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Heroes Wiki
NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of The Blues from The Angry Birds Movie Trilogy. The mainstream version can be found here: The Blues (Angry Birds)

The Blues (Jim, Jake and Jay) are triplet hatchlings from The Angry Birds Movie. They hatched after Red saved them from Leonard and the destruction of his kingdom.

Jay, one of the Blues, was voiced by Noah Schnapp (who also voiced Charlie Brown in Blue Sky's The Peanuts Movie and played Will Byers in Stranger Things) in the film and JoJo Siwa in the sequel, while Jake and Jim had no voice actors.


The Angry Birds Movie[]

They first appear in the movie as an egg being watched by their parents. But Leonard and his pigs stole it along with the rest of Bird Island's eggs. When Mighty Eagle took the eggs the pigs where trying to stop and the blue egg got out of the net with a crack Red came back to save it. Red and Leonard fought for the egg and in the end of the battle Red saved the egg from Leonard and the explosion that destroyed his kingdom. After Red survived the egg hatched and when Red retrived The Blues to their parents they jumped at them giving them a joyful hug. After Red became hero of Bird Island, The Blues along with the other hatchlings sing "Mighty Red" and Red was crying from joy. In a mid-credits scene, the three blue birds use the slingshot to launch themselves out towards the ocean.

The Angry Birds Movie 2[]

In The Angry Birds Movie 2 mostly Jay appeared as victim of Leonard's attacks, he appeared later with his brothers admiring Red's heroism and they also appeared in the ending when Silver became hero of Bird Island.


  • Jay is the only bird in Angry Birds Evolution to have a super shot name reused from other birds.
  • Noah Schnapp, the original voice of Jay was supposed to voice Jay for the whole film of The Angry Birds Movie 2 but he got older and his voice got too deep that he was replaced by JoJo Siwa, the current voice of the film, after this Schnapp became a teenager in 2017, JoJo Siwa continued to voice Jay.



           AngryBirdslogo Heroes

Angry Birds
Red | Ruby | Northern Cardinals | The Blues | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Hal | Terence | Bubbles | Stella | Silver | Melody

Bad Piggies
Piggy McCool | Professor Pig | Ross

Mighty Eagles
Mighty Eagle | Mighty Dragon | Mighty Philadelphia Eagle | Mighty Basketball

Angry Birds Space
Ice Bird

Angry Birds Star Wars
Red Skywalker | Qui Gon Jinn | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Yoda | Anakin Skywalker | Captain Panaka | Han Solo | Leia Organa | Chewbacca | Mighty Falcon

Angry Birds Epic
Red | The Blues | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Prince Porky | Pigiana Jones

Angry Birds Evolution
Kumiko | Clint | Mia

Female Red Bird | Female White Bird | Gaia

Bird Island
Red | Chuck | Bomb | Matilda | Stella | Terence | Mighty Eagle | Judge Peckinpah | Hal | Bubbles | The Blues (Jay, Jake and Jim) | Hatchlings | Silver | Samantha | Vincent | Zoe

Piggy Island
King Leonard Mudbeard | Courtney | Garry Pig

Angry Birds Stella
Stella | Dahlia | Luca | Poppy | Willow
