I will not institute quarantine without proof of your claims, Ambassador. The people of Lordaeron have suffered enough without becoming prisoners in their own lands.
~ Terenas Menethil
Terenas Menethil is a supporting character in the Warcraft universe. He was the king of Lordaeron and the father of Arthas Menethil.
When he heard that the orcs were planning to invade Azeroth, Terenas formed an alliance between the other nations to fight off the orcs. The king also asked the elves and dwarves to help too. During the Second War, the forces of Lordaeron fought the orcs which ended in Lordaeron's favor. The warchief Orgrim Doomhammer was captured and became Terenas' prisoner. Doomhammer's imprisonment was not long as he was able to escape eventually.
Terenas became worried over his alliance as Quel'Thalas, Gilneas, and Stromgarde left. Arthas later became a paladin of the Silver Hand during the Third War. A prophet came to warn Terenas of trouble in Kalimdor but Terenas considered him insane and refused to listen to him. Prince Arthas returned from his journey into Northrend where Terenas held a celebration for his return. But the king didn't know about his son's now evil nature and was stabbed by him.
Playable characters: Uther the Lightbringer | Leeroy Jenkins | Reno Jackson | Rokara
Curse of Naxxramas:
Goblins vs. Gnomes:
Blackrock Mountain:
The Grand Tournament:
League of Explorers:
Whispers of the Old Gods:
One Night in Karazhan:
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan:
Knights of the Frozen Throne:
The Boomsday Project:
Rastakhan's Rumble:
Rise of Shadows:
Saviors of Uldum:
Descent of Dragons:
Ashes of Outland:
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire:
Forged in the Barrens: