“ | Few even think to ask the question... | „ |
~ The Question's catchphrase |
Charles Victor Szasz (alias Victor Sage), alias The Question is a supporting character in Justice League: Unlimited.
He is a detective & superhero who became a member of the Justice League after the Thanagarian invasion. He was known for his "crackpot" conspiracy theories and brilliant deductive skills. He used a special flesh-colored mask that covered his face, along with a special yellow gas that could change the colors of his hair and clothing.
He was voiced by Jeffrey Combs, whom also voiced Ratchet from Transformers: Prime.
The first episode he plays a critical role in is Fearful Symmetry. In it, Question decides to help Supergirl with finding the cause of why she's having nightmares recently along with Green Arrow. As Supergirl and Green Arrow find some of his theories unlikely, he searches around and leads the three to a company that apparently made a clone named Galatea that somehow shares a mental connection that causes Galatea to feel guilt and Supergirl to see her clones activities within her nightmares. After pointing this out, The Question decides to tempt Galatea by saying if it's false to kill him right now as he approaches her. As he predicted, Galatea is hesitant in doing so. This causes Galatea's creature to blow up the building in hopes of getting rid of evidence and the heroes but luckily, they escape.
In the episode Double Date, he helps Huntress find the man who killed her family, Steven Mandragora but eventually reveals that her family's murderer had a kid of his own named Edgar. Knowing this he asks her if she wants to put the son to go through the tragedy she had, which caused her to spare his life and take him into custody. When he is questioned why he's gone out of her way to help her despite knowing about the son, he points out he likes her. In that moment Huntress pulls him closer kissing him and playfully pulling him by his tie to find a place more private.
During the episode Question Authority, he is shown hacking a computer console and downloading all its available data on Project Cadmus and throws said console at the last man that was going to attack Huntress. As they finish this, Huntress says the have the rest of the night free only for Question to point out the amount of data will take days to go through. Upset by this, Huntress takes the device and has Question take her out on an official date to get it back. After this, he spent several days deciphering the data and finds what happened that caused the Justice Lords to take over the world. Fearing this, wasn't an alternate universe but the future, he runs off just as Huntress arrives to check on him. He quickly confronts Superman about how he never told the newer members about this to which Superman says no one must find out and they would never be like the Justice Lords. Not convinced, Question goes to kill Luthor to prevent Superman from ever having the chance. Question tells Lex Luthor while he hates him, he does it not because of that, but for the good of the world before Luthor overpowers him with his now increased strength, revealing to him that his presidential campaign was all fake, all just to make Superman paranoid. Cadmus, fearing the worse, tortures Question to find out what he learned, but to no avail. Later, Question is saved by Huntress and Superman.
In Flashpoint, he is delivered to the League infirmary and has Huntress remove his mask. He is then seen having an argument with Superman, pointing out his fears and telling Superman his ultimate fears of what the League will become.
Fortunately is Divided We Fall, he is proven wrong when just before Lex could kill Flash, he was able to defeat Lex, and when it looked like Flash was killed (in reality he was trapped in the Speed Force at the time), Superman was able to prove in front of everyone seeing it that he is never "the man who killed President Luthor. Though afterwards, thinking they have become just like their evil counterparts, Superman thinks it'll be better for the world if the Justice League were disbanded so the world won't be afraid of them, but Green Arrow happily assures them that the world will always need heroes like them.
In Destroyer, he and the rest of the Justice League and the Secret Society are forced to work together when the Society's attempt to resurrect Brainiac only ends up resurrecting Darkseid in his place before he leads a full-scale invasion on Earth. Afterwards when the League stops the invasion force, Question along with the rest of the League give the remaining members of the Society a 5-minute headstart before chasing them down.
The Question was possibly the most unconventional superhero ever to join the organization. He was a paranoid investigator who, by his own admission, shamelessly went through everyone's trash, drove a car with no license plates, and believed there was an ominous conspiracy inherent to everything. His interest in conspiracies covered a wide spectrum, as he explored everything as grand as an international military complex scheme, to something as insignificant as locating proof an ice cream company had one more flavour than advertised.
Despite this, he still has the heart of any superhero and is even willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good. Also, despite his suspicions, he remained calm about almost anything, with only the most extreme revelations causing him to lose composure.
While seeming introverted and indifferent, maintaining an objective if paranoid mindset, mainly focusing on pragmatic actions, he was capable of more sentimental and intimate emotions. He volunteered to help Huntress in her revenge, and even prevented her from undertaking it due to the fact that she would repeat the sin done against her, against another innocent child; his motivation to help her and ensure she kept her morality was because of his crush on her, even though he believed that he had no chance with her. When her gratitude and respect crossed into attraction, he was initially ignorant of what her intentions were after she kissed him and dragged him by the tie to somewhere more private.
Despite entering a romantic relationship with Huntress, he was still pathologically secretive, as they were together for months and she didn't see his true face until he needed to remove his special mask for a medical procedure. Even so, he trusted her the most out of anyone he knew, since she was one of the few that he'd ask to accompany him during his investigations. While Huntress enjoyed flirting with him, his awkward nature made him sometimes unaware that she was seducing him; upon the times she'd explain her meaning, he'd try but it was so new to him that he didn't know how to engage with it properly, which annoyed her, but she tolerated it because she still loved him.
Unlike his comic counterpart, this Question is a fairly unremarkable (if resourceful) hand-to-hand fighter. He tends to rely heavily on pragmatism and other nasty tricks in combat. He is, however, an adept tactician, as he can use the environment to his advantage, and offer advice to other heroes so that they may be more productive.
His true talents lie in gathering information and using it effectively. The Question is the League’s “data guy”, utterly brilliant when it comes to making connections between people, places and things.
He has shown himself able to quickly hack secure government mainframes and break encryption made by some of the best scientists on earth. His obsessive search for information means that he seems to know a little bit about everything.
He has some talent in chemistry, as he created his characteristic "faceless" mask, which was applied to seem skin-tight and seamless, yet he could see, smell, feel, and taste, as well as breathe and talk; the mask was impossible to remove - despite their limited time, not even Project Cadmus could figure out how to take it off - but Question exclusively knew the exact chemicals to harmlessly remove it.
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Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures Superman: The Animated Series Batman Beyond Static Shock The Zeta Project Justice League and Justice League Unlimited |