Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, professionally known as Real Steel, is a supporting character in the 2014 Japanese superhero manga series My Hero Academia and its 2016 anime television series adaptation of the same name.
Tetsutetsu was a Japanese student who, like many others his age, aspired to become a professional hero one day. His quirk, called Steel, allowed him to turn his body into steel. At the age of fifteen, Tetsutetsu earned admittance into the hero course of U.A. High School, a program dedicated to cultivating new heroes. He was sorted into Class 1-B, a class of twenty students with like-minded ambitions and lofty potential.
Tetsutetsu is voiced by Kōji Okino in the Japanese version of the anime and by David Wald in the English version. Wald has also voiced Gajeel Redfox in Fairy Tail, Bulat in Akame Ga Kill!, Toshio Ozaki in Shiki, Paulie in One Piece, and Renshō Sorinozuka in Inu x Boku SS.
Tetsutetsu is a young man with long, messy gray hair and tilted black eyes, both of which are lined with a jagged tan-like substance, which are presumably eye-lashes, along with no visible eye-brows. Similar to Eijiro Kirishima, his teeth are rows of sharp jaws.
His hero costume consists of a dark green jumpsuit that is cut off just below the chest with steel straps that align to the centre of his chest with a red oval. He has two steel bands around his arms, along with a metal jaw-guard around his face with the letters "Fe" (standing for iron on the periodic table).
Tetsutetsu is a determined and fierce individual, greatly angered by Katsuki Bakugo referring to him and his fellow class-men as extras. He has a very upfront and tenacious battle-style, as seen during his match with Eijiro Kirishima. While stubborn and seeing Class 1-A as rivals, he did eventually befriend Kirishima after the Sports Festival, later meeting him at his internship.
With Class 1-B considered second-rate, Tetsutetsu is highly determined to prove himself (while not as obsessed as toppling them like Neito Monoma). He does wish to overcome their defeat, as shown with how he was brought to tears and apologised to his teacher for disappointing him.
Despite his hot-headed attitude, Tetsutetsu does care deeply for his peers as shown when he jumped in front of a bullet to protect Itsuka Kendo.
Powers & Abilities[]
- Steel: Tetsutetsu's Quirk, Steel, allows him to transform his skin into a steel-like substance. Allowing him great defensive capabilities, as well as highly boosted strength while fighting hand-to-hand. Along with enhanced strength and defence, he is also granted resistance against high or low temperatures, although hot enough flames from Dabi were capable of melting his body.
Overusing Tetsutetsu's Quirk can result in iron fatigue, which gradually results in his steel body losing it's hardness.
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