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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen, also known as The Flash is a minor character in the Batman: Arkham franchise. He is a superhero from Central City who can channel the speed force, allowing him to be the fastest man alive and a member of the Justice League.

He is voiced by Scott Porter, who also voiced Nightwing in Arkham Knight and The Flash in the Harley Quinn TV series.


Before Kill the Justice League Incident[]

Flash became a member of the Justice League alongside Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern. Flash had risen to national prominence after he fought Gorilla Grodd with Superman and saving dozens of lives in Central City.

At some point he was also known to have captured Captain Boomerang, leading to Boomerang's imprisonment in Arkham Asylum.

Sometime after this, The Flash fought the Sinestro Corps alongside The Justice League

When Brainiac arrived to Earth, The Flash (alongside the rest of the Justice League) traveled to his Skull Ship to figure out what his intentions were. The League were skeptical but kept an open mind thanks to Superman's insistence. However, this turned out to be a trap, which ended up in Green Lantern and the rest of the League (save for Wonder Woman and The Flash) being brainwashed and mind-controlled by Brainiac. Flash somehow managed to escape the Skull Ship courtesy of his speedster abilities.

Kill the Justice League Incident[]

When the Suicide Squad are held captive and taken on a tour of Metropolis by the brain-washed Green Lantern, Flash shows up and tries to fix the mind-control. Green Lantern and the Flash disappear as they seemingly engage in a fight.

The pair re-appear after some time and continue their fight. Green Lantern attempts to convince the Flash that he has the wrong idea about Brainiac, insisting he returns to the Skull Ship, but the Flash sees through his lies. Flash tries to get through the mind-control again but fails and almost dies in a direct fight with him and the squad finds him bleeding out on a rooftop of a restaurant. Under Waller's orders the squad is ordered to take the Flash back to Hall of Justice to help ARGUS defeat Brainiac, the Squad decides to take the Flash into The Batman Experience museum to hide from the invaders but unknown to them Batman had track the squad. During a quick exchange Boomerang cuts Flash's finger off causing Flash to bleeding out more. As the squad realizes Batman is now mind controlled and picks up a pistol to kill the squad, Flash manages to get up with all of his remaining strength and saves the squad by pushing the bullets away but Batman brutally punches the Flash almost killing him but moments later takes him back to the skull ship for Brainiac to mind control the Flash.

Hours later Deadshot finds the Flash after locating Lex Luthor a few blocks away which causes everyone at first to be surprised that he was alive after his encounters with Green Lantern and Batman. The Squad realizes that he is mow brain-washed after he starts to torture Luthor for fun and the Flash going after the squad after Deadshot and Harley Quinn both failing to shoot the Flash, Flash kidnaps Lex Luthor and eventually kills him by pulling his heart out. Boomerang mocks Flash as Flash has become everything he was against and said that he wasn't a hero with Flash replying "You wanna see what a real hero can do?, I'll show you" going super speed and getting ready to kill the squad before Wonder Woman shows up and uses the truth of lasso on Flash to figure out how to stop the invasion with Flash briefly snapping from mind control and telling Diana that in order to save the world the Justice League has to be killed. He escapes and roams Metropolis causing terror and havoc while the squad prepares on how to defeat him.

Boomerang live streams where the squad is and mocks the Flash on National TV which gathers the attention of the Flash causing the squad to fight the Flash. After a lengthy battle, The Flash is killed by the Suicide Squad and mocked by his long-time enemy and rival, Captain Boomerang.

Later on... while Brainiac was defeated by The Suicide Squad, it was revealed that The Flash is alive and was saved by The Suicide Squad and is currently Recovering at A.R.G.U.S. and at the hands of Task Force X.


           TheBatman Heroes

Bat Family
Batman | Robin | Nightwing | Lance Bruner | Red Hood | Red Robin (Tim Drake) | Damian Wayne | Batgirl/Oracle | Orphan | The Spoiler | Alfred Pennyworth | Catwoman | Batwoman | Batwing | Azrael | Michael Lane | Huntress (Helena Wayne / Helena Bertinelli) | Bluebird | The Signal | Jace Fox | Ace the Bat-Hound | Bat-Cow | Bat-Mite | Jarro | Goliath

Supporting Characters
Bat-Man of China | Batman of Japan | Batman of Moscow | Black Canary | Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe | Clayface | Clownhunter | Creeper | Flatline | Ghost-Maker | Gotham Girl | Gay Ghost | Gray Ghost | Harley Quinn | Harold Allnut | Harvey Bullock | James Gordon | Renee Montoya | John Constantine | Hawkfire | The Hood | Jonah Hex | Julia Pennyworth | Lucius Fox | Katana | Knight | Lady Shiva | Man-Bat | Musketeer | Night Runner | Nobody | Olive Silverlock | Poison Ivy | Ragman | Rorschach | Sarah Essen | Superman | Talon | The Creeper | Wonder Woman | Vicki Vale | Zatanna

Bat-Family | Mystery Analysts of Gotham | Gotham City Police Department | Gotham Knights | Wayne Enterprises | Batman Incorporated | Birds of Prey | Outsiders | We Are Robin | Super Sons | Teen Titans | Justice League

Theatrical Movies
Batman (1989): Batman | Vicki Vale | Alfred Pennyworth | Harvey Dent
Batman Returns: Batman | Alfred Pennyworth | Catwoman
Batman Forever: Batman | Robin | Dr. Chase Meridian | Alfred Pennyworth
Batman & Robin: Batman | Robin | Batgirl | Alfred Pennyworth
Batman Begins: Batman | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Lucius Fox | Rachel Dawes | Thomas Wayne
The Dark Knight: Batman | James Gordon | Harvey Dent | Alfred Pennyworth | Lucius Fox | Rachel Dawes | Anthony Garcia | Ginty
The Dark Knight Rises: Batman | James Gordon | John Blake | Catwoman | Lucius Fox | Alfred Pennyworth | Harvey Dent | Rachel Dawes | Anthony Garcia | Thomas Wayne
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Batman | Superman | Wonder Woman | Alfred Pennyworth | Lois Lane | Calvin Swanwick | The Flash | Aquaman | Cyborg
Suicide Squad: Deadshot | Harley Quinn | Rick Flag | Katana | El Diablo | Batman
The LEGO Batman Movie: Batman | Robin | Batgirl | Alfred Pennyworth
Joker (2019): Thomas Wayne
The Batman (2022): Batman | Catwoman | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon
Joker: Folie à Deux (2024): Harvey Dent | Maryanne Stewart

Direct-to-video Movies
Batman: Year One: Batman
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Batman
Son of Batman: Batman | Robin | Nightwing | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Thomas Wayne
Batman vs. Robin: Robin | Batman | Nightwing | Alfred Pennyworth | Thomas Wayne | Martha Wayne
Batman: Bad Blood: Batwoman | Batman | Nightwing | Robin | Batgirl | Alfred Pennyworth | Lucius Fox | Batwing
Batman: Hush: Batman | Alfred Pennyworth | Catwoman | Nightwing | Superman | Lois Lane | Batgirl | Robin
Batman: The Long Halloween (2022): Batman | Alfred Pennyworth | Catwoman | James Gordon

Batman (1960s series): Batman | Robin | Batgirl
Batman: The Animated Series: Batman | Nightwing | Robin | Batgirl | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Catwoman | Harvey Dent | Charlie Collins | The Creeper | Earl Cooper | Gray Ghost | Michael Stromwell| Zatanna
The Batman (2004): Batman | Alfred Pennyworth | Robin | Batgirl | James Gordon | Lucius Fox | Ethan Bennett | Ellen Yin | Cash Tankinson | Rumor | Catwoman | Justice League (Martian Manhunter, Superman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, The Flash, & Hawkman)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Batman | Superman | Wonder Woman | Green Arrow | Blue Beetle | Plastic Man | Aquaman | Red Tornado | Wildcat | Wong Fei | Red Hood | Justice League International
Beware the Batman: Batman | Katana | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Oracle | Metamorpho | Man Bat | Manhunter
Harley Quinn: Harley Quinn | Batman | Damian Wayne | Batgirl | James Gordon | Alfred Pennyworth | Justice League (Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman & Zatanna) | Lois Lane | Nightwing
Batwheels: The Batwheels (Bam, Redbird, Bibi, Batwing, Buff, & A.D.A.M.) | The Bat-Family (Batman, Robin, Batgirl, The Batcomputer, M.O.E., & Ace the Bat-Hound) | Superman | Aquaman | Green Arrow | Kitty | Goldie
Gotham Knights: Turner Hayes | Duela Doe | Carrie Kelley/Robin | Harper Row/Bluebird | Cullen Row | Stephanie Brown/Spoiler | Brody March | Harvey Dent
Batman: Caped Crusader: Batman | Alfred Pennyworth | James Gordon | Barbara Gordon | Renee Montoya | Harvey Dent | Lucius Fox
Suicide Squad Isekai: Harley Quinn | Deadshot | Peacemaker | Clayface | King Shark | Rick Flag | Princess Fione | Cecil | Katana | Arthur

Video Games
LEGO Batman: Batman | Robin
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes: Superman
Arkhamverse: Bat Family (Batman, Oracle, Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood, Alfred Pennyworth & Lucius Fox) | James Gordon | Catwoman | Azrael | Poison Ivy | Harley Quinn | Aaron Cash | Vicki Vale | Penelope Young | Anne Bishop | Fiona Wilson | Stacey Baker
Injustice: Batman | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Black Canary | Deathstroke | Lex Luthor
Gotham Knights: Batgirl | Nightwing | Robin | Red Hood | Batman
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League: Batman | Superman | The Flash | Wonder Woman | Toyman

Also See
Justice League Heroes | DC Multiverse Heroes
