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The Poppy Rangers are minor characters in We Bare Bears. They are a group of little girl scouts, rangers and troops who are friends with Ranger Tabes and Grizzly.


The Poppy Rangers are shown to be nice, brave, loyal, and adventurous, always listening to their superior Ranger Tabes.


            We Bare Bears Logo / We Baby Bears logo Heroes

The Bears
Grizzly Bear | Panda Bear | Ice Bear

Charlie | Chloe Park | Darrell Saragosa | Lucy

San Francisco Police Department
Officer Murphy

Park Rangers
Ranger Tabes | The Poppy Rangers | Ranger Martinez | Ranger Con Rangers

Crowbar Jones | Pando | Sam Spider Spade | Unica | Pirate Parrot Polly | Ursa Major | Little Buck

Yana | Lady Lima | The Box | Master Cheddar | Karla | Yuri | Fireman
