“ | Bramblepaw says I should tell you why I left ThunderClan. But you already know, don't you? I wanted to be judged for what I was, not for what my father did I needed to feel I belonged. (Firestar: No cat thought you didn't belong.) Firestar, I don't believe that. And neither do you. (Firestar: I made a mistake. I looked at both of you, and all I could see was your father. Other cats did, too. But I didn't want you to leave.) Other cats did. (Bramblepaw; She could still come back into the Clan, couldn't she?) Hang on a minute. I'm not asking you if I can come back. All I want is to be a loyal cat in my new Clan. I want to be the best warrior I can be. And I can't be that in ThunderClan. | „ |
~ Tawnypaw deciding to live in ShadowClan |
Tawnypelt is a major character in the Warriors book series by Erin Hunter.
She's the daughter of Tigerstar and Goldenflower who moved from ThunderClan to ShadowClan to escape the judgements she received for being Tigerstar's child. She's later chosen to go on a journey to the sun-drown place and later becomes mates with Rowanclaw after the Clans move to the lake, starting a family with him as well.
Tawnypelt is a lean she-cat with mottled tortoiseshell fur and green eyes.
The Prophecies Begin[]
Forest of Secrets[]
Tawnykit and her brother Bramblekit are born to Tigerclaw and Goldenflower. After Silverstream's death, Featherkit and Stormkit are briefly raised alongside the two before they're taken to RiverClan. Later, she and Bramblekit are seen venturing out from the nursery for the first time.
A Dangerous Path[]
Darkstripe sneaks Tawnykit and Bramblekit out of ShadowClan to visit their father, who's been exiled from ThunderClan and has since become the new leader of ShadowClan. When Tigerstar appears, the she-kit asks if he's their father and he nods. Darkstripe tells them about how their dad is now a Clan leader, and their eyes stretch wide is amazement. The tortoiseshell kitten then asks if they can live in ShadowClan with him, but he declines, saying that for now they belong with their mother.
Tigerstar then asks how long it will be until his kits are made into apprentices, and Darkstripe reports that they will be within about a moon, adding that it's a shame that he can't be the mentor to one of them as Fernpaw is already his apprentice. Just as Tigerstar is about to tell his children why he's in ShadowClan and not ThunderClan, Fireheart interrupts the meeting and brings her, Bramblekit and Darkstripe home.
Later, when the body of Swiftpaw is brought into camp, Tawnykit and Bramblekit look at their deceased half-brother with horror. Eventually the two reach six moons old and start their warrior training, being renamed Tawnypaw and Bramblepaw. Tawnypaw is assigned Brackenfur as a mentor, while Fireheart teaches Bramblepaw. When the orange deputy tells the two about their father's crimes, the young she-cat resolves to be better than him.
The Darkest Hour[]
After many insults from the elders that she and her littermate will end up just like Tigerstar, Tawypaw decides that she isn't willing to have to prove herself over and over like Bramblepaw and flees ThunderClan to join the newly-formed TigerClan. Firestar attempts to follow her and bring her back, but it begins to rain and her scent is washed away. Search parties are sent out to find her, but none are successful, with Goldenflower accusing Firestar of not caring to look harder because he doesn't trust her for being the daughter of his greatest enemy.
While is TigerClan, Tawnypaw's new mentor is Oakfur. When TigerClan and BloodClan confront LionClan at Fourtrees, Bramblepaw spots his sister and begs her to come back, but Tawnypaw refuses, saying that her place is by her father's side. When Firestar reveals all of Tigerstar's many crimes to all the Clans however, Tawnypaw disowns Tigerstar as her dad.
After Tigerstar is killed by BloodClan's leader Scourge and said Clan threatens to take over the forest by force, Tawnypaw joins in the battle to save her home. When BloodClan's deputy Bone kills ThunderClan's own deputy Whitestorm, Tawnypaw teams up with Bramblepaw, Ashpaw, Fernpaw, Featherpaw and Stormpaw to kill Bone in turn.
Once the battle is won and BloodClan is chased out, Tawnypaw approaches Bramblepaw and Firestar and apologizes for following Tigerstar. The two invite her to rejoin ThunderClan, but she says that she wishes to stay in ShadowClan, as she feels that's where she belongs. She does say that she'll miss ThunderClan though, and asks Firestar to never forget her.
Firestar's Quest[]
Tawnypelt and Brambleclaw are now warriors, and when they find this out at the next Gathering they're both very happy for each other. When Blackstar announces that Tawnypelt has become a warrior, many ThunderClan cats cheer for her, but most of ShadowClan, still not entirely trusting her due to her roots in ThunderClan, stay silent.
The New Prophecy[]
In StarClan, a cat is chosen from each Clan to journey to the sun-drown place and meet Midnight. Tawnypelt is picked to represent ShadowClan by a past leader of the Clan, Nightstar. The day after the four chosen cats all get the same dream of the sun-drown place, she meets at Fourtrees with the other three: Brambleclaw, Feathertail and Crowpaw, as well as Squirrelpaw and Stormfur who decided to tag along. Tawnypelt comments that she thought it'd be Tigerstar who gave her the dream, not Nightstar. The six discuss the dream and all agree to meet again on the day of the next Gathering.
Later, Brambleclaw sneaks into ShadowClan to tell his sister that they'll need to leave sooner than originally planned. She attacks him at first before realizing who he is, scolding him for trespassing to come see her before he tells her about the change of plans. The day before the next half-moon, the six cats regroup and set out to find the sun-drown place. Along the way, Squirrelpaw gets stuck in a fence and Tawnypelt and Feathertail free her while Brambleclaw and Crowpaw argue. Later, the group passes by some mountains.
Later, the group is chased by a dog and a loner in a tree signals them to climb up said tree to safety. The loner then introduces himself as Purdy and shows the Clan cats a nearby pond where they can eat some fish before directing them towards the sun-drown place. Some time after, the group gets into a battle with a hoard of rats and Tawnypelt is bitten on the shoulder by one of them. Her wound soon becomes infected, but thanks to Squirrelpaw's psychic link with her medicine cat sister Leafpaw, the others find out that they need to use burdock root on the injury and Tawnypelt's infection is soothed for the time being.
Finally the six arrive at the sun-drown place, where in a cave they meet a friendly badger named Midnight who has the ability to speak to cats. Midnight continues to treat Tawnypelt's wound while telling the group that the forest will be destroyed soon, and allows them to sleep in her cave for the night, the six unaware that the forest's destruction has already begun.
Tawnypelt's shoulder is doing much better thanks to Midnight's treatment, but when she's determined to start looking after herself again to prove her strength, the badger calls her foolish and says that she needs more rest. As the burdock root treatment continues, her infection is healed, but the wound itself still proves walking to be a challenge for her. While passing through the mountains again on the way home, She begins limping and is only barely able to jump across a gap in the trail. Her shoulder continues to get worse, and she can barley walk after a plunge over a waterfall.
The group then meets a group of cats who live in the mountain known as the Tribe of Rushing Water. The Tribe allows them to stay and rest up for a while, all the while Tawnypelt's injury doesn't improve despite being tended to by Stoneteller, who is both the Tribe's leader and healer. While the rest of the group wants to leave and continue their journey home, the tortoiseshell is unable to keep up with them, so they stay behind with her until she recovers. Frustrated by this, she tells the group that if she's a burden to them, they should just come out and say it. Later, while the rest of the group is out hunting, Tawnypelt is nervous about being left alone. Of of the Tribe cats named Star That Shines On Water welcomes her and manages to make her more comfortable, though.
Finally the ShadowClan warrior starts to recover, though she's grown sick of staying in a cave all day and comments that the noise of the waterfall is driving her crazy. Once she's able to make the journey home however, the Tribe cats insist that Stormfur stay with them, believing him to be the prophesized silver cat who will save them from a mountain lion named Sharptooth who's been killing many of their members. The rest of the Clan cats are outraged by this, with Tawnypelt threatening to tear their pelts off and feed them to eagles and that the mountains are a hundred times worse that the twolegplace.
She beacks up Feathertail when the RiverClan tabby breaks up Squirrelpaw's and Crowpaw's argument, saying that their mission will fail if they start fighting with each other. She also wonders if Stormfur really is the prophecized silver cat that will save the Tribe, as he wasn't one of the four chosen cats to begin with. Eventually the Tribe forces the group out and makes Stormfur stay, and when the five go back to rescue him, Tawnypelt and his sister are the ones to steal him back while the others distract the cave-guards. Upon realizing how desperate the Tribe is however, the six agree to help them get rid of Sharptooth.
Squirrelpaw plans to stuff a rabbit full of deathberries and get Sharptooth to eat it, but her plan goes awry and the mountain lion is about to kill Crowpaw when Feathertail leaps at a loose stalagmite, causing it to fall and kill Sharptooth. Feathertail is fatally wounded from the fall though, and dies soon after. Everyone is shocked and realizes that Feathertail was in fact the silver cat destined to save the Tribe, not her brother. As the group all continue home (aside from Stormfur, who's decided to become a Tribe cat), they all mourn the death of their friend, with Tawnypelt described as looking on with grief in her eyes.
Once they reach the forest, Tawnypelt and Crowpaw run ahead of the other two, exited to finally be home again. Along with the others, she's worried that the ShadowClan leader Blackstar won't come to the Great Rock to discuss the forest's destruction. She's able to persuade her leader though, and later attends the meeting of the leaders and medicine cats alongside her remaining travelling companions.
Later, when twolegs begin tearing apart ShadowClan camp, Tawnypelt rushes to ThunderClan and begs them to help evacuate everyone. With their camp destroyed, the ShadowClan cats shelter at Sunningrocks with ThunderClan, who'd also lost their camp. Once the Clans accept that they need to find a new home and begin the journey to the lake, Tawnypelt helps guide, feed and protect her peers. She's adamant to prove that she's still loyal to ShadowClan even when travelling with her ThunderClan kin.
When the Clans reach the lake, Tawnypelt helps ShadowClan scope out the area and find a new territory for them. She remains neutral throughout WindClan's civil war, not joining Mudclaw's side like most of her Clanmates or Onewhisker's side like her littermate.
After getting attacked by one of them, Tawnypelt tells Squirrelflight how two hostile kittypets named Jacques and Susan gave an apprentice called Talonpaw injuries so sever that he died after dragging himself back to camp. She adds that the kittypet's owners had thrown something at Cedarheart which badly wounded his leg. The cats of ThunderClan and ShadowClan then come up with a plan to get the two to stop without their owners interfering. Tawnypelt volunteers to be the one to lure the two away from their twoleg nest so that the others may attack them, her plan being a success.
In her dreams, Tawnypelt finds herself in the Dark Forest where her father visits her. He offers to train her there and make her a "true warrior" like with Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost, but she vehemently declines, saying that he only became leader by twisting and breaking the warrior code. She tells him that tough she one day wants to be leader, but only by abiding by the warrior code and if StarClan allows it.
