The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are the titular main protagonists of the 2003 cartoon series of the same name. They are four turtles that were mutated by the mutagen of the Utroms alongside their master Splinter, and are trained ninjutsu by him. Their leader is Leonardo.
The Turtles were once ordinary pet turtles bought by a young boy, until an accident caused the boy to drop them all into the sewer. The mutagen from the truck in the accident dropped into the sewer as well, covered them and the passing-by Splinter who adopted them afterwards. The mutagen mutated them all into being anthropomorphic. Splinter would ever since train them ninjutsu to protect them from the outside world.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles[]
The Turtles would then fight criminals and thwart their plans in the night. During this time, they also befriend April O'Neil and Casey Jones. However, their effort attracts the attention of Oroku Saki, the leader of the Foot Clan and the mastermind behind those crimes. He invites Leonardo to join him, but Splinter then tells the Turtles about Saki's true identity, the Shredder, thus Leonardo refuses and the Turtles become the Shredder's archenemies, especially after the reveal of his true identity as the Utrom criminal Ch'rell, who caused the Utrom spaceship to crash on Earth a millennium ago, thus set up a chain of events that led to the turtles and Splinter's mutation.
Through much of the fourth season, the Turtles, save for Leonardo, are fully healed and recovered from their battle with the Shredder. When Leonardo is away to train with the Ancient One, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael and Splinter are seemingly killed by Karai, now the new Shredder. Thankfully, they survive and find a new lair. Leonardo then returns and battle Karai, before telling her that he gives her one last chance to leave his family alone.
In the fifth season, the Turtles become the Ninja Tribunal's acolytes, training themselves to fight against the Tengu Shredder, of whom the Utrom Shredder stole identity from. In the Fast Forward season, they travel to a hundred years in the future, befriending Cody Jones, Casey and April's descendant, and Serling, while battling evil forces like Cody's uncle Darius Dun, Sk'Okanabo and Viral. They return to the present in the Back to the Sewer season and fight against a cybernetic copy of the Utrom Shredder, dubbed the Cyber Shredder. They then attend Casey and April's wedding. The Turtles also return in Turtles Forever, teaming up with their 1987 and later also Mirage counterparts to take down the Utrom Shredder, who was revived by the 1987 Shredder and Krang, once and for all.