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Terry is a character in Dragon Quest VI.


Terry wears a blue cap to cover his white hair, a blue tunic with matching gloves over a black undershirt, and white pants capped with black boots. The tunic is partially covered with a section of leather armour, and he carries a satchel at his side.


Terry prefers working alone and hates depending on others. While he is not strictly anti-social, Terry is very condescending towards others and speaks in a terse manner. This bellicose attitude stems from his profound loneliness, as shown in his Lucky Dip antics. That being said, he is still a good person at heart and is strongly implied to have saved several people from the jaws of monsters during his travels, most notably Donna the barmaid from Port Prospect.


Terry is a talented swordsman, traveling the world to find more powerful weapons and to prove his strength. He is first met by Rek in the kingdom of Arkbolt setting out to defeat the hacksaurus terrorizing the cave to the north. Terry is able to reach the monster first and defeat it in battle. Next, he is met in the Everfrost Grotto, where the Sword of Ramias is found. Terry decides to leave the sword for Rek though, since it is all rusty. Finally, Terry must be defeated in battle before the Cloudsgate Citadel can reappear in the Dream World. Once Durran, the boss imprisoning Cloudsgate Citadel is defeated, Terry will join Rek's party.

Terry initially goes on his quest to become more powerful, because he was unable to protect his older sister, Milly, while growing up in Felonia. She was taken away when they were younger, which prompted Terry to pursue his quest. Somewhere along the way, he lost sight of his true goal, and doesn't even recognize Milly as a member of Rek's party. Once Terry is defeated, he and Milly are reunited and reconcile.



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