Later, she confronts Brambleclaw about his Dark Forest visits, telling him to stop them and adding that he's accepting everything they had tried to avoid since kithood. She then admits that she was happy that their father was killed by BloodClan's leader after learning of his true colors. Though her brother disregards her advise, she warns him of Tigerstar's intentions before leaving.
Later, at a Gathering, Tawnypelt tells her littermate that Hawkfrost had told her Clan about ThunderClan's recent badger attack and how after receiving the information from Leafpool, their medicine cat Littlecloud had said nothing on the matter. She then reveals that she doesn't trust Hawkfrost before running back to her Clanmates.
The Power of Three[]
Dark River[]
Tawnypelt and Rownaclaw become mates and have a litter of three kits: a dark brown tabby tom named Tigerkit, a sandy-colored she-kit named Dawnkit, and an orange tabby tom named Flamekit. When Blackstar announces this at the next Gathering, the other Clans are shocked that she'd name one of her sons after her bloodthirsty father.
When they're about to visit the Tribe of Rushing Water, Brambleclaw and Lionpaw stop by ShadowClan to see if Tawnypelt will join them. After scolding Dawnkit for attacking Lionpaw, she agrees to go with them and leaves her kits in the care of Rowanclaw and Snowbird while she's gone. The ShadowClan deputy Russetfur accuses her of disloyalty, and Rowanclaw defends her by stating that he's proud of his mate and hadn't forgotten how much the Tribe helped them on the way to the lake.
While going to the mountains, Tawnypelt is enthusiastic and encouraging towards the apprentices. She, Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw and Crowfeather then reminisce on their journey to the sun-drown place together and grow sentimental. While in the mountains, she and a patrol of cave-guards and prey-hunters are attacked by a group of rouges that have been terrorizing the Tribe recently. Along with the other Clan cats, she helps the Tribe fight and chase away the rouges.
When both WindClan and RiverClan are attacking ThunderClan, Hollypaw runs to ShadowClan for help. Tawnypelt is one of the first cats she encounters there, aksing the apprentice what's wrong. When Hollypaw explains the situation, the tortoiseshell takes her to Blackstar and Russetfur. Listening in on their conversation, Tawnypelt's kits demand to join the fight as well, to which she scolds them while also showing pride in their bravery. She then tasks Snowbird with watching the litter once more as she races to the battle alongside Hollypaw. During the battle however, a solar eclipse happens and the four Clans all stop fighting in fear.
Long Shadows[]
After Sol takes over ShadowClan and gets rid of the warrior code, Tawnypelt and her kits go seek refuge in ThunderClan. She reports that ever since he took over, he's convinced her Clanmates to abandon StarClan as well as stop taking care of their kits and elders or make new apprentices. While staying in ThunderClan, her apprentice-aged kits start their warrior training under temporary mentors. With the help of Tawnypelt's kits, Hollyleaf, Jayfeather and Lionblaze create a fake sign from StarClan that then becomes real thanks to some actual StarClan cats. With their faith in their ancestors restored, ShadowClan exiles Sol and Tawnypelt and her litter move back home.
Bramblestar's Storm[]
Tawnypelt and her patrol encounter a ThunderClan patrol with her brother - who is now the leader of ThunderClan - in it. She asks what they're doing, glaring at her while her fur bristles and her claws dig into the ground. Bramblestar explains that he wants to see Blackstar, and when Grasspaw suggests chasing off the ThunderClan cats, Tawnypelt tells her that the leaders can see each other and not to meet everything with aggression. The tortoiseshell she-cat then leads the visitors to see her leader, and after Blackstar's and Bramblestar's discussion is instructed to lead them back, but her brother rejects the escort.
After the four leaders are done talking at the Gathering, Tawnypelt squeezes past her Clanmates to visits her littermate. He says that her mate and ShadowClan's deputy Rowanclaw is doing a good job, and Tawnypelt agrees. When the brown tabby mentions that soon Rowanclaw will be taking Blackstar's place as leader though, causing his sister become offended and ask if he thinks Blackstar is too old to lead. She insists that her leader is doing fine, and Bramblestar tells her to calm down. She then presses her nose to his side and tells him to take care before she goes back to her Clanmates
Later, Bramblestar scents a ShadowClan cat on his Clan's territory, quickly identifying it as Tawnypelt's scent and asking what she's doing there. She emerges from the bushes, thin unkempt ruffled fur and wide eyes. He goes up to her and asks what's wrong, and she tells him that ShadowClan's camp and much of their hunting grounds had flooded during the Great Storm and Blackstar had drowned, losing his final life. Bramblestar then tells her of ThunderClan's own troubles with the flooding and asks if ShadowClan has tried hunting at the top of their border like his Clan is. Tawnypelt says that they've tried that, but have run into problems before lowering her head and clawing at the ground. Her brother asks what's wrong, and she says that kittypets have been attacking the ShadowClan patrols. When asked if Susan and Jacques have returned, she says that they moved away with their owner when the flooding started, and that the kittypets they're dealing with now are different. He's shocked that kittypets could chase away ShadowClan warriors, but Tawnypelt protests that there were lots of them and her Clan is weakened from hunger.
Bramblestar offers to give her some fresh-kill, but before she can reply, a kittypet named Jessy bounds up to the two. She greets Tawnypelt as Bramblestar explains that she and her friends are taking shelter in ThunderClan after their twoleg nest was swept away in the flood. Tawnypelt's eyes stretch wide as she asks if Jessy is a kittypet and if there are more around. She sees Jessy's friends Minty and Frankie, asking Bramblestar if taking them in and giving them food at a time like this was really a good idea. The tabby tom retorts that they would've died if he didn't help, but Tawnypelt argues that it shouldn't be his problem, concluding that he'd be too busy helping the kittypets to aid her Clan. Making sure to retain his calmness, her littermate states that Firestar's compassion was his strength, but the tortoiseshell argues that the former leader knew when to put his Clan first before leaving. Before disappearing into the bushes, she tells Bramblestar to forget about what she said, as the new leader Rowanstar will figure something out.
