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Heroes Wiki

Tekno the Canary is a supporting character in Sonic the Comic comic book series. She is an inventor who used to work for Robotnik until she fell out of his grace. After being saved from roboticization by Shortfuse the Cybernik, she joined Sonic's team of Freedom Fighters in their fight against the evil scientist.



Tekno the Canary used to work for Dr. Robotnik and is credited with taking part in creation of Megatal. When Robotnik caught Tekno undermining him by making anti-badnik weaponry, he sent her to be roboticized, but she was rescued by Shortfuse, who the doctor had earlier attempted to make his robotic slave, but failed to.

Sonic the Comic[]

Tekno joined the Freedom Fighters and used her intelligence to help them out on their missions multiple times. At one point, she and Amy were chosen by the Ring of Eternity as its champions to protect various locations across time and space from evil. Other missions Tekno took part in were the fight against aliens posing as Egyptian gods, including Set, and foiling Robotnik's plan to destroy life on Mobius and Earth.

Sonic the Comic Online![]

Act 1[]

One mission gone wrong ended with Tekno and Shortfuse stuck in an alternate dimension in the town Solstice. There, they encountered Set, who had previously been banished here and began enslaving residents of the dimension. Set cast a spell on the two, which slowly made the canary go insane. She ended up grievously wounding Set, believing herself to have killed him, but he turned up alive and attempted to invade Mobius, forcing Tekno to kill him for real.

Tekno and Shortfuse finally returned to Mobius, which was under the assault by the New Robotnik Empire. She got trapped in Cybernik armor and forced to fight Amy before breaking free. She eventually reunited with Shoortfuse and joined his new team, the Cybernix.

Exit: Sonic[]

Years into the future, Tekno and Amy settled together and had a son named Johnny. During the final battle against Robotnik, Grimer and Super Sonic, Tekno couldn't take part, having stayed home to look after their son.


  • Tekno has a counterpart in the Pre-Super Genesis Wave version of Prime Zone, where Sonic the Hedgehog comics by Archie take place, and is a good friend of the resident Amy Rose.
  • Although Tekno is only referred to as female in the comics, in 2023 Lew Stringer, the character's creator, declared that the fans were free to interpret her/them as non-binary if they wished to.


            Stc logo.webp Heroes

Freedom Fighters
Amy Rose | Johnny Lightfoot | Kintobor Computer | Miles "Tails" Prower | Porker Lewis | Shortfuse the Cybernik | Sonic the Hedgehog | Tekno the Canary
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chamelion | Mighty the Armadillo | Omni-Viewer | Vector the Crocodile
Echidna Empire
Guardian Robots | Knuckles the Echidna | Pochacamac | Tikal
Blockhead Bill | Bravehog | Dr. Ovi Kintobor | Ebony | Hercules | Lieutenant Furor | Morain | Norris Wimple | Society Max | Tuftee the Squirrel

Household Keepers
Amy Rose | Commander Steele | Silver the Hedgehog
The Ultimax
Holly Thumpfoot | Miles "Tails" Prower | Theo
Bob the Plax | Niya the Gorilla | Shortfuse the Cybernik | Tekno the Canary
Blaze the Cat | Cedric the Elephant | Charles' Grandfather | Iggy the Mouse | Lumina Flowlight | Marine the Raccoon | Sally Acorn | Shadow II | St. George | Sticks the Badger | Tweet Titans

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
