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“ | programmer021: What level is he? noogai3: i made him the chosen one programmer021: Are you crazy?! That's suicide, man. |
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~ About The Chosen One. |
“ | He was born great. He ruled. He conquered. Before being overthrown. [...] Witness the return of The Chosen One. | „ |
~ The trailer for Animator vs. Animation 3. |
The Chosen One is the deuteragonist of the Animator vs. Animation web series, serving as the main protagonist of Season 1 and one of the two main protagonists (alongside the Second Coming) of Seasons 2 and 3.
He is the second creation of the Animator who met and befriended the Dark Lord, another one of the Animator's creations. Originally a cruel villain seeking destruction, the Chosen One became horrified of what his friend was doing after they managed to escape into the Internet, culminating in his redemption and team-up with the Animator, the Second Coming and their friends in an attempt to stop the Dark Lord from claiming even more victims. He is the creation/former arch-nemesis of the Animator and the best friend-turned-archenemy of the Dark Lord.
The Chosen One is a black artificial stick figure of above-average height.
Season 1[]
Animator vs. Animation 2[]
After the incident with a black stick figure "victim" in the first installment, the Animator was impressed by him so much he decided to create an even stronger stick figure, looking for a challenge. He creates the Chosen One, a black stick figure, who immediately starts attacking the Animator's mouse pointer with fire, lasers, and anything else. After a brief battle against the pointer, the Chosen One breaks out of the application and begins wreaking havoc on the computer's desktop. The Desktop Icons (Firefox, AOL Instant Messenger, iTunes, and more) begin attacking the Chosen One, but fail. Only the humanoid icon of AOL Instant Messenger is able to keep the Chosen One busy as the Animator tries, in vain, to get help from a fellow programmer.
After defeating his foe as well as the icon for My Computer, the Chosen One tries to shut down the computer, but is attacked by the Avast antivirus and defeated. The Animator then uses the now tamed Chosen One's fire abilities as a good thing by making the Chosen One his pop-up blocker.
Animator vs. Animation 3[]
Four years later, the still-enslaved Chosen One is interested by a link to a site against stick figure slavery, and clicks on it. A pop-up appears that would free him, but his pop-up-blocking fire destroys it. In a fit of rage, the Chosen One attacks the pointer and manages to free himself. He begins his revenge by destroying the Web browser and beginning to destroy a required essay by the Animator. Clippy offers to help killing the Chosen One. The Animator agrees and the three have a battle in the Word document.
As the paper clip and the stick figure are fighting, the Animator takes the time to create a new, red stick figure called the Dark Lord. He makes the Dark Lord as powerful as the Chosen One and makes the new creation's mission to destroy the old one. The Chosen One and the Dark Lord begin fighting with their powers in the Word document, a game of Solitaire, and eventually make it to the desktop. The Dark Lord calls the desktop icons to his aid and they all do battle against the Chosen One. The Chosen One manages to throw the Dark Lord into a game of Minesweeper, where he begins trying to escape without stepping on a mine. The Chosen One fights off the icons and gets into a fierce battle with Firefox, eventually throwing it onto the Minesweeper game and blowing up the Dark Lord.
Wounded, the Dark Lord surrenders to the Chosen One. The Chosen One spares the Dark Lord, offers him a chance at friendship which he accepts, and the two begin attacking the Animator (who was playing Solitaire the whole time). They destroy all the applications and begin creating a whirlwind to destroy the computer. They succeed in doing so, giving the Animator an extremely powerful Blue Screen of Death which terminates the entire computer, presumably killing themselves in the process.
Animator vs. Animation 4[]
The new orange stick figure is named the Second Coming and is somehow tied with the Chosen One's Return. The Second Coming turns into the Chosen One for a few seconds before he and the Animator partake in another battle. However, the two put aside their differences and become allies in the end.
Season 2[]
The Virus - Animator vs. Animation 5[]
Just as the ViraBot is about to kill the Second Coming, the Chosen One shows up out of nowhere from a portal, challenging the virus to a fight.
The Chosen One's Return - Animator vs. Animation 6[]
The Chosen One would then battle the virus, attacking it with fire. ViraBot attacks with blades and spikes, but the Chosen One is able to keep pace with the barrage of attacks and projectiles and block and dodge them all. The virus eventually hits the stick figure with a series of spikes, but he seems resistant to their corrosive powers. ViraBot jumps in for the kill, and the Chosen One defends himself with his laser beams. The Chosen One corners ViraBot, and the virus escapes into the computer's system. It then takes control of the windows and menus of the computer and proceeds to beat up the Chosen One with them. ViraBot then breaks the windows and turns the pieces into a giant version of itself, and proceeds to bite and rapidly beat its enemy. The Chosen One, enraged, catches on fire and summons lightning to fight the giant virus, attacking with a wave of energy that forces ViraBot out of the programs and back onto the desktop. The Chosen One then attacks it with a barrage of fire, lightning, wind, and energy, destroying it. The other stick figures are freed, and begin worshiping the Chosen One as a god. However, he ignores them and reopens the portal he came from. He acknowledges the Animator, and the two silently make amends before the Chosen One leaves, unaware the other stick figures soon follow.
The Flashback - Animator vs. Animation 7[]
It would be revealed that, at the last second, the Chosen One and the Dark Lord escaped from the computer by entering the Internet. The two would spread chaos and destruction as they attacked various websites, though the Dark Lord would become especially ruthless and violent, to a point where even the Chosen One was appalled. Eventually, the Dark Lord developed a virus called ViraBot, which he planned to send to computers all over the world. Envisioning a future where stick figures around the globe are being slaughtered by the ViraBots, the Chosen One tries to stop the Dark Lord from sending out the virus, but the two are forced to battle. One virus is sent to the Animator's computer before the machine is destroyed, and the Dark Lord is briefly knocked out. The Chosen One reminds himself of the torture the Animator put him through, but then realises he created him in the first place, so the stick figure reluctantly goes after the virus to stop its spread, forced to return to the Animator's computer. The virus arrives first, and the Chosen One begins breaking through into the computer to stop it, succeeding just before ViraBot attacks the Second Coming.
The Showdown - Animator vs. Animation 8[]
The Chosen One goes back to his home, where he finds and attacks the Dark Lord to stop him for good. Meanwhile, the Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures enter the Dark Lord's shack and accidentally open big, metallic circle doors. The two superpowered sticks go through them, going through YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Google, Wikipedia and Discord. Landing back where they started, the Chosen One is punched into the water as the Dark Lord goes to enter his shack and put on a wristband, giving him powers similar to the ones ViraBot has, but stronger. The Dark Lord fights the Chosen One again while Yellow, one of the Fighting Stick Figures, summons the Animator by opening a program that allows him to interact with the area they're in. The Animator and the Chosen One fight the Dark Lord together until he summons a couple of ViraBots and, with their help, shuts down the Animator's program and knocks out the Chosen One.
Before he could be killed, the Chosen One is protected by the Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures, who challenge the Dark Lord to a fight. The red stick figure causes the ViraBots to back out and, in half a minute or so, kills all the Fighting Stick Figures and severely injures the Second Coming. With the Chosen One weakened by the ViraBot bites, the Dark Lord takes the opportunity to send out his minions to invade the Internet. Suddenly, the Second Coming somehow gains superpowers and uses them to wipe out the ViraBots and defeat the Dark Lord, possibly killing him in the process. He then revives the Fighting Stick Figures and re-opens the Animator's program before falling unconscious. Once he wakes up, he doesn't remember what he's done and is confused when the Chosen One bows before him. The five stick figures then ride on the Animator's cursor and go back home while waving the Chosen One goodbye.
Actual Shorts[]
The Chosen One makes a cameo on a wanted poster in the "Cherry Blossoms" episode, foreshadowing his next adventure.
He then makes a quick cameo in "Corn Dog Guy", showing the events of his next adventure through the eyes of an unlucky corn dog salesman.
Season 3[]
Wanted - Animator vs. Animation 9[]
For reasons unknown, the Chosen One is hunted by four mercenaries from an unnamed organization. The mercenaries are riding on flying scooters which shoot out glitch-bombs that damage anything they hit. Eventually, they fly past the area from "The Showdown", where the Chosen One reminds himself of the Second Coming and how he defeated the Dark Lord. Realising he can save him, the Chosen One distracts and briefly slows down the Mercenaries by altering the weather to create a storm, but is hit with a glitch-bomb from the leader. Still, he manages to defeat him and escape into ALANSPC.
Inside the computer, he interrupts a playfight between the heroes to beg the Second Coming to help by using his powers. However, the orange stick figure has amnesia and doesn't know what he's talking about. Too scared for his own safety to take "no" for an answer, the Chosen One takes him with him regardless. After getting the Mercs on the ground, he sends out the Second Coming to defeat them. However, due to lacking his powers, he cannot do it. The Chosen One decides to help him, during which he's hit with a powerful bullet that shocks him, leaving him glitching out. The Second Coming uses the pencil he brought to defeat the Mercs in his own way, and while he puts up a good fight, he loses to the leader, who himself has the powers of the animation program. He uses pause on both of his enemies, leaving them unable to move.
The Second Coming and the Chosen One are then brought to the base of the organization the Mercenaries have been working for. The former is imprisoned in a normal cage and left unpaused while the latter is put in a special cage with the pause button still on. It's then revealed the Mercs have been working for victim, the Chosen One's predecessor.
The Box - Animator vs. Animation 10[]
victim goes on to visit the Chosen One in his special box. Once he is unpaused, victim decides to toy with him; using the fact the inhabitants of the cage can be manipulated via a computer, he has the mercenary leader boost his strength while making the Chosen One weaker. Despite this, the black stick figure puts up a good fight and even manages to kill all of victim's clones once they are spawned.
Eventually tired of toying with him, victim ties up the Chosen One and asks him about the Animator; once he lies he doesn't know anything, he uses a memory scanner to view through his memories; there, he finds out the Second Coming has superpowers (which shocks everyone present, including the Second Coming) and that Yellow has a way to bring the Animator into the Outernet. Satisfied, the five villains make their leave to find Yellow while keeping the Chosen One tied up inside the cage.
Wanting freedom since his creation, the Chosen One immediately broke free and attacked the Animator (despite the latter not doing anything to provoke him at the time), destroying all of his windows and beating up the icons trying to save the computer. He was eventually enslaved and turned into a pop-up blocker, where his anger and vengeance grew until he broke free and attacked again. When the Animator created the Dark Lord to fight him, he saw the other stick figure as a challenge and fought him, but after seeing the Animator playing Solitaire without care towards his creation, the Chosen One convinced the hate-filled Dark Lord to destroy the computer and escape.
After their escape, the two stick figures caused destruction across the internet, but while the Dark Lord became more evil and relished in its atrocities, the Chosen One was horrified by his friend's actions. He then found out about the Dark Lord's plans to release the ViraBots to get revenge on humanity, and the Chosen One fought him and tried to stop his plan. Upon finding out that the Dark Lord's first target was the Animator himself, the Chosen One thought about their fights and being enslaved, but despite this he forgave him and stopped the ViraBot specimen from destroying his PC. Once he defeated the ViraBot, the Chosen One showed Alan that he had no more negative feelings towards him and invited the Second Coming and the Fighting Stick Figures to come with him and stop their real enemy.
During their final fight, the Chosen One was furious at the Dark Lord and did everything he could to defeat him. After the battle, he was grateful towards the Second Coming for saving his life and presumably killing the Dark Lord, bowing down to him in reverence. Several years later, it's proven that the Chosen One can be stubborn and impulsive despite his usually stoic nature, not listening to the Second Coming's attempt to explain that he doesn't possess superpowers; despite this, he's not heartless and remorseless, as he realised his mistake and tried to rescue the orange stick figure from the Mercenaries.
Powers and Abilities[]
- Self Awareness: The Chosen One is aware because he is a computer program, and is able to recognize and interact with people outside of the computer.
- Internet travel: The Chosen One has the ability to travel throughout the internet, and can inhabit any site he desires.
- Pyrokinesis: The Chosen One's most prominent power. He usually uses fire attacks from his hands and mouth, and can create large explosions as well as use fire to sustain flight.
- Cryokinesis: Though rarely seen, the Chosen One can use a blast of freezing air to encase foes in ice.
- Léizerkinesis: The Chosen One can generate twin laser beams from its head, much like laser vision, that he can use against foes or to destroy the environment.
- Electrokinesis: Though used once, the Chosen One can summon electricity in battle, including summoning a dark cloud and produce a bolot of lighting from it.
- Dynamokinesis: The Chosen One can create destructive energy balls.
- Aerokinesis: The Chosen One can create whirlwinds and vortexes, usually to pull enemies in or trap them in one place.
- Swordsmanship: Though he technically uses spears, the Chosen One is proficient in most bladed weapons it comes across.
- Teleportation: The Chosen One can teleport short distances.
- Levitation/Gliding: He can levitate/hover and glide in the air.
- Superhuman strength/agility/speed/durability/reflexes: He has almost absolute power in regular abilities (strength, speed, durability, agility, reflexes).
- Sport intuition: The Chosen One is an expert in basketball.
- Viral immunity: As seen in Season 2, he seemingly has an immunity to the computer viruses. Whether this extends only to ViraBot's corrosive powers is unknown, and may be linked to the Chosen One essentially being a computer virus himself.
- Hand-to-hand combat skills: The Chosen One is a talented combatant and martial artist, capable of rapid punches and kicks while incorporating flips, dodges, and acrobatics.
- The Chosen One currently has no confirmed motive for his rampage in Animator vs. Animation 2. However, some fans speculate why he did it.
- The Chosen One is referred to as a male both in and out of universe, being the first stick figure with a confirmed gender. It would be later clarified that all stick figures, excluding Purple's mother Pink, are male.
- The trailer for Animator vs. Animation 3 describes the Chosen One as ruling and conquering the computer before being overthrown by the Animator.
- The Chosen One is confirmed to return in the second season of the AvA Shorts. Since the first season has been merged into Animator vs. Animation V, this effectively means he'll be back for an Animator vs. Animation VI, which was confirmed when the first episode actually came out. That said, in May 2024, the series was changed so that AvA I-to-4 would become Season 1 of a wider AvA series, with AvA V becoming Season 2 and AvA VI becoming Season 3.
External Links[]
- The Chosen One on the Villains Wiki
- The Chosen One on the Animator vs. Animation Wiki
- The Chosen One on the Inconsistently Admirable Wiki
- The Chosen One on the Villainous Benchmark Wiki
- The Chosen One on the Magnificent Baddie Wiki
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