Later, Bramblestar offers to help ShadowClan with their kittypet problem, to which Rowanstar demands to know how he found out about that. Right after he asks, Tawnypelt returns from hunting, her mate beckoning her over when realizing she'd been the one to tell the brown tabby of the kittypets. She glares at Bramblestar before confirming that she did in fact tell him, adding that she'll ask for his help when she needs it. Rowanstar questions her loyalty, and Tawnypelt responds that he has no reason to doubt her. She then begs her mate to let the ThunderClan cats help, but he refuses and sends the visitors away.
A little while later, Bramblestar leads a patrol to help ShadowClan fight some badgers when he sees his sister a part her own patrol, though she's battered and tired. He figures she and her patrol must have just gotten back from fighting the badgers, and as she tastes the air she recognizes his scent and quickly finds him where he's hiding. Her brother says that he means no harm and that she wasn't supposed to find him here, to which she says that she'd know the scent of her littermate anywhere. Upon him noticing her cut up muzzle and patches of missing fur, he asks if the badgers had moved into her Clan's territory. She states that they moved into some old badger dens sometime after the flood, speculating that said flood had forced them out of their previous dens. Bramblestar tells her that since the floodwater is starting to recede, but she responds that ShadowClan is still suffering since, while the kittypets are now gone, the badgers still make hunting difficult and most of their territory is still submerged.
She then apologizes for how hard her Clanmates were on him and weren't more grateful as she bows her head in shame. Her brother comforts her by touching his nose to her ear and telling her that he won't go barging in to other Clans' business trying to help anymore. The two sibling lock gazes as Tawnypelt asks if that's really true, as ShadowClan is still too weak from hunger to fight off the badgers alone. Bramblestar asks if she's asking for his help, and agrees to aid her when she confirms that she is.
Two days later, Bramblestar heads to ShadowClan to speak with his sister and finds her as part of a hunting party. After he calls her name she urges him to hide as the rest of her patrol is coming, but he insists that she come with him, so she grabs the mouse she'd just caught and the two slide under a bush. There, she's told that ThunderClan has agreed to help with the badgers, surprising Tawnypelt, who asks if he'll do it with his Clan. He responds that he can't be talked out of it, and she rests her tail on his flank as she says that she already asked for his help once before and can't refuse now. She then tells him that Rowanstar wants to attack the badgers tomorrow night, and as a voice call out for her, she thanks her brother before heading back to her Clanmates.
The next night, ThunderClan and ShadowClan fight off the badgers in the latter's territory. Bramblestar sees a badger about to slam its paw down onto Tawnypelt and begins running towards it, though realizes that he's not fast enough to save her and that she might die. Squirrelflight intervenes however, and the badger only grazes the tortoiseshell she-cat as she rolls away. She then springs to her paws and alongside her brother faces another badger, slashing its throat, not slowed down by a shoulder injury she's sustained at all. She then growls at the badger to get off of her territory or she'll make it into a nest, biting at its hind legs as it runs away.
After all the badgers are driven away, it's discovered that the ThunderClan warrior Dustpelt had been killed by one of them. She stands by her brother's side as he grieves his fallen Clanmate, apologizing for his loss and commenting on how noble Dustpelt was. She then brushes his flank with her tail and thanks him for his assistance. She then says that it wasn't just about protecting his territory, but protecting her too, as she needs him. Rowanstar then call for his mate to return to camp with the rest of her Clanmates, and Tawnypelt dips her head and presses her nose to Bramblestar's before going home.
A Vision of Shadows[]
Thunder and Shadow[]
While on a patrol with Stonewing and Sleekpaw, she encounters Leafpool and Alderpaw, who are on the way to ShadowClan to help the dying Littlecloud. She helps them carry their herbs and tells Sleekpaw to help when she insults Littlecloud, apologizing to Leafpool for the apprentice's behavior. When Littlecloud passes away, she attends his vigil alongside Rowanstar, Crowfrost and Stonewing. Later, she asks her apprentice Needlepaw why Violetkit was out of the nursery so late at night, and the young gray she-cat claims that it was because Grassheart was kitting.
When a large group of rouges start causing trouble for the Clans, Bramblestar and his patrol run into Tawnypelt's own and the two discuss the issue. After Needlepaw sneaks Violetkit out of camp, her mentor promises to speak with Pinenose about her attitude before taking the two to Rowanstar, who scolds them for their rule breaking. When the group of rouges visit ShadowClan, Rowanstar sends her along with Dawnpelt and Spikefur to escort them away, and sends her again when they return. Unhappy with Rowanstar's leadership, her apprentice eventually decides to run away from ShadowClan to join the rouges, taking Violetkit with her.
A few moons later, Violetkit - now Violetpaw - runs into a patrol of Tawnypelt, Spikefur and Tigerheart. The patrol takes her to Rowanstar, and the tortoiseshell agrees to let her rejoin ShadowClan. When Twigpaw is captured and held captive in ShadowClan camp, Tawnypelt is chosen to send a message to Bramblestar that they'll let her go in exchange for lungwort, which is the only herb that can cure the Clan's plague of yellowcough. She and her brother then begin arguing about Twigpaw staying in ShadowClan to be with her sister, comparing it to when Tawnypaw moved there to be with their father.
