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The River Mermaid is a minor character from Monica's Gang, making her debut on the 1987 episode with the same name.


The River Mermaid is a young girl with a yellow flower on her purple hair, pale skin and a green tail.

The River Mermaid[]

The episode begins with Jimmy Five getting out of his house with his fishing road, he tells Monica to hurry up because they were going to go fishing, he waits for Monica to come, only to find out she was deciding which dress she would go to go fishing with him.

Jimmy Five and Monica went fishing, he tells her to keep quiet so she won't scare the fish.

After a long time fishing Monica asks since she was getting bored.

However, Monica accidentally got The River Mermaid and The River Mermaid sings a beautiful song, which hypnotizes Jimmy Five, which makes Monica tell The River Mermaid to not sing it again.

Jimmy Five thinks The River Mermaid is a normal human girl swimming in the sea, so he scolds her "telling her to swim in another place".

Monica shows Jimmy Five that she has a green tail, however, he thinks a fish is eating The River Mermaid so he tells Monica to run away, but she tells him that The River Mermaid is a mermaid.

Monica is happy that she catched a mermaid and is excited to show it to her friends, but Jimmy Five finds it unfair, however, Monica tries to cheer him up and tells him that he can tell their friends that they got The River Mermaid together, but he starts thinking about inventing more stuff for the story that they were going to tell them, Monica tells him that it's way too much, but he tells her that every story needs a little bit of fantasy. He then decides that he wants to tell the fake story to the world.

He also planned to make The River Mermaid appear in television, make commercials, do interviews, appear in novels, appear in carnivals and he even wants to make a movie about The River Mermaid, he also says "it's going to win a oscar". But he gets confused and asks Monica if Americans would give an oscar to a Portuguese-speaking movie.

However, they both see The River Mermaid crying because of his ideas, so Monica throws her back to the ocean, The River Mermaid waves goodbye to them and swims away, but Jimmy Five is upset because "he just lost his oscar".

However, Monica tells him that they can get a fish together, so they bought a giant fish and he gets excited about it and starts telling Monica a story he just made up to make his friends believe he catched a giant fish, the episode then ends.

In Love Even Underwater[]

She appears near the end of the comic, when Dustine tries to search for Smudge underwater, and finds The River Mermaid with another mermaid that looks like Smudge, Dustine passed out because she spent way too much time underwater, so The River Mermaid decided to save Dustine's life by taking her away from the river.

She asks Dustine if she's okay, but Dustine told The River Mermaid that she would only be okay if she gave Smudge back to her, so she told Dustine that the boy was a mermaid that looked like Smudge.

Dustine doesn't believe her, but The River Mermaid tells her that she forgot about Smudge a long time ago, and goes back underwater along with her mermaid friend.


               Monica's Gang logo Heroes

Monica's Gang
Monica | Jimmy Five | Smudge | Maggy | Franklin | Blu | Ditto | Glu | Denise | Specs | Bucky | Jeremiah | Fluffy | Vanilla | Marina | Sunny | Angel | Dustine | Capitão Pitoco | Hercules | The River Mermaid

Chuck Billy 'n' Folks
Chuck Billy | Rosie Lee | Zeke

Tina's Pals
Tina | Curly

Bug-a-Booo | Lady MacDeath | Vic Vampire | Wolfgang | Moe the Mummy

The Cavern Clan
Pitheco | Tooga

Lionel's Kingdom
Thunder | King Lionel

The Funnies

Horacio's World

The Tribe

Graphic MSP
Astronaut | General Alvez Isabel Pereira | Commander Astro | Rita

Monica's Gang
Monica | Jimmy Five | Smudge | Maggy | Chubby's Gang

Chuck Billy First Series
Chuck Billy | Zeke | Pork Chop

Pitheco First Series
Pitheco | Tooga | Loony Lou | Ogra

Blu | Duke | Bugu | Rufius

Bug-a-Boo | Sally Soul | Vic Vampire | Frank | Moe the Mummy | Little One | Wolfgang | Lady MacDeath

Lionel's Kingdom
Thunder | King Lionel II | Zig Zag | Ant Rita | Mc Fox | Lou Courier

Nutty Ned
Nutty Ned | The Bird

Tom Tom | Tamoyo | Papaya | Cobra Grande | Honorato

Chuck Billy Second Series
Chuck Billy | Zeke | Ma Dita | Rose|

Captain Fray
Captain Fray | Doctor McClean | Cremilda and Clotilde | Number Five
