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The Professor is a supporting character in the YouTube animated series Ratboy Genius. He is an incorporeal, partially omnipresent entity who assists Ratboy Genius and his friends with information and advice.


He is a translucent entity with numerous colors of the rainbow visible through him. He has a detached, floating head that bobs up and down. His limbs are always moving and changing, with parts stretching and retracting. That makes it impossible to get a single picture that captures what he always looks like.


The professor is wise and helps out the heroes with advice and knowledge. He allows others to talk without interrupting them, and still creates plans of action for them and tells them about science.


Ratboy Genius first met the Professor in the Minecraft Dimension, while looking for Summer Solstice Baby who had been kidnapped by Little King John. Clyde advised Ratboy to find the Professor at the Stronghold Playground, indicating that he will have the information Ratboy is looking for, and Ratboy transported himself there by riding a minecart. Ratboy got the feeling someone who he could not see was with him, and, indeed, the Professor was right nearby, going unnoticed because of his translucency. Ratboy felt his dance-like movements which gave Ratboy more energy in his search.

Before Ratboy made his way there, the recently-escaped Summer Solstice Baby visited the Professor at his library. She asked where to find Ratboy Genius, and the Professor revealed to her that the reason they were in Minecraft is because Ratboy Genius had a dream that manifested them there, and they were currently inside the dream.

The Professor guided the Baby with the knowledge that Ratboy Genius was going to ride by and see her, then the Professor would take her to his house where Ratboy and the Baby would finally be reunited. These events did occur. Ratboy arrived at the house and teleported inside. The Professor told him, too, that they were in a dream. This helped Ratboy and the Baby manifest the power of the Magic and fly away together back home.

In Starship Genius, the Professor appeared onboard the titular spaceship and taught the crew about the science of matter. He taught that electrical currents were the main force animating their universe. He taught about how space fish behave and caused the crew to realize that the Big Fish Boss was harnessing the cosmic electricity to destroy planets and rule over the galaxy.

He later gave science-based information to Ratboy and the Baby about when exactly to strike against the fish-created gigantic electricity concentration, the Final Charge.

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           Ratboy Genius Heroes

Ratboy's Kingdom
Ratboy Genius | Summer Solstice Baby | Happyman | Green Monster | Bob | Mister Bigarms and Very Tall Friend | Old Froggy

Little King John's Kingdom
Little King John | Buck Dodger/Sneezy | Old Froggy | Caveman | Clyde

Galactic Superheroes
Fred | George | Sue | Caveman

Caterpillar Minister | The Professor | Young Mouthbottom | Hoo Hoos | Fisheaters