She and her daughter Dawnpelt smooth out Kinkfur's pelt during her vigil, and later Tigerheart orders her, Dawnpelt, Strikestone and Violetpaw to go hunting. The tortoiseshell she-cat is then chosen to go to the next Gathering, shocked when a few f her Clanmates refuse to attend. At the Gathering, the rouges arrive and declare themselves to be the new leaders of ShadowClan, with the rouges' leader Darktail attacking Rowanstar when the latter protests. Tawnypelt and Tigerheart rush to Rowanstar's side and pry Darktail off of him, after which the three of them decide to let the rouges have ShadowClan territory. Bramblestar welcomes them to stay in ThunderClan, during which Squirrelflight snaps at Tawnypelt for asking Rowanstar's permission to join patrols rather than her or Bramblestar.
Shattered Sky[]
With the rest of their Clanmates now either missing or apart of the rouges' group - now renamed to The Kin - Tawnypelt, Rowanstar and Tigerheart are the last three remaining members of ShadowClan. Before the four Clans' battle with The Kin, Tawnypelt positions herself close to her mate's side. The battle is lost however when WindClan abruptly retreats. At the Gathering, she listens to Rowanstar and Bramblestar arguing, with the latter stating that if they sent injured cats into battle, any deaths that occur would be on the former's conscious. She interrupts and says that there must be some other way, but both leaders tell her to stay out of it. She snaps back that it's every cat's business, reminding them that she still has family in The Kin.
Former ShadowClan cats take shelter in ThunderClan after leaving The Kin, with Dawnpelt wanting to as well, regretting her mistakes and wanting to be with her parents again, but she is killed before she can escape. While planning how to rescue the RiverClan cats The Kin is holding hostage, some suggest sending Violetpaw to sneak in and escort them out one at a time. RiverClan's leader shoots this plan down however, reasoning that it will put Violetpaw in great danger as Darktail is likely to notice his prisoners disappearing one after the other. Tawnypelt supports this, adding that they'll need some way to get all the hostages out at once.
She later participates in the second battle with The Kin, this time being a success as Darktail is killed by Onestar and The Kin disbands. Many ShadowClan cats who'd left for The Kin beg to come back, to which Rowanstar call them mouse-hearts for abandoning their Clan and only returning when The Kin was no more. Tawnypelt calms him and reasons that they all know now what Darktail and his rouges were like but didn't know how much of a threat they could be at first, not even her mate. After glaring at Tawnypelt for a moment, he agrees to let his former Clanmates return.
Darkest Night[]
At the next Gathering, Tawnypelt looks to her mate with pity when all the other Clans begin blaming him for not stopping his warriors from joining The Kin. Later, when the medicine cats all share a dream of a cat with six toes, Rowanstar is indecisive on what to do. When Scorchfur mocks him for this, Tawnypelt snaps at him to show his leader some respect, but the dark gray tom retorts that Rowanstar hadn't done anything to deserve respect. He says that the leader let Darktail and his rouges hunt on ShadowClan's territory and corrupt their apprentices, but Tawnypelt argues that despite his mistakes, he still has StarClan's blessing.
With the leader still not knowing what to do, Scorchfur starts another argument by asking Rowanstar if it's too late to do the right thing. Tawnypelt retorts that Rowanstar has always been doing what's best, to which Scorchfur blames him for the state the Clan is currently in. She argues that the gray warrior couldn't have done any better and that ShadowClan's state is because of the cats who abandoned it, not its leader. She adds that those The Kin has killed haunt Rowanstar every night, and Scorchfur mutters that he has nine lives to dream about them, while they only had one. He then accuses Rowanstar of being the prophesized "dark sky" that StarClan had warned of. She snaps back that Scorchfur is the dark sky, as he let rouges take over their camp and drive their leader away. Scorchfur says that they left ShadowClan for The Kin because Rowanstar was a weak leader, and is still weak now.
At this, Tawnypelt lashes out at Scorchfur and the two get into a violent fight, and when they break away the gray tom scratches at her eyes. The rest of the Clan is shocked at this, as warriors are never supposed to attack each other's eyes in case of causing blindness, but fortunately Tawnypelt's eyes are not damaged. She tells Scorchfur that he really is a rouge and is about to attack again before Tigerheart intervenes.
At the next Gathering, Rowanstar somberly announces that he'll be stepping down from leadership as well as having himself and the rest of ShadowClan join SkyClan, letting SkyClan live in their old territory. Scorchfur yowls that he can't just give their territory away, but Tawnypelt and Grassheart defend the ex-leader's choice. Later, ShadowClan as well as all the medicine cat gather on the lake's shore to see the six-toed cat Tree summon all the wandering spirits killed by The Kin. Tree says that Rowanstar must look for the ShadowClan cats who went missing and rebuild his Clan, but the reddish-brown tom says that he's not capable. He then gives his remaining lives back to StarClan and changes his name back to Rowanclaw. As the spirits Tree summoned begin to disappear, Tawnypelt wails that they still have questions, but Tree is unable to keep them there much longer and they soon vanish.
River of Fire[]
Tawnypelt, Rowanclaw and the rest of ShadowClan are all now members of SkyClan. Tawnypelt gets offended on her mate's behalf when SkyClan's leader Leafstar asks him to patrol the old ShadowClan camp. The tortoiseshell snaps at her that Rowanclaw is a former leader, and that he shouldn't be assigned apprentice duties. Leafstar explains that she didn't mean to patronize him, and just picked him because he knows ShadowClan's old camp very well. Rowanclaw rests his tail on his mate to soothe her and tells her that he doesn't mind, adding that he's no longer a leader and wants to help their new Clan in any way he can. She and Rowanclaw then go to scope out their old camp alongside Violetshine and Hawkwing.
