This article's content is marked as Mature Thomas Wayne (Flashpoint) contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. |
Remilia Scarlet foresees more to this article's fate, and any and all information on it may be outdated. Help improve this article by checking and updating its info wherever necessary. And now time resumes! |
“ | You'd be amazed at the monsters this world can create. | „ |
~ Thomas to Barry Allen. |
“ | I'm not the hero of this story. I'm a man who's been corrupted by his own unbearable pain. I'm a man who has too much blood on his hands to be called good. I'm a man who had nothing to live for--until the day I met The Flash. | „ |
~ Thomas Wayne. |
Thomas Wayne of the Flashpoint timeline is an alternate version Batman who hunts down criminals to protect the citizens of Gotham City. However, unlike his son, he is willing to kill the villains he faces and wields firearms. Thomas Wayne is the deuteragonist of the movie Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, and is voiced by Kevin McKidd, who also portrayed Poseidon in Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lighting Thief film adaptation and voiced John "Soap" MacTavish in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series and Fenn Rau in Star Wars Rebels.
Joe Chill kills Bruce Wayne rather than his parents. Thomas Wayne wishes revenge so takes up the mantle of Batman, but unlike his son he is more ruthless in his actions as he is happy to kill any criminal that gets in his way. Thomas tracked down Chill and was going to poison him, but decided to beat him to death with his bare hands. His wife Martha Wayne is so traumatized by the event that she lost her sanity and cut her face into a garish grin, becoming the Joker.
During his years operating as Batman, Thomas cornered a thief known as Catwoman during a bank heist. However, he decided against killing her upon learning she had no family and because she reminded him of his son. Instead, Batman and Catwoman became a crime fighting duo, which caused Thomas to abandoned his lethal methods due to the happiness he felt working with her. Unfortunately this did not last as Batman relapsed back into his more violent ways when Catwoman was shot by the Joker and confined to a wheelchair.
Joker later kidnaps the twin children of Judge Dent. When Thomas tracks down one of her partners in crime, Yo-Yo, he interrogates her to find his wife's location, but she refuses to cooperate and he throws her off the building. However, at that moment, Cyborg arrives to catch her and Batman jokes "she slipped". Cyborg asks Thomas to join him in stopping the war between the Amazons and the Atlanteans that has devastated Europe, but he refuses.
Later that night, the powerless Barry Allen is looking for Batman, and enters the Batcave, but Thomas attacks the unknown intruder. He is taken back when Barry kept calling him Bruce and says he knows he is Batman. Thomas is shocked but wished to learn more about his son and his life in the alternate timeline. Barry convinces Thomas to help rewrite the timeline and the first step was getting Barry's powers back. Thomas creates a device that will recreate the accident that created the Flash. The first attempt was a failure, leaving Barry badly burnt, but after one more, the Flash was back.
Thomas funds his war on crime through his Wayne Casinos. He works closely with Chief Jim Gordon, the head of Gotham Security, as a few years ago the police force was privatized. He also works closely with Oswald Cobblepot, the head of security for all his casinos.
Batman is called by Chief Gordon, who tries to convince him that he does not have to fight villains by himself, however Batman refused. Later, Batman is shocked that the Joker had footage of his friend James Gordon being killed. She tricks Chief Gordon into shooting Dent's daughter by taping her mouth shut and disguising her as the Joker. Before Batman confronts her, she slashes Gordon's throat. After Gordon's murder Batman turns-up to face his ex-wife. Batman tells her he has discovered a way rewrite history so Bruce was never killed. He told her about Barry Allen and how he helped him restore his powers. Martha with this knowledge is shocked to learn the hardships her son will go through, she ran to her death off a cliff near Wayne Manor.
Thomas works with the Barry to recruit a team to alter the Reverse Flash changes to the timeline. Batman contacts Cyborg and attempt to find Project Superman the government branch responsible for raising an alien Kal-El who is supposedly the most powerful being on the planet. When they find him all they see is a pale skinny man but when he is exposed to sunlight his powers activate and he flies away.
The group of heroes escape the facility with the help of Element Woman, but Barry's memories begin to change and Thomas is forced to inject him with a drug which slows down his brain processes.The heroes head to Fawcett City to find the team known as S.H.A.Z.A.M.; a group of teenagers who can combine their powers to become Captain Thunder.
Using the powers of Billy Batson they are able to slow down the effects of the combination of the Speed Force and the altered timeline itself on Barry's brain. The team decide to stop the war between Wonder Woman and Aquaman, because there is no guarantee that they would win against Professor Zoom. Thomas reluctantly agrees and the heroes head for New Themyscira in the Batplane, they also recruit Enchantress for the mission. Wonder Woman and Emperor Aquaman are locked in battle when the team arrive.
Batman stabs Professor Zoom in the back with a sword while the villain gloats that it was Barry who created the timeline when he went back in time to save his mother. Afterwards, Batman is fatally wounded by the Enchantress, who was truly an Amazonian spy. Before the Flash can run to the past in an attempt to stop his younger self from altering the timeline, Thomas, realizing what Flash was planning to do after despite learning his inadvertent role, thanks him for all he has done and gives the Barry a letter addressed to his son, and accepts his fate.
After Barry apparently restores the timeline to an approximation of its prior self, he visits Bruce Wayne and gives him a letter from his father, and told him he could not of done it without his help. Bruce is deeply touched that his father has sacrificed his existence itself for him.
The Button[]
Despite The Flash's success in fixing the timestream, the Flashpoint timeline continued to exist, held in place by a mysterious force. The Flash returns to this timeline along with Thomas' son Bruce Wayne while investigating the existence of a button found embedded within the walls of the Batcave. Thomas immediately attacks them upon their arrival as he thought them to be a trick.
But Flash convinces him that they traveled to his world using the Cosmic Treadmill and need his help to repair it. After fixing the Treadmill, the Flashpoint timeline suddenly begins to vanish around them. Bruce is held back by The Flash as he begs his father to come with them to their world. However Thomas refuses and instead tells Bruce to give up the Batman mantle so he can pursue a happier life.
The timeline seemingly disappears completely afterwards, although it is later revealed that Thomas was brought to mainstream timeline by a vengeful Reverse Flash during DC Rebirth and eventually began working with Bane to end Bruce Wayne's crusade as Batman. However, despite his efforts, Thomas was unable to make Bruce relinquish the Batman mantle and was sent to Arkham Asylum for his crimes.
Infinite Frontier[]
Flashpoint Beyond[]
Around the events of Dark Crisis, Prime Earth Batman learnt from Ra's Al Ghul that Thomas was seemingly vaporised by Darksied's Omega Beams and was given a way to revive him by restoring the Flashpoint timeline. Batman broke into Rip Hunter's lab with Mime and Marionette who the Dark Knight had identify a pair of objects from the Watchmen universe that were imbued with temporal energy by Doctor Manhattan. Bruce took a snow globe with a watch wrapped around it back to the Batcave and used them to encapsulate the Flashpoint timeline before it could vanish completely within Hypertime. However, the timeline would not stabilise inside the snow globe unless Thomas Wayne accepted to live within the restored reality.
Meanwhile, Thomas Wayne awakens inside his office at Wayne Casino feeling disoriented as his associate Oswald Cobblepot tries to warn him about the arrival of Judge Dent who demands Thomas to talk with his wife Gilda Dent in Arkham Asylum. Gilda apparently became unhinged when her daughter Debbie Dent committed suicide due to the trauma she experienced while held captive by the Joker. Judge Dent held Thomas accountable for this as he failed to prevent Martha Wayne from becoming the Joker and told him that he either help Gilda in Arkham or be arrested for the murder of Joe Chill. However, upon realising where he was, Thomas ignored the judge and took the casino elevator down to ground floor while expressing his anger that his timeline still existed. He believed someone had once again altered the proper flow of time and made it his priority to restore it, thinking it was the only thing that mattered in a timeline that was not supposed to exist.
Thomas went to meet the Flashpoint version of Barry Allen in his apartment to convince him to go through the same experiment that gave Prime Earth Flash his powers; specifically his ability to travel through time, so he can fix everything. Barry believed him to be delusional and refused, prompting Thomas to inject him with a mild sedative before taking Barry to the rooftops of Wayne Casino as Batman. Thomas straps Barry to a chair as he sets up the experiment while storm clouds form overhead, but suddenly a harpoon hits and destroys some of the equipment just before lightning strikes Barry's chair, burning him alive. Thomas is then alerted that Judge Dent's son, Dexter Dent, is trapped inside a burning car nearby with his father fatally struck by another harpoon. Batman pulls Dexter to safety before going after the harpoon-firing assailant and learns from him that Aquaman ordered Barry Allen's execution to stop Batman from changing history.
Thomas decides to take Dexter into his care only to leave him with Oswald while he travels to Britain in search of Aquaman. The Atlanteans managed to capture Wonder Woman and the Amazons before threatening to submerge England into the sea unless the rest of the world meet their demands. Thomas as Batman arrives at Parliament where he prepares to confront Aquaman by obtaining the Lasso of Truth to interrogate him, but also frees Wonder Woman in the process. In the confrontation that followed, Batman learns that Aquaman had no knowledge of sending anyone to assassinate Barry Allen before the Atlantean emperor attempts to follow through with his threat to flood England. However, Wonder Woman stops Aquaman by impaling him from behind with his own trident and threatens to slay Batman as well if he tries to stop her conquest of the Earth. Thomas responds by saying it does not matter to him what she does and leaves for Gotham as the instability of the Flashpoint timeline gets worst from his refusal to believed anything matters in it.
Arriving back in Gotham, Thomas finds out that an explosion has destroyed Wayne Casino and meets with the GCPD's commissioner Sofia Gigante to be briefed of the situation. Thomas shows little interest in what has occurred but becomes intrigued when the commissioner mentions an inmate at Arkham Asylum who claimed that Wayne's son was Batman. The inmate was Roger Hayden, who Thomas knew from the Prime Earth continuity as Psycho-Pirate; a villain whose memories of former realities are retained after each cosmic upheaval. Thomas goes to Arkham as Batman for answers only to find Hayden murdered in his cell with the crime scene rigged up to look like suicide. He briefly examines the cell when he hears to voice of Gilda Dent call out to him in another cell nearby. Gilda asks about the welfare of her son Dexter, revealing she knows Thomas Wayne is Batman, but soon she starts to taunt him about the loss of his family and blames him for the loss of hers. The taunts anger Batman to the point where he punched Gilda through the window of the cell door, but Gilda mocks him again before she starts slamming her own head against the broken glass, disfiguring one side of her face.
Batman leaves Arkham frustrated as he was still no closer to stopping the one preventing him from restoring the timeline. He spots a group of criminals harassing a woman in an alleyway and lets his aggression loose on them when suddenly Kal-El, now known as Super-Man, appears to stops the fight. Super-Man asks Batman for his help but Thomas reacts violently and refuses to listen, prompting Kal-El to knock him unconscious. Batman later awakens at an unknown location where he is greeted by his old foe Poison Ivy, someone who he thought to have previously killed. Ivy explains that her apparent demise allowed her to return as a member of the Parliament of Trees and she guides Thomas through The Oasis; a sanctuary built by Swamp-Thing for those like Super-Man who were abused and forgotten. They meet with Kal-El who shows them a message which reveals that his father Jor-El is coming with other Kryptonians to invade the Earth and subjugate humanity.
External Links[]
- Thomas Wayne on the Villains Wiki.