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Heroes Wiki

Thunderhead was a Super featured in The Incredibles, known only through mention by Edna Mode during her conversation with Bob Parr about the dangers of including a cape in his suit design. He was one of the Supers who met his demise due to a suit malfunction. Mr. Incredible described Thunderhead as "not the brightest bulb."


Before becoming a Super, Thunderhead was a high school dropout who later participated in "Stay in School" advertisements to inspire children to stay in school.

As a Super, he developed a close friendship with Mr. Incredible and took part in the NSA's pie-eating competition, securing second place. Thunderhead also attended the wedding of Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl.

In his personal life, Thunderhead and his roommate, Scott, adopted five children together.

Tragically, Thunderhead died on November 15, 1958, when his cape became caught on a missile during takeoff after he heroically redirected it away from a city.


           Incredibles Heroes

The Incredibles
Mr. Incredible | Elastigirl | Violet Parr | Dash Parr | Jack-Jack Parr
Voyd | Brick | Screech | Reflux | He-Lectrix | Krushauer
Frozone | Gazerbeam | Apogee | Thunderhead | Stratogale | Meta Man

Edna Mode | Rick Dicker | Mirage | Winston Deavor
