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Heroes Wiki
Heroes Wiki

The Club is the protagonist group of Higurashi: When They Cry series. Led by Mion Sonozaki, she created the club to give Satoko Houjou and Satoshi Houjou fun, since both are always getting stressed by their abusive aunt and uncle, Tamae and Teppei Houjou.

The group's objective is to have fun while playing various games, though they also have to follow the rules, and the losers must take punishments.

Club Members[]

The Games[]

The club seems to be playing a lot of games and play many different things in the P.E. at school. Whether it's a game of Old Maid or a Zombie Tag, there are always penalty games following against the loser.


  1. The winner may do whatever they want to the losers.
  2. As a club member, you must do whatever it takes to win (which includes playing unfair sometimes).
  3. You must go through the punishment no matter what.