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Heroes Wiki

Tegan Jovanka was an Australian air stewardess, and the main companion of the Fifth Doctor, although she initially met the Fourth Doctor on his final adventure. She serves as a supporting character in Season 18, the main deuteragonist in the Fifth Doctor Era and a major protagonist in the 2022 Specials, apart of the Thirteenth Doctor's Era.

She quickly became embroiled in the events surrounding the Doctor's regeneration and found herself a unwilling passenger of the Fifth Doctor with Adric, and Nyssa, as the Doctor failed to successfully return her to her proper time and place. Some time after being returned to Heathrow, she reunited with the Doctor in Amsterdam, and rejoined him and Nyssa. During her adventures with them, she was troubled by her possession by the Mara. Some time later, they were joined by Turlough, who she was somewhat suspicious of, and later Kamelion. They would adventure together for a time, until the stress of her adventures became too much. 



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While en route to Heathrow Airport with Autie Vanessa for a job interview as an air stewardess, Vanessa's car suffered a flat tire. Seeing what she thought was a police box, Tegan tried to call for help to fix her aunt's flat tyre. Having instead entered the Doctor's TARDIS, she got lost within it's vast dephs, and was an unwitting passenger when the Fourth Doctor and Adric headed to the planet Logopolis.

Finally meeting the Doctor and Adric, they could not immediately return her, as they soom found themselves dealing with the threat of the Master using Logopolis's science for his own ends. During this time, she also met Nyssa, who had been taken to Logopolis as well. Tegan was heartbroken to learn that the Master had killed her Aunt for his own sick pleasure. When the Master's interference led to the universe beginning to unravel rom entropy, they returned to Earth, and headed to the Pharos Project, to open a CVE and thus save the universe. After the Master was defeated, she witnessed the Doctor's fall from the Project's radio telescope and his regeneration. 

Season 19[]

Left to look after the newly regenerated Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa were critical to stabilising the Doctor's difficult regeneration. When the Master sent the TARDIS to the Big Bang, Tegan was able to pilot her away, unaware she was being further manipulated by the Master. After his trap was thwarted, and with the new Doctor recovered, Tegan joined him for the time being, until he could return her to Heathrow. Throughout her initial batch of adventures, she wore her uniform, as if to remind everyone of her goal.

In Kinda, after arriving on the planet Deva Loka, Tegan fell asleep under the wind chimes, and found her consciousness in a black void. Seeing an elderly couple playing chess, who did not acknowledge her existence, Tegan encountered Dukka, a manifestation of the Mara, who confronted her with paradoxes of existence; splitting her into two beings and orders them to argue which one is real. After tormenting her further, Tegan she agreed to let the Mara take control. After the Mara tokk another host, Tegan helped to stop it with a circle of mirrors, but was left disturbed by the experience. 

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Season 20[]

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Season 21[]

In Resurrection of the Daleks, Tegan decided to leave the Doctor after she saw too many people being killed in the carnage of the Dalek Civil War. Remembering what her Aunt Vanessa said about giving up what she was doing if she stopped enjoying it, she said her goodbye to the Doctor and Turlough, though she returned just in time to see the TARDIS dematerialise.


  • Tegan is notably aghast to learn the Master was still alive in 2022. This makes sense as she has nearly been killed by machinations four times.
    • Logopolis
    • Castravalva
    • The King's Demons
    • The Five Doctors
  • In the novels Tegan has two failed marriages to men, but is happily married to Nyssa. Showing that Tegan is either bisexual or was denying her true orientation due to the era she grew up in.


           Doctor Who - Current Titlecard Heroes

The Doctor
First Doctor | Second Doctor | Third Doctor | Fourth Doctor | Fifth Doctor | Sixth Doctor | Seventh Doctor | Eighth Doctor | War Doctor | Ninth Doctor | Tenth Doctor | Eleventh Doctor | Twelfth Doctor | Thirteenth Doctor | Fourteenth Doctor | Fifteenth Doctor
Others: Dr. Who | John Smith | The Doctor (Scream of the Shalka) | Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor | Fugitive Doctor

The Doctor's companions
Susan Foreman | Ian Chesterton | Barbara Wright | Vicki Pallister | Steven Taylor | Katarina | Sara Kingdom | Dodo Chaplet | Ben Jackson | Polly Wright | Jamie McCrimmon | Victoria Waterfield | Zoe Heriot | Liz Shaw | Jo Grant | Sarah Jane Smith | Harry Sullivan | Leela | K9 Mark I/K9 Mark II | Romana | Adric | Nyssa | Tegan Jovanka | Turlough | Kamelion | Peri Brown | Mel Bush | Ace | Grace Holloway | Chang Lee | Rose Tyler | Captain Jack Harkness | Mickey Smith | Martha Jones | Donna Noble | Wilfred Mott | Amy Pond | River Song | Rory Williams | Clara Oswald | Nardole | Bill Potts | Graham O'Brien | Ryan Sinclair | Yasmin Khan | Dan Lewis | Ruby Sunday
Prose companions
Bernice Summerfield | Roz Forrester | Chris Cwej | Sam Jones | Fitz Kreiner | Compassion | Miranda Dawkins | Anji Kapoor | Trix | Cinder
Comics companions
Sharon Davies | Angus Goodman | Frobisher | Izzy Sinclair | Kroton | Destrii | Josie Day | Tara Mishra | Majenta Price | Gabby Gonzalez | Cindy Wu | Alice Obiefune | John Jones | ARC | The Squire | The Sapling | Hattie Munroe
Audio companions
Oliver Harper | Naomi Cross | Margaret Hopwood | Ann Kelso | Mrs Wibbsey | Thomas Brewster | Marc | Erimem | Evelyn Smythe | "Mila" | Jago & Litefoot | Flip Jackson | Constance Clarke | Hebe Harrison | Raine Creevy | Hex | Sally Morgan | Lysandra Aristedes | Mags | Elizabeth Klein | James MacFarlane | Charley Pollard | Audacity Montague | C'rizz | Lucie Miller | Tamsin Drew | Molly O'Sullivan | Liv Chenka | Helen Sinclair | Bliss | Cass | Alex Campbell | Anya Kingdom | Mark Seven | Valarie Lockwood

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart | Sergeant Benton | Captain Mike Yates | Brigadier Bambera | Colonel Mace | Kate Stewart | Petronella Osgood | Shirley Anne Bingham | Rose Noble
Audio members
Colonel Emily Chaudry | Lieutenant Hoffman | Colonel Dalton | Captain Ruth Matheson | Charlie Sato | Josh Carter | Sam Bishop | Colonel Shindi

Torchwood Institute
Captain Jack Harkness | Gwen Cooper | Ianto Jones | Owen Harper | Toshiko Sato | Rex Matheson | Esther Drummond | Mr Colchester

Bannerman Road Gang
Sarah Jane Smith | Luke Smith | Maria Jackson | Mr Smith | Clyde Langer | Rani Chandra | K9 Mark IV | Sky Smith

Investigators of Infernal Incidents
Henry Gordon Jago | George Litefoot | Ellie Higson | Sergeant Quick

Paternoster Gang
Madame Vastra | Jenny Flint | Strax

Coal Hill defenders
Charlie Smith | Ram Singh | April MacLean | Tanya Adeola | Andrea Quill | Matteusz Andrzejewski

Other Allies
Death's Head | James Stirling | Professor Travers | King Peladon | Alpha Centauri | White Guardian | K9 Mark III | Maxwell Edison | Sabalom Glitz | DI Patricia Menzies | Bernice Summerfield | Father Octavian | The Face of Boe | Jackie Tyler | Bad Wolf | Pete Tyler | Ood Sigma | Jenny | Hostess | Craig Owens | Sophie | Brian Williams | Rusty | Danny Pink | Rigsey | Grant Gordon | Grace O'Brien | Karvanista | Claire Brown | Inston-Vee Vinder | Bel | Eustacius Jericho | Rogue
