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Test Tube is a major protagonist in the web-series "Inanimate Insanity" serving as a female contestant in the show.

She serves as a major protagonist of Inanimate Insanity II, and a supporting character in Inanimate Insanity S3.

She is voiced by Adam Katz.


In Episode 2, She helps her Team The Bright Lights when Lightbulb retrieves the Hand Tools from Suitcase which the latter’s guilt was overwhelmed with guilt for not looking out for others, when Paintbrush points out Test tube can built their team’s rocket for being “good at Science including their rocket” leading to LightBulb’s prejudice on her object qualities, Lightbulb Then hands Test Tub the tools which then Test Tub frantically and constructed the Rocket with ease with incredible Speed.

In Episode 3 She helped Seperate Yin from his evil counterpart and brother, which then suddenly backfire as Yang plans to destroy the other contestant, Seeking that Yin needs to stop his behaviour and realises why they were merged, He asks for Test Tube to give them an antidote to merge Yang back together with Yin, luckily Knife helped out forcing Yang force feed the antidote as revenge for breaking his leg after it was given by Test Tube.

In Epusode Six, He helped Fan defeat both Mephone5S and Mephone5C by tricking them into diving themselves onto the cliff where Mephone originally died along with Bow and MePhone5

Episode Seven She first try to anttenpt to reveal that their team really lost until she was quickly interfered by Paintbrush to not say anything, During Soap’s song, She began to analyse life movements into the Shinmer egg and became fascinated by it’s readings, She later instinctively saved Fan’s shimmer egg after the latter provoked Paintbrush without any serious type, soon becoming a considerate friend for Fan.

In Episode Eight, He attempted to fix MePhone4’s sickness with rice as he says “Mazel Tov” for good luck, however it didn’t work which lead to Lightbulb throwing soy sauce onto MePhone4’s body, Later in the episode She stood up to Steve Cobs for trying to take away her friend Fan’s egg when the latter refuses for the better. After the contestants, Toilet and MePad managed to escape Meeple with the spare Mobile battery, Which then She began to deconstruct and repair MePhone4’s structure with the parts needed, including Toilet’s wire implanted onto MePhone4, successfully revitalising the host.

In episode Nine, She agrees to protect Fan’s shimmer egg throughout the Maze, Even so far as when MePhone uses his deadly lasers above the entire maze in an attempt to attack Test Tube along with other contestants throughout the journey with, using her acrobatics to manoeuvres the lasers and keep the egg safe, however She later hears Microphone through that the end of the Maze and races through the dangerous obstacles which also incinerates her into near black vapor colour, She manages to finish the maze as tied with Knife whom both landed at the exit ad the same time from the last minute of the destroyed maze, She later uses the last of her strength to deliver the egg safely to Fan.


Test Tube is a tall glass beaker in the shape of a thin cylinder with an opening at the top, surrounded by a wider glass ring. Inside Test Tube is neon green reactive liquid.


As a proud prospective and self-proclaimed scientist, Test Tube devotes her life to the education of science. Shown in her debut, she is crazy over science and knows pretty much everything about it, she has displayed a high level of intelligence throughout the entire show, and is proclaimed as the smartest character in the show.

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           Inanimate Insanity Logo Heroes

MePhone4 | MePhone4S | MePad | Toilet | The Floor

Season 1
OJ | Paper | Pickle | Bow | Apple | Marshmallow | Paintbrush | Lightbulb | Balloon | Nickel | Knife | Baseball
Season 2
Suitcase | Test Tube | Microphone | Fan | Soap | Cheesy | Box | Yin-Yang | Cherries
Season 3
Cabby | Candle | Bot | The Floor | Goo | Clover | Silver Spoon | Tea Kettle | Life Ring
Inanimate Insanity Infinity Contestants

MePhone3GS | Baxter | Springy | Light Shimmers (The Baby Shimmer | The Prime Shimmer)
