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What are you waiting for? GO!

I will give you LIFE again, but at a PRICE. All I ask is for you to start a Cult in my name. Do we have a deal?
~ The One Who Waits speaking to the Lamb after the latter's death.
Not even close. I won't sleep ...I won't eat until they've paid for what they did to... to...
~ The Lamb to Ratau, speaking on their revenge plan.

The Lamb is the titular main protagonist of the 2022 indie game, Cult of the Lamb.

Once a literal sacrificial lamb who was slaughtered by the Bishops of the Old Faith, the Lamb was brought back by the monstrous deity The One Who Waits in order to exact his revenge on the Old Faith. As the player's avatar within the game, the Lamb's actions and personality can vary greatly from a visionary anti-hero to a full-on villain.


As their name suggests, the Lamb is a dark-skinned lamb with white wool and two stubby brown horns. They have black irises and horizontal white pupils. They often don the Red Crown on the top of their head, and when using it in demonic rituals their eyes glow red. For clothing, the Lamb wears a black choker with a yellow bell and by default wears a red cloak with white details.


Due to many of their actions depending on the player, the Lamb's moral standards are undefined from the get-go. They can either be a benevolent, nurturing leader, a ruthless tyrant or anything in between depending on how the player plays them. The Lamb is, however, always eager to kill their enemies from the Old Faith en masse and does so with a smile.

However, there are some things that are known for sure about their personality: for example, the trailers make it clear that they have a genuinely affable personality, have very picky fashion taste, obviously dislikes anything Old Faith related, dislike alcohol beverages, is easily flustered, enjoys finding opportunities of jobs to make followers to do, and it's clear that they care for Ratau since, should the player give the rat to the Red Fox, they will try to save him and even cry. Judging by their reactions when playing Knucklebones, it also seems that they don't take defeat well. When followers pass away, the Lamb gives a subtle indication that he dislikes when that happens; when carrying a corpse to a grave, Lamb will have a frowning expression.

Since maintaining the faith of Lamb's followers is one of the most important factors of the game, meeting followers' needs will be one of Lamb's constant duties. There are many ways Lamb can go about maintaining respect from their followers, ranging from caring and benevolent acts, to controlling them with a cold and uncaring iron fist. Benevolent acts may include feeding them high quality meals, letting them rest while sick, building increasingly better quality homes, gifting them money and gifts, performing benevolent rituals such as Holy Day (which lets followers relax and not have to work for a day), bringing a deceased follower back from the dead and rescuing followers' loved ones during crusades. More malevolent actions can include sacrificing a follower via ritual for personal gain, forcing followers to eat disgusting, poisonous meals sometimes made from follower meat or starve, intentionally overworking them, unjustly putting them in prison for others to taunt them, chopping up a deceased follower's body in front of others, forcing them to fight to the death or even murder them on the spot to intimidate nearby viewers.


The Lamb was killed alongside the rest of their species by the Bishops of the Old Faith in the attempt to prevent a prophecy that foretold The One Who Waits' return however, by doing so the Lamb ended up finding himself face to face with the deity after their own death and, after accepting to be revived in exchange for making a cult in The One Who Waits' name, received the Red Crown and its incredible powers.



  • The character being genderless and nameless was a deliberate choice by the game's developers so players can insert themselves into the role.