Hawkwing then sends the two ahead, to talk alone, and Violetshine decides to eavesdrop on their conversation. She overhears Tawnypelt ask if disbanding ShadowClan is truly what Rowanclaw wanted, reminding him that they were one of the five original Clans and assuring him that his Clanmates would still support him if he admitted his mistakes. Rowanclaw, unable to meet her gaze, denies this and says that with their only remaining kit Tigerheart missing, he sees no point in trying anymore.
Upon spotting the tow ex-Kin members Sleekwhisker and Yarrowleaf, a patrol brings them back to camp, where Tawnypelt springs to her paws and hisses that she knew she caught the scent of traitors. Before her mate can stop her, she races over to Yarrowleaf and is about to swipe until she notices that the rouge she-cat is pregnant. Instead, she spits at the two that ShadowClan has fallen because of them and their fellow traitors. The two beg to rejoin their Clanmates, but the tortoiseshell snaps that they shouldn't be taken in after killing their own Clanmates and their actions can't be forgiven. After Leafstar raises a paw to signal to Tawnypelt to be quiet, Yarrowleaf pleads to let them stay, as they have no where else to go and have friends and family in SkyClan. Tawnypelt retorts that they should have thought of that before they left.
Sleekwhisker remarks that they joined The Kin because Rowanstar was weak, causing all the ex-ShadowClan cats to gasp in anger. Leafstar decides to make the two rouges leave, and Scorchfur yells that she doesn't understand the bonds ShadowClan cats have. Tawnypelt speaks up that Leafstar was their StarClan-chosen leader whether they lied it or not, to which Juniperclaw snorts that she was only chosen to lead SkyClan. Tawnypelt glares at him until he lowers his gaze before stating that Leafstar made the right choice, as Sleekwhisker and Yarrowleaf were untrustworthy, adding that if anyone disagrees with her decision, they may leave as well.
Later, Violetshine, Tree and Twigpaw all discuss how ShadowClan needs to be rebuilt. Tree says that one of the ex-ShadowClan cats would be a good leader, and Violetshine tells him that they could talk to Tawnypelt about it. She adds that Tawnypelt was made Rowanclaw's successor after Tigerheart left, and she'd likely want her Clan to be brought back. When they inform Leafstar about this, she hisses at them and asks if they're trying to rebuild ShadowClan, but allows them to speak to Tawnypelt about it. Near a stream, they find Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw sharing tonges and tell the former that they want to speak to her. She looks at Twigpaw and says that she saw them talking to Leafstar, muttering that she hopes Twigpaw doesn't plan on coming back. The gray apprentice says that she's just visiting, and Tawnypelt grunts in approval before asking what they wanted to tell her.
Violetshine asks if she'd like to be the leader of the rebuilt ShadowClan. Tawnypelt is surprised and asks why they want her to lead when they already have a perfectly good leader, gesturing to Rowanclaw. The dark ginger tom denies reclaiming his leadership and reveals that he's had dreams of Tigerheart returning. Tawnypelt says that she hopes those dreams are true, sharing a soft look with her mate as they reminisce on their only living kit left. Rowanclaw then states that if she wanted, Tawnypelt should be leader since she was the deputy before the Clan disbanded, and he'd be more than happy to support her. Sleekwhisker and Yarrowleaf, who'd been living in ShadowClan's old camp, then appear and say they agree with Violetshine, Twigpaw and Tree and want to see their old home again.
During a windstorm, Tawnypelt hesitates when Leafstar tell her to go inside with the other warriors. She says that it may be different in SkyClan, but she can't just leave when other Clans could be in danger. Leafstar glares at her and asks if she's implying that SkyClan doesn't care about the other Clans, reminding her that her new Clan is her first responsibly and to listen to her orders. Tawnypelt refuses and says that she's going to go check that the other Clans are ok, with Juniperclaw and Rowanclaw going with her. Leafstar relents and sends Hawkwing and Violetshine along with them. While going to the other Clans, Tawnypelt tells Hawkwing that she didn't mean to undermine Leafstar's authority and just wanted to check on the others, to which the SkyClan deputy says that she needs to decide if Leafstar is the leader or she is, not meeting her gaze. He continues that her constant challenging of Leafstar is making it seem like there's two Clans sharing one camp, rather than all of them being a part of SkyClan. Tawnypelt slinks back to walk beside her mate as Violetshine gives her a sympathetic glance, thinking about how the tortoiseshell is in an awkward position and only trying to do the right thing.
When the group arrives in ThunderClan, Bramblestar tells them that RiverClan is being split up to be sheltered by ThunderClan and WindClan. Tawnypelt says that idea is mouse-brained, as they could just shelter in ShadowClan's old camp instead, as it's closer. Hawkwing stares at her and twitches his whiskers, trying to signal to her that offer isn't hers to make. He then says that if Leafstar approves, they could go with Tawnypelt's idea instead. The patrol then fetches the RiverClan cats, and Leafstar asks Tawnypelt why she made such an offer without her approval. Tawnypelt says that she didn't mean to disrespect the leader, but is cut off by Leafstar asking if she's a ShadowClan cat or a SkyClan one, adding that if she's the former, she can't question her leader's authority ever again. Ashamed, Tawnypelt dips her head and says that she won't.
Later, Sleekwhisker betrays Yarrowleaf and kidnaps her newborn kittens. Tawnypelt is gone too, and Violetshine reports to Rowanclaw that she found his mate's scent with Sleekwhisker's. Yarrowleaf bitterly says that she helped Sleekwhisker steal her kits, as she never wanted her back in the first place. Rowanclaw refutes this, saying that Tawnypelt would never hurt innocent kits, and Violetshine backs him up while wondering why she was with Sleekwhisker at all. While looking for other scents, Rowanclaw recognizes two and exclaims that Jacques and Susan have returned.
Soon Rowanclaw, Yarrowleaf, Violetshine and Macgyver find Tawnypelt crouched by a pool of water, with Susan alongside Sleekwhisker and two ex-Kin members Raven and Nettle - the latter of which is the father of Yarrowleaf's children - crouched beside her. Rowanclaw demands to know what's going on, and tawnypelt explains that after Leafstar's scolding, Sleekwhisker had invited her to go hunting together, and upon luring her out of camp she was ambushed by Jacques and Susan, though she was able to leave a few scratches on them. Violetshine remebers the wound she saw and Jacques' snout and feels relived that Tawnypelt didn't betray them as she hadn't gone with Sleekwhisker willingly.
Rowanclaw growls that he doesn't know what Sleekwhisker wants with Tawnypelt, to which the rouge stands up and tells him that she kidnapped his mate to mate him suffer, claiming that she grew up miserable because he was too weak to drive out Darktail when he had the chance. Rowanclaw bows his head and apologizes, saying he'd payed for his mistakes. Sleekwhisker hisses that he hasn't paid enough, and that she's going to kill Tawnypelt to take away the one family member he has left. Tawnypelt sneers that she'd like to see her try, to which Sleekwhisker says that she'll do more than just "try", and will kill Yarrowleaf's kits if anyone makes a move. Yarrowleaf tries to save her kittens, but Nettle knows her aside and says that they're willing to trade Tawnypelt's life for Rowanclaw, taunting him that he's too weak to sacrifice himself for his mate. However, Rowanclaw agrees to give up his life for Tawnypelt's, but only as long as the kits go free as well. Nettle states that the kits are staying with him, and as Rowanclaw approaches with his head bowed, he suddenly launches himself at the rouges. While they're distracted, Tawnypelt and Yarrowleaf each grab one of the kits as the rest of the Clan cats flee.
Once the kit she was carrying makes it to safety, Tawnypelt runs back to the fight to save her mate, latching onto Jacques. She defeats him and chases him away while Violetshine and Macgyver chase off Susan and Raven. Rowanclaw then kills Nettle and defeats Sleekwhisker, but the wounds he's sustained are fatal. As He bleeds out, Tawnypelt rushes to his side and begs him to stay with her. He says that ShadowClan's ruin was his fault, but she shouldn't worry, as soon Tigerheart will return just like in his dreams. He says goodbye to Tawnypelt as his eyes close and he gives his last breath, the blood flowing from his neck coming to a stop. Violetshine comforts the now-widowed tortoiseshell, offering to help her carry his body back to camp for his vigil and saying that he died like a true leader. While carrying the body, Macgyver asks Tawnypelt if she thinks she can lead ShadowClan. After a moment, she shakes her head and says that without Rowanclaw, ShadowClan is dead.
Later, upon hearing that Tigerheart has returned along with Slatefur, Berryheart, Sparrowtail and Cloverfoot, Tawnypelt bounds up to her son excitedly only to find that he'd died on the way home. Violetshine sees her with her head down, thinking about how she'd lost Dawnpelt, Rowanclaw and now Tigerheart in the span of only a few moons and wonders how a cat can go through so much grief. Tawnypelt's spirits are lifted slightly when she meets the kits of her son and the ThunderClan warrior Dovewing: Shadowkit, Lightkit and Pouncekit.
Upon receiving a prophecy that Tigerheart was meant to be the next leader of ShadowClan, his body is taken to the Moonpool where StarClan grants him nine lives, reviving him as Tigerstar. After the ShadowClan cats chant their new leader's name, Tawnypelt approaches him and presses her nose to his side, purring with happiness. She begs him to tell her what happened, Puddleshine explains that he'd been brought back to life to rebuild ShadowClan. Her son adds that he saw Rowanclaw, Dawnpelt and Flametail up in StarClan, and each of them had given him a life. As the ShadowClan cats head back to their old camp to start rebuilding their home, Tawnypelt asks Violetshine if she's coming with them. Violetshine declines, saying that she's a SkyClan cat, thanking her for the offer anyways.
Tawnypelt's Clan[]
Tigerstar appoints Tawnypelt as the new deputy of ShadowClan. She has a dream of the old ShadowClan before the yellowcough plauge and The Kin's takeover before getting woken up by Shadowkit, Lightkit and Pouncekit. She's frustrated by Dovewing, who has moved from ThunderClan, lacking the resolve to help rebuild the camp or giving her kits space to grow up. When she asks to go on a hunting patrol, Tigerstar tells er that he already sent one, and she scowls over her son not letting her do her duties as deputy. As she repairs dens with Stonewing and Scorchfur, she snaps at the two for ignoring her orders.
When Tigerstar confronts her about her irritability, she explains how frustrated she is that no one listens to her, but the conversation is cut short when Shadowkit begins having a seizure. He mumbles about a tree falling and cats in danger, his parents questioning Tawnypelt when she dismisses it. Puudleshine doesn't know how to treat Shadowkit and Dovewing suggests going to Leafpool for advise, causing the deputy to snap at her. After hearing Shadowkit's vision, she wonders if it could be about the Tribe of Rushing Water, arguing with Tigerstar about it. She then argues with Scorchfur about Rowanclaw, but the leader silences them. She then tries convincing Leafpool of her grandson's vision, and later she and Dovewing try convincing Tigerstar as well, but he still refuses to believe it.
That night, Tawnypelt tries sneaking Shadowkit off to the Tribe, but is caught when Dovewing yowls in alarm. As she and her son begin arguing again, she accuses him of being like his tyrannical grandfather. Dovewing joins in, and eventually Tigerstar agrees to let them take Shadowkit to the Tribe. On the way to the mountains, Tawnypelt gains an understanding of Dovewing and grows to appreciate how patient she is with Shadowkit, reflecting on how difficult motherhood is and her own kits. When they reach the Tribe, they're escorted inside by Snow and Breeze, where Tawnypelt tells Stoneteller about Shadowkit's visions.
She then reunites with Stormfur and Brook, congratulating them when they reveal that their kits have all become cave-guards. Unsure about her place in the new ShadowClan, she asks Stormfur if he's regretted leaving RiverClan. He insists that the Tribe is his true home, but she's still unsure whether or not ShadowClan is still her true home after its changed so much.
That night, Shadowkit suddenly wakes up and starts screaming that everyone needs to evacuate. Tawnypelt helps the Tribe cats out, and the kitten then says that they all need to climb higher to the riverbank. Tawnypelt walks behind Dovewing and Shadowkit to catch them if they fall, after which the latter instructs everyone to push rocks into the the river in order to block a tree that's about to fall. Tawnypelt helps Dovewing buck the rocks and saves Breeze when she fall into the river. The stones are able to block the tree, and soon lightning strikes and destroys it, saving the Tribe.
The next morning, as Dovewing and Shadowkit prepare to head home, Tawnypelt wonders if she should stay with the Tribe. Rowanclaw's spirit then visits her in her dreams, assuring her that they'll be reunited some day and encouraging her to let him and the old ShadowClan go and give their son a chance to lead. Shadowkit wakes her up, and with her mate's message she decides to return to the Clans with him and Dovewing. When they return home, she announces that she's stepping down from her role as deputy to give to a younger cat who will focus on the Clan's future rather than its past.
A Vision of Shadows (cont.)[]
The Raging Storm[]
She is now the mentor of Conepaw. She, Dovewing and Scorchfur go to retrieve Puddleshine, who's been kept in ThunderClan's medicine den so that Alderheart may cure him of his illness. Bramblestar greets the patrol and asks if they're retrieving their medicine cat, to which Tawnypelt reminds him that Tigerstar told him they were coming to get him in two day's time before asking if he's ready to go. When her brother hesitates, she demands an answer, but he instead diverts the conversation by commenting on how odd it is to bring Dovewing along after noticing how uneasy she looks around her former Clanmates. Tawnypelt states that Dovewing is a member of ShadowClan now, and she may join their patrols and escort their Clanmates home. When Bramblestar says that she should be in the nursery taking care of her kits, Dovewing responds that she wanted to see her sister Ivypool.
Scorchfur then demands to know where Puddleshine is, and Alderheart appears to tell them that his wounds have become infected, with Bramblestar adding that he's healing slower than expected. Tawnypelt yowls in disbelief that they can't cure a silverthorn scratch even with three medicine cats as she barges into the medicine den, Alderheart and her brother following after her. She inspects the brown-and-white tom and remarks that he smells awful, asking if they've even been taking care of him. Puddleshine assures her that Alderheart has been doing his best, and the ginger ThunderClan tom then reports that the smell has something to do with his infected wounds, being an infection he hasn't seen before. Tawnypelt retorts that an infection is an infection, causing Jayfeather to stop what he's doing and tell her that not everything can be fixed with a few herbs and a prayer to StarClan. He goes on that getting angry isn't going to help, and Puddleshine can't walk home, with no one able to treat his injuries even if he could.
Tawnypelt says that they can just bring Alderheart along, but Puddleshine reasons that they can't just take him away from his Clan, and he'll just stay a few more days until his infection subsides. She asks who will take care of anyone who gets sick or hurt in ShadowClan while he's gone. Bramblestar steers the conversation by telling his sister to let the medicine cat get some rest, and she relaxes as he adds that he'll be sent home as soon as he's able, and in the meantime Leafpool or Alderheart can care for any ShadowClan cats' ailments. She nods and tells Puddleshine that his Clanmates miss him, telling him to get well soon as she and her patrol head home.
At the next Gathering, Tigerstar announces that Tawnypelt is stepping down, with the tortoiseshell leaving her place beside the other deputies at the roots of the Great Oak, and her grandson Juniperclaw takes her place. Much later, Bramblestar reveals the accusations that Juniperclaw had poisoned SkyClan's fresh-kill pile. Juniperclaw confesses that he did, revealing that he used deathberry seeds to do so. The cats of ShadowClan are shocked, and Tigerstar instantly demotes him form deputyship, ordering Tawnypelt and Scorchfur to take him to the warrior's den and guard the entrance. Juniperclaw and Shadowkit disappear soon after, with Tawnypelt and Strikestone unable to find either of their scents. Bramblestar suggests sending someone to WindClan, which his siter volunteers to do before racing out of camp.
- She's one of three cats to become deputy multiple times, with the others being Blackfoot and Graystripe.
- Tawnypelt and Rosepetal are tied with having taught the most apprentices in the series at 5 in total.
- Oddly, she never seems to acknowledge Mothwing or Hawkfrost as her half-siblings, and it's unknown whether or not she's even aware that they are.
- Author Victoria Holmes stated that she made Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw be mates because she felt bad about always getting the latter's gender confused.
External links[]
Tawnypelt on the Warriors Wiki
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