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I have my own camp now, and my own cats. My future lies with them, not you. (...) You will always be my father. But you have to let us all be the cats we want to be. I can't come and live with you. I must find my own path.
~ Thunder telling Clear Sky that he has his own group and destiny now.

Thunderstar, simply known as Thunder, is one of the overarching protagonists of Erin Hunter's Warriors book franchise.

He is the founder of ThunderClan, and was born to SkyClan's founder Skystar and a rogue named Storm. After Clear Sky rejected him, he was raised by his uncle Gray Wing instead. He grew up in the moorlands, and after the first battle at Fourtrees, he would later go on to form his own group separate of the others. This group, which lived in a deciduous forest, would later be known as ThunderClan.


Thunderstar is a large, broad-shouldered tom with sleek, thick, bright orange fur. He has amber eyes, a long tail, and large white paws. After The First Battle, the tip of one of is ears is torn.


Dawn of the Clans[]

The Sun Trail[]

Soon after the former Tribe cats leave the mountains and come to the forest and moorlands, a rogue named Storm becomes mates with Clear Sky, the leader of the forest cats. She breaks up with him once she sees how cruel he is though, going to live in an abandoned building where she later gives birth to their three kittens, with one of them being a bright orange tom. The building is suddenly torn down one day though, with Storm and two of the litter dying in the falling debris, leaving the orange tom the only one left alive.

Clear Sky's brother Gray Wing and his mate Turtle Tail soon find him and rescue him from the rubble he was buried under. They then lick his fur until he begins to stir, with Turtle Tail saying he's going to live before carrying him away from the destroyed building. When they stop to rest, Turtle Tail licks the kitten's ear and suggests bringing him to his father, though Gray Wing is hesitant. The two then find that he doesn't have a name, so Turtle Tail names him Thunder, as he's Storm's son and survived a "storm" of falling debris. Thunder gives a squeaky mew, and she remarks that she thinks he likes his new name.

Gray Wing brings Thunder to Clear Sky's camp, telling his brother about the deaths of Storm and the rest of the litter when his brother asks who the kit is. Clear Sky is distraught by this and refuses to take in his son, seeing him as a constant reminder of what happened. Gray Wing then returns to the moorlands with Thunder, who asks why his father didn't want him. When they get to the moor camp, an expecting she-cat named Hawk Swoop looks at the orange kit softly as the gray tom explains what happened, saying she'll take care of and nurse him, as she's already close to giving birth. Her mate Jackdaw's Cry protests to this, saying it isn't fair for her to have to look after a kit that isn't hers, but Dappled Pelt replies that she's made her own choice. After a bit of arguing, the moor cats agree to keep Thunder in their group. Gray Wing then pads up to Thunder and rests his muzzle on his head, telling him that from now on, he's his father.

Thunder Rising[]

Thunder has a dream of Storm grooming his fur, which he finds both strange and familiar, noting that he doesn't remember his birth mother normally, but in his dreams he instantly recognizes her. She tells him of how she met Clear Sky, and he looks over to see a pale gray tom in the distance, knowing instantly that it's him. He wishes to speak with Clear Sky, but Storm tells him that it isn't the time yet, commenting that she sees a lot of his birth father in him. As he wakes, she tells him that he'll make things right with Clear Sky when the time comes.

Gray Wing later watches Thunder play-fight with his adoptive siblings, Lightning Tail and Acorn Fur. He then takes the three for a hunting lesson, with Thunder congratulating him when he catches a rabbit. When the orange tom tries hunting, he immediately crouches to the ground, rather than running after the prey. Gray Wing tells him that though his method will work in the forest, he must rely on speed in the moorlands. Frustrated, Thunder tries and fails to catch a mouse, apologizing to his father, who assures him that he'll do better next time. Soon after, he succeeds in catching a bird, reminding Gray Wing of Clear Sky in the way he leaped for it.

As he watches Shattered Ice leave on a hunting trip, Thunder asks to hunt as well, but Gray Wing tells him he can't right now. Despite this though, he follows after Shattered Ice anyways, going into the forest, where he finds himself to be very happy under the trees and can't imagine anywhere he's rather be. After lying to Shattered Ice that he has permission to hunt with him, he begins to hunt by crouching and sneaking, finding it much easier than chasing after rabbits. He catches a shrew before the two head deeper into the forest in search of larger prey. Thunder frets that they shouldn't be so far into another group's territory, wondering if any of Clear Sky's cats have spotted them yet, with Shattered Ice replying that it was no place for kits, and he shouldn't have let him come. Thunder then sees a rabbit nearby, proclaiming he'll show the older tom how to hunt as he runs towards it, not bothering to be stealthy. The rabbit hears him and hides in its burrow, upsetting Thunder. The the gray-and-white tom accompanying him says they'll hunt together, getting him to crouch down and listen for any prey around.

Petal and Leaf, two cats from Clear Sky's group, then confront the two, with Thunder being surprised when Shattered Ice doesn't attack them. Petal then attacks the older tom, and Thunder yowls for her to stop before Moon Shadow and Falling Feather come to help. After the fight is broken up, Petal and Leaf tell the four to leave, and Thunder asks why he can't see his birth father, to which they reply that Clear Sky can't pick favorites and must has to help every cat in his group survive. On they way home, the group hears dogs, and while the others flee, Thunder goes to confront them. He finds his uncle Jagged Peak running from the dogs, and tries rescuing him by pushing him into a tunnel to hide, but the tunnel collapses, and he's rescued by Wind and Gorse.

When the forest catches fire, Thunder goes with Gray Wing and several others to help Clear Sky's group escape. They find Moon Shadow in flames, and while the orange tom tries helping him, he sees how defeated Gray Wing looks. He then hears a voice telling him he needs to jump over a wall of fire to escape, and thinking about how it's their only chance and he must do it, he gets everyone to do just that. He then sees a river, where a rogue silver tom by the name of River Ripple helps him get Moon Shadow out of the fire and put him out in the river. Clear Sky is then saved as well, and when Gray Wing tells him that Thunder had saved both of them, the pale gray tom remarks that he's a brave young cat, jokingly adding a warning to stay away from fires in the future. The orange tom then asks Clear Sky if he really loved Storm, and he replies that he did, but has no time to elaborate, as the cats of the moor are returning home.

At the moor, Thunder hunts with Clear Sky, where they're attacked by a bunch of rats. They defeat them, and Clear Sky asks Thunder if Gray Wing had taught him the fighting moves he used, but he says no. The gray tom remarks that he's learned something today, and states his desire to protect all members of his family. When they get back, Gray Wing tells the two off for leaving without telling anyone, his brother retorting that he didn't know he needed permission to hunt with his son. As Clear Sky stalks away, Thunder cant help but feel as if he's betrayed Gray Wing. When its time for the forest cats to return home, Thunder decides to go with them, wanting to get to know his birth father. Gray Wing says goodbye, reminding him of how he raised him from kithood, and has him say goodbye to Hawk Swoop as well, annoying Clear Sky with how long it's taking.

In the forest, Clear Sky goes on patrol with Thunder and Leaf, the latter offended by how much attention the orange tom is getting. Clear Sky then tries teaching him how to climb trees, though he's not very good at it. A stranger then attacks Thunder, and the pale gray tom chases after them, yowling that no one will hurt his son. River Ripple, who'd been accompanying the stranger, tells Clear Sky that he can't keep telling everyone what to do. Thunder tries to reply, but Clear Sky silences him, and River Ripple responds that he wants to know what he has to say, to which the pale gray tom retorts that he doesn't have an opinion. After River Ripple and the stranger leave, Thunder asks if he has an opinion, and he replies that he does, he just said that to put the silver rogue in his place. Thunder then frets that others will find out about the encounter with River Ripple, wishing the whole thing never happened.

While out on patrol with Frost, Petal and her brother Fox, Thunder comes across a tortoiseshell she-cat named Bumble, a kittypet Turtle Tail had befriended during her time in the twolegplace. Bumble tells him she's not a kittypet anymore, before Petal and Fox accuse her of trespassing and try to chase her off, after which Thunder tries convincing the two to be nicer. They then head back for camp for a scheduled meeting, with Fox and Petal telling Thunder that a cat's place in the group depends on how much Clear Sky likes them, bitterly adding that the orange tom is at the top. They then find Wind Runner trying to hunt in the forest, though Thunder is hesitant to attack. Petal and Fox drive her off instead, asking why Thunder is even on patrol if he's unwilling