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Heroes Wiki

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Watch where you step mate.
~ The Floor telling Paintbrush to not step on him.

The Floor is a character in Inanimate Insanity in the 3rd season, Inanimate Insanity Invitational.

He is voiced by Samuel Thornbury, who also voices Suitcase in the same series.


The Floor is simply a face that mostly appears on the ground. His face always looks the same, though his color and size can change depending on what terrain he is occupying. He is known to do his signature grin as presented in the intro.


The Floor is quite cheerful, laid-back, and a generally good-humored person. He enjoys eavesdropping on others' conversations and occasionally offering his own commentary. However, if he is stepped on he will get angered, but overall he is a very chill person.

External Links[]

The Floor on the Inanimate Insanity Wiki


           Inanimate Insanity Logo Heroes

MePhone4 | MePhone4S | MePad | Toilet | The Floor

Season 1
OJ | Paper | Pickle | Bow | Apple | Marshmallow | Paintbrush | Lightbulb | Balloon | Nickel | Knife | Baseball
Season 2
Suitcase | Test Tube | Microphone | Fan | Soap | Cheesy | Box | Yin-Yang | Cherries
Season 3
Cabby | Candle | Bot | The Floor | Goo | Clover | Silver Spoon | Tea Kettle | Life Ring
Inanimate Insanity Infinity Contestants

MePhone3GS | Baxter | Springy | Light Shimmers (The Baby Shimmer | The Prime Shimmer)
