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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

I'll catch you on the download!
~ Tecna

Tecna is one of the main characters from Winx Club. She made her first appearance in the second episode, Welcome to Magix. She is Musa's roommate and is the Fairy of Technology.

She is voiced by Domitilla D'Amico in Italian, Lezlie Karls and Jodie Resther in the Cinélume dub, Dani Schaffel and Rebecca Soler in the 4Kids dub, Morgan Decker in the Atlas Oceanic dub, Sabrina Weisz in the movies and Saskia Maarleveld in the DuArt dub, World of Winx, and 3Beep dub.


Tecna is a young woman with a light skin tone, teal-blue eyes and magenta-colored hair which is often styled in an asymmetrical bob-cut on the right side with a single small hair strand sticking up (until Season 4).

As of Season 8, Tecna's hair is a more solid purple/lilac color where it appears to be a little thicker/longer and her eyes are now dodger-blue, thanks to newer animation graphics used for the show.

Personality Profile[]

Winx Club[]

As shown in the series, Tecna is extremely smart, with an IQ of 150, and loves technology. Sometimes she gets engrossed in technology and her enthusiasm for sameness can be irritating. She is self-confident and a perfectionist. She is always practical and logical, sometimes to a fault. Tecna has trouble expressing her emotions and bases the majority of her decisions on pure logic, though, in the second and third season, she gets over that trouble and is more open and friendly toward her friends. She is selfless and nice to them; she truly cares about them, even if she cannot always show it by using emotions. She develops emotionally through the series and eventually experiences crying, stating that she never cried before. In Season 3, she even decides to give up her emotions and love to acquire the Water Stars needed to defeat Valtor. But Arcadia gives back her emotions and love.

She loves science, experimenting in her spare time by creating numerous techno devices. She also has a photographic memory. She loves computers and video games. Tecna also enjoys playing sports and being active.

Tecna is 16 years old at her first appearance, and her birthday is on December 16. As shown in the series, Tecna is extremely smart and loves technology. Sometimes she gets too into her technology, and her enthusiasm with the same can be annoying. She is always practical and logical, sometimes to a fault. Tecna has trouble expressing her emotions and bases the majority of her decisions on pure logic, though in the second and third season, she gets over that trouble and is more open and friendly toward her friends. She is unselfish and nice to them - she truly cares for them, even if she can't always show it. She loves science, experimenting in her spare time. She also has a photographic memory. She loves computers and video games. She has a husky American voice in the RAI version and a British acceent in the 4Kids version. According to her profile page at winxclub.com, Tecna also enjoys doing sports and being active. She also has a strong bond with Musa. She also really likes Timmy but doesn't know how to tell him. Sometimes she feels like the rest of the girls don't treat her like she is important. Tecna does not like when Stella bags on her style either. Sometimes they treat her like she is a computer. Tecna helps them all. She is a really loyal friend, she feels like Musa and Timmy are the only two that understand her. She also has a strong bond with Flora. And also she's the smart one in the Winx Club. Tecna is extremely smart with an IQ of 150 and loves technology. She is always rational, practical, and logical, sometimes to a fault. Tecna has trouble expressing her emotions and bases the majority of her decisions on pure logic, making her seem cold and unattached. Tecna develops emotionally through the series and eventually experiences crying, stating that she never cried before.


During the early run of the Winx Club Comic Series, Tecna is much more emotional and temperamental than she realizes. Though she still preferred to prioritize logic over her own emotions, Tecna had a bit of a temper; one that would become more apparent in situations that ended up playing out in an entirely different way than she had initially thought or calculated.

Also, unlike her TV series counterpart, Tecna possessed more of an interest in boys; she just held very high expectations for whichever one caught her fancy. If such a boy did not meet her expectations, she would get irritable and ultimately make them the target of her temper. Sadly, Timmy had to face much of Tecna's wrath due to his clumsy and awkward self almost never meeting her expectations of a romantically proactive guy though, rather than simply become impatient with and give up on Timmy, Tecna stuck by him with the hopes that he would meet her expectations eventually. Coupled with this is Tecna's surprising jealousy as she would assert herself in situations where another girl tried flirting with Timmy. Her bouts of jealousy could even turn violent like in Issue 19 when she whacks Tabitha in the face with a cliffside branch and feigns ignorance.

After Issue 25, Tecna becomes more open with herself about her emotions and also comes to appreciate Timmy for being capable of balancing his logical and emotional sides. As such, she begins to openly display how hurt her father's decisions can make her, which allow the two to reach a better emotional understanding of the other. Despite this change though, Tecna still runs into situations where she cannot properly convey or control her emotions.

She is also shown to be very motherly toward her technological creations, like with Byte, whom she treats almost like her own son.


           Winx-club-logo-3d Heroes

Bloom | Stella | Flora | Musa | Tecna | Aisha | Roxy

Sky | Brandon | Riven | Helia | Timmy | Nabu | Roy | Nex | Thoren

Faragonda | Griffin | Daphne | Palladium | Wizgiz | Saladin | Marion | Oritel | Mirta | Knut | Mike | Vanessa | Erendor

Lockette | Amore | Chatta | Tune | Digit | Piff | Cherie
