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Heroes Wiki
SSB Wonderful 101 Series

The Wonderful Ones, collectively known as The Wonderful 100 (pronounced "One-Double-Oh") and later The Wonderful 101 (pronounced "One-Oh-One"), are the protagonistic faction of the action beat-em-up game, The Wonderful 101. They are a team of superheroes from all of Earth. Formed after Earth Defense War I, these 100 (later 101) heroes band together to protect the planet from any misfortune.


The Wonderful Ones conceal themselves amongst society as ordinary citizens, but when duty calls, they don their CENTINEL-Suits to become invincible defenders of justice. While a even single Wonderful One is powerful enough to stand to to toe with any invader, their true strength is revealed when the Wonderful Ones join forces with one another: by linking together in single file in a technique known as the Wonder-Liner, Wonderful Ones can merge their Wonder-Energy together to unleash awesome powers. Among these powers is their secret weapon: The Unite Morph, which enables them to recreate real-world objects by linking their bodies together. Using the Unite Morph, the Wonderful Ones can repair structures, overcome obstacles, and create colossal versions of their signature weapons to fight with.

At the beginning of the game's story, the Wonderful Ones are a 100-man team known as The Wonderful 100 (One-Double-Oh.) However, as the story comes to a close they are officially joined by their 101st member, becoming The Wonderful 101 (One-Oh-One.)

Main Team Members[]

  • No.001: Wonder-Red
  • No.002: Wonder-Blue
  • No.003: Wonder-Green
  • No.004: Wonder-Pink
  • No.005: Wonder-Yellow
  • No.006: Wonder-White
  • No.007: Wonder-Black



  • Even though the game was called The Wonderful 101, there are only 100 Wonderful Ones to be found, hence the team name 'Wonderful 100'. The title was referenced in two ways: All of the Wonderful Ones plus the player ("I knew that we forgot someone: You.") and later when the team's name was changed to the Wonderful 101 after Luka joined and became Wonder-Goggles in the Epilogue.
  • Wonder-Rider, the rejected character, is a homage of Marvel's Ghost Rider.
  • Wonder-P resembles the logo of Platinum Games.
  • Wonder-Timer seems to be a vague reference of Ubisoft character Rayman.
  • Kamiya explains that Wonder-Giant is his personal favorite design.


           Wonderful 101 logo Heroes

The Wonderful Ones
Wonder-Red | Wonder-Blue | Wonder-Green | Wonder-Pink |Wonder-Yellow | Wonder-White | Wonder-Black | Laurence Nelson | Luka Alan Smithee | Immorta | Professor Margarita | Wonder-Jeanne | Wonder-Rodin | Wonder-Bayonetta
