance. Taweret regretfully left them to the Duat, watching as they fought sand creatures. Steven ultimately fell overboard, sacrificing himself. With Steven gone, Marc’s heart balanced, allowing him entry to the Field of Reeds. Taweret praised Marc for his achievement, but he chose to return for Steven despite her warnings. Marc reentered the Duat and found Steven, and together, they froze in the sands.

Taweret later took control of a corpse to communicate with Layla El-Faouly, urging her to free Khonshu. Although Layla initially refused, vowing to stop Harrow herself, she ultimately freed Khonshu. Taweret then steered her boat through a massive sand wave, enabling Marc and Steven to return to their healed bodies on Earth.

Possessing Selim, and later Layla, Taweret proposed that Layla become her avatar. Though hesitant, Layla agreed, and Taweret endowed her with strength and a scarab-inspired suit. With Taweret’s power, Layla, now the Scarlet Scarab, fought alongside Moon Knight to defeat Ammit and Harrow.


           Marvel Cinematic Universe Logo Heroes

Stark Industries
Iron Man | Pepper Potts | Happy Hogan | J.A.R.V.I.S. | Edwin Jarvis | F.R.I.D.A.Y. | E.D.I.T.H. | Karen

United States Armed Forces
War Machine | Thunderbolt Ross | Captain America | Winter Soldier | Abraham Erskine | Falcon | Jack Thompson | Daniel Sousa | Roger Dooley | Everett Ross | U.S. Agent | Battlestar | Joaquín Torres | Isaiah Bradley

Nick Fury | Phil Coulson | Maria Hill | Sharon Carter | Hawkeye | Black Widow | Peggy Carter | Chester Phillips | Howard Stark | Captain America | Melinda May | Quake | Leo Fitz | Mockingbird | Jemma Simmons | Lance Hunter | Alphonso Mackenzie | Yo-Yo Rodriguez | Robert Gonzales | Deathlok | Lincoln Campbell | Joey Gutierrez | Lash | Jimmy Woo | Rick Mason | Deke Shaw | Antoine Triplett | Eric Koenig | Billy Koenig | Sam Koenig | L.T. Koenig | James Davis | Piper | Patriot | Phil Coulson (Chronicom LMD) | Daniel Sousa | Kora

Culver University
Hulk | Betty Ross | Roger Harrington | Jane Foster | Darcy Lewis | Erik Selvig

Thor Odinson | Odin Borson | Frigga | Bor Burison | Sif | Heimdall | Valkyrie | Skurge | Axl Heimdallson
Warriors Three: Volstagg | Fandral | Hogun

Frost Giants
Loki Laufeyson

Howling Commandos
Captain America | Winter Soldier | Dum Dum Dugan | Gabe Jones | James Montgomery Falsworth | Jim Morita | Jacques Dernier

The Avengers
Iron Man | Captain America | Thor Odinson | Hulk | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Quicksilver | Scarlet Witch | Vision | War Machine | Falcon | Spider-Man | Captain Marvel | Nebula | Rocket Raccoon | Okoye | Ant-Man

Guardians of the Galaxy
Rocket Raccoon | Groot | Kraglin Obfonteri | Cosmo | Adam Warlock | Phyla | Blurp
Former Members: Star-Lord | Gamora | Drax the Destroyer | Mantis | Yondu Udonta | Nebula | Thor Odinson

Yondu Udonta | Kraglin Obfonteri | Stakar Ogord | Martinex T'Naga | Charlie-27 | Aleta Ogord | Mainframe | Krugarr
Alternate Timeline: Thanos | Korath the Pursuer | Taserface | Gamora

Nova Corps
Rhomann Dey | Irani Rael | Garthan Saal

The Defenders
Daredevil | Jessica Jones | Luke Cage | Iron Fist

PYM Tech/X-Con Security Consultants
Ant-Man | Wasp | Stature | Hank Pym | Janet Van Dyne | Luis | Dave | Ant-thony | Kurt Goreshter

The Golden Tribe: Bashenga | T'Chaka | Ramonda | T'Challa (Black Panther) | Shuri (Black Panther)
Dora Milaje: Okoye | Ayo | Aneka
Others: Nakia | M'Baku | Zuri

Midtown School of Science and Technology
Spider-Man | Michelle Jones | Ned Leeds | Roger Harrington

Masters of the Mystic Arts
Doctor Strange | Ancient One | Wong | Karl Mordo | Sara Wolfe | Rintrah | America Chavez

The Revengers/Sakaaran Rebellion
Thor Odinson | Loki Laufeyson | Hulk | Valkyrie | Korg | Miek

House of Agon
Black Bolt | Medusa | Triton | Karnak | Gorgon | Crystal | Lockjaw

Alex Wilder | Chase Stein | Molly Hernandez | Nico Minoru | Karolina Dean | Gert Yorkes | Old Lace

Talos | Soren | Norex | G'iah

Maria Rambeau | Monica Rambeau

Nick Fury | Monica Rambeau

Time Variance Authority
Loki Laufeyson (L1130) | Mobius M. Mobius | Hunter B-15 | Hunter C-20 | Casey | Ouroboros

Red Room
Black Widow | Yelena Belova | Red Guardian | Melina Vostokoff

Ta Lo Armed Forces
Shang-Chi | Katy Chen | Xialing | Ying Nan | Trevor Slattery | Guang Bo

The Eternals
Sersi | Ikaris | Kingo | Sprite | Phastos | Makkari | Druig | Gilgamesh | Ajak | Thena | Starfox

Moon Knight | Scarlet Scarab

Freedom Fighters
Jentorra | Veb | Quaz | Xolum | Broccoli Man

The Marvels
Captain Marvel | Ms. Marvel | Monica Rambeau

Guardians of the Multiverse
The Watcher | Captain Carter (Earth-82111) | Star-Lord (T'Challa) | Party Thor | Gamora (Daughter of Thanos) | Black Widow (Ultron's Timeline) | Strange Supreme

Christine Palmer | Professor X | Captain Carter | Black Bolt | Captain Marvel | Doctor Strange | Baron Mordo | Mr. Fantastic

Wolverine | Colossus | Negasonic Teenage Warhead | Yukio

Deadpool | Wolverine | X-23 | Human Torch | Blade | Gambit | Elektra

Deadpool's variants
Dogpool | Nicepool

Loki's variants
Loki Laufeyson (L1130) | Sylvie Laufeydottir | Classic Loki | Kid Loki | Alligator Loki

Spider-Man's variants
Spider-Man (Earth-96283) | Spider-Man (Earth-120703) | Spider-Man (Zombie Apocalypse)

Nebula's variants
Lady Nebula | Nebula (Nova Corps)

Scarlet Witch's variants
Scarlet Witch (Earth-838) | Scarlet Witch (1602)

Defender Strange | Leo Fitz | Chase Stein | Doctor Octopus | Eddie Brock/Venom | Peter W. | Vanessa Carysle | Dopinder | Blind Al | Shatterstar | HYDRA Stomper | Iron Man (Sakaar) | Victor Timely | Peter Quill | Hope Van Dyne | Hank Pym | Goliath | Freak (Happy Hogan) | Black Widow | Hela | Xu Wenwu | Rogers Hood | Tony Stark (1602) | Ant-Man (1602) | Winter Soldier (1602) | Hulk (1602) | Nick Fury (1602) | Binary

Others (Films/Disney+)
Phase 1
Informant | Ho Yinsen | Leonard Samson
Phase 2
Harley Keener | Maya Hansen | Howard the Duck | Helen Cho | Jim Paxton |
Phase 3
May Parker | Christine Palmer | Eitri | Mar-Vell | Goose | Morgan Stark
Phase 4
Billy Maximoff | Tommy Maximoff | Global Repatriation Council | Throg | Jon Jon | Ying Li | Great Protector | Morris | Cagliostro | Black Knight | Pip the Troll | Blade | Kate Bishop | Lucky | Echo | Jack Duquesne | Khonshu | Taweret | Clea | Bruno Carrelli | Nakia Bahadir | Zoe Zimmer | Red Dagger | Waleed | Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder | Love | She-Hulk | Nikki Ramos | Emil Blonsky | Skaar | K.E.V.I.N. | Werewolf by Night | Elsa Bloodstone | Man-Thing | Ironheart | Kevin Bacon
Phase 5
M.O.D.O.K. | Lylla | Teefs | Floor | Sonya Falsworth | Prince Yan | Kahhori | Atahraks | Jiayi

Others (Pre-Disney+ TV)
Glenn Talbot | Ghost Rider | Johnny Blaze | Melinda May (LMD) | Grant Ward (Framework) | Antoine Triplett (Framework) | Enoch | Flint | Jaco | Foggy Nelson | Karen Page | Paul Lantom | Brett Mahoney | Claire Temple | Ben Urich | Mitchell Ellison | Stick | Marci Stahl | Trish Walker | Will Simpson | The Punisher | Elektra | Misty Knight | Colleen Wing | Ward Meachum | Louise Fisher | Auran | Micro | Dinah Madani | Noah | Maggie Grace | Ray Nadeem | Xavin | Erik Gelden | Daimon Helstrom | Ana Helstrom | Cloak & Dagger | Brigid O'Reilly | Mayhem
