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Humans, night elves, dwarves, gnomes, draenei, and the savage worgen make up the illustrious Alliance. Proud and noble, courageous and wise, these races work together to preserve order in Azeroth. The Alliance is driven by honor and tradition. Its rulers are champions of justice, hope, knowledge, and faith. In a time when chaos and uncertainty reign, the Alliance remains steadfast in its determination to bring light to the darkest corners of the world.
~ Alliance's describtion
I see now why your Alliance and your Horde cannot stop fighting. Every reprisal is itself an act of aggression, and every act of aggression triggers immediate reprisal.
~ Taran Zhu

The Alliance, also formerly known as the Alliance of Lordaeron or Human Alliance and currently known as the Grand Alliance, is a massive organization and serve as one of the two main protagonists of the Warcraft franchise.

It is one of the two major political factions alongside the Horde, to which they have been traditionally at war with. They are led by a High King, and that position is currently occupied by Anduin Wrynn.

Driven by tradition, the Alliance is composed of powerful cultures and groups bound not by desperation or necessity, but by their deep commitments to abstract concepts like nobility, honor, faith, justice and sacrifice. Striving to represent these high ideals, its many different peoples all contribute their technical, arcane and spiritual wisdom toward the shared goal of preserving order on Azeroth and creating a peaceful and just world.

The Alliance serve as an evolution of the original Alliance of Lordaeron and the memories of the allegiances and idealism of the Alliance of Lordaeron―centered in the homonymous continent―served as the ultimate inspiration for the new Alliance of the present day. The modern organization has the bulk of its forces on Northern Kalimdor and the south-eastern continents of Khaz Modan and Azeroth. Some of the members of the previous Alliance (such as Stormwind and Ironforge) are members of the Grand Alliance.


In World of Warcraft, the conflict is not a black and white one; both the Alliance and Horde see each-other as utterly evil (due to Demonization and acts of aggression by rogue members of both factions).  Both factions are either at war with each other, engaged in a cold war against each other, or under an uneasy peace treaty that can be broken at anytime. And ultimately, each side has committed war crimes against the other.

The Alliance think of the Horde as brutal barbarians who would ravage and destroy their lands due to the acts of corrupt Orcs and Undead - (in the original Warcraft mythos Orcs and Humans were bitter enemies and despite new leadership they still distrust one another due to prejudice and injustice on both sides). In return, the Horde think the Alliance are arrogant, hypocritical tyrants who consider themselves superior to them whilst viewing the Horde races as sub creatures. As such the Horde worry that the Alliance would hunt them down and destroy them.

The reality is that each of these perspectives have truth to them: certain members from the Alliance and Horde races have wronged each other and because of that there has been mistrust between them, often blaming all for the actions of a few. The only things that can bring peace between these two factions are mutual enemies such as the Burning Legion (who manipulated the conflicts between the Alliance and the Horde in the first place).

Working Together[]

Despite their hostilities, both sides have worked together amongst greater threats, such as The Burning Legion, The Lich King, Deathwing, and Garrosh Hellscream.  Both sides have also shown signs of respect for one another and both sides have made attempts to peace. By Warlords of Draenor, the Alliance and Horde still have some tension but by now it's mostly a cold war status. However, aside from skirmishes (PVP), both sides are working together to bring down the Iron Horde. By Legion, both sides work together with the Kirin Tor, the army of the light and the newly allied Demon Hunters to stop the Legion's crusade and managed to eventually with the help of a big group of adventurers take down the corrupted core of Argus itself, eventually ending the Burning Legion for good. 

Alliance's respect for the Horde[]

  1. After Garrosh was defeated and Vol'jin became the new warchief, Varian acknowledged that, while the Horde committed vicious crimes, several members stood up against Garrosh, so Varian said he was willing to end the bloodshed but warned he would "end" the Horde should they ever cause trouble again.
  2. Jaina told Thrall that he's respected, even amongst the Alliance.
  3. Anduin believes that the Horde is good, along with the Alliance. He and Tauren Chieftan Baine Bloodhoofe share a close friendship, with Anduin giving Baine the mace Fearbreaker as a gift.
  4. Whioe gnomes are rivals of the goblins, they are not flat-out enemies.
  5. After Alliance players defeat Dranosh Saurfang, Varok asks to see his son.  Varian allows Varok to claim Dranosh's body and commented that Dranosh was a hero at the Wrathgate and deserved a hero's burial.
  6. Field Marshal Brock in Hellfire Peninsula gives a quest called Enemy of my Enemy.  The objective is to destroy three Fel Cannon MK1s.  The reason is because they are aimed at the Horde outpost, Thrallmar and Brock admitted the Alliance needs the Horde to help hold the line at the Dark Portal.
  7. After Taran Zhu mediates between Lor'themar and Jaina after Shan Bu's death, Jaina says no true peace between the Horde and Alliance would exist as long as Garrosh was Warchief. Jaina's expression softens when Lor'themar says that why they should save their strength. Jaina then asks her army to fully back down and both Lor'themar and Jaina bow to each other.

External Links[]


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The Alliance
Stormwind: Llane Wrynn | Varian Wrynn | Anduin Wrynn | Anduin Lothar | Bolvar Fordragon | Turalyon | Mathias Shaw | Reginald Windsor | Valeera Sanguinar
Lordaeron: Terenas Menethil | Uther the Lightbringer | Turalyon | Falric
Gilneas: Genn Greymane | Tess Greymane | Darius Crowley
Kul Tiras: Daelin Proudmoore | Katherine Proudmoore | Derek Proudmoore | Jaina Proudmoore | Flynn Fairwind
Other Human Kingdoms: Dalaran (Antonidas, Khadgar) | Stromgarde (Thoras Trollbane, Danath Trollbane)
Ironforge: Magni Bronzebeard | Muradin Bronzebeard | Falstad Wildhammer | Kurdran Wildhammer
Gnomeregan: Gelbin Mekkatorque | Kelsey Steelspark
High Elves/Void Elves: Alleria Windrunner | Vereesa Windrunner | Umbric
Night Elves: Tyrande Whisperwind | Malfurion Stormrage | Illidan Stormrage | Maiev Shadowsong | Jarod Shadowsong | Shandris Feathermoon | Broll Bearmantle
Draenei: Velen | Nobundo | Yrel
Mechagon: Prince Erazmin

The Horde
Orcs: Thrall | Varok Saurfang | Eitrigg | Rexxar | Drek'thar | Rehgar Earthfury | Nazgrel | Dranosh Saurfang | Broxigar Saurfang | Durotan | Samuro | Geya'rah
Darkspear Tribe: Vol'jin | Sen'jin | Rokhan | Zekhan
Tauren: Baine Bloodhoof | Cairne Bloodhoof | Hamuul Runetotem | Mayla Highmountain
Forsaken: Sylvanas Windrunner | Lilian Voss
Blood Elves: Lor'themar Theron | Rommath | Halduron Brightwing | Lady Liadrin | Aethas Sunreaver
Goblins: Gazlowe
Nightborne: Thalyssra | Valtrois | Oculeth | Ly'leth Lunastre
Zandalari: Rastakhan | Talanji
Vulpera: Kiro | Nisha

Knights of the Ebon Blade
Darion Mograine | Sally Whitemane | Nazgrim | Thoras Trollbane | Koltira Deathweaver | Thassarian

Illidan's followers
Illidan Stormrage | Akama | Kayn Sunfury | Altruis the Sufferer | Kor'vas Bloodthorn | Loramus Thalipedes

Chen Stormstout | Li Li Stormstout

The Light
Naaru: A'dal | M'uru | Xe'ra
Knights of the Silver Hand: Uther the Lightbringer | Turalyon | Alexandros Mograine
Argent Crusade: Tirion Fordring | Maxwell Tyrosus
Other: Lothraxion

Kyrian: Kyrestia the Firstborne | Pelagos | Kleia | Mikanikos | Polemarch Adrestes | Uther the Lightbringer
Necrolords: Primus | Draka | Alexandros Mograine | Plague Deviser Marileth | Emeni | Vashj
Night Fae: Winter Queen | Lady Moonberry | Niya | Dreamweaver | Hunt-Captain Korayn | Lord Herne | Droman Aliothe | Marasmius
Venthyr: Prince Renathal | Nadjia the Mistblade | Theotar the Mad Duke | General Draven | Kael'thas Sunstrider
Brokers: Ve'nari | Al'dalil | Firim

Dragon Aspects: Alexstrasza | Nozdormu | Ysera | Kalecgos
Red Dragonflight: Alexstrasza | Korialstrasz | Caelestrasz
Blue Dragonflight: Kalecgos
Green Dragonflight: Ysera
Bronze Dragonflight: Nozdormu | Chronormu
Black Dragonflight: Sabellian | Wrathion | Ebyssian

Aegwynn | Brightwing | Cenarius | Drak'thul | Emberthal | Leeroy Jenkins | Lunara | Med'an | Medivh

Playable characters: Uther the Lightbringer | Leeroy Jenkins | Reno Jackson | Rokara
Curse of Naxxramas:
Goblins vs. Gnomes:
Blackrock Mountain:
The Grand Tournament:
League of Explorers:
Whispers of the Old Gods:
One Night in Karazhan:
Mean Streets of Gadgetzan:
Knights of the Frozen Throne:
The Boomsday Project:
Rastakhan's Rumble:
Rise of Shadows:
Saviors of Uldum:
Descent of Dragons:
Ashes of Outland:
Madness at the Darkmoon Faire:
Forged in the Barrens:
