Thunder, real name hinmatoom and previously known as Chief Thunder, is a major character in the Killer Instinct series and a major protagonist. A Nez Percé warrior, he learns that the disappearance and death of his younger brother Eagle is orchestrated by the evil UltraTech. He then joins the other heroes in their crusade to bring the malevolent company down, and also directly participates in the defense of Earth against evils from beyond the stars.
Thunder is a righteous and honorable man. He is deeply devoted to his people and loves his family, and cannot abide by evil or malice in any way. He also cannot standby while such deeds are being enacted, personally liberating Aganos from his enslavement and going on to form a strong bond with him. He felt strong remorse and was haunted by the loss of his brother, which set him on a course of revenge but not out of anger, but out of love, and for justice.
- A poster of Thunder can be found in Cranky's Monkey Museum in Donkey Kong Country 2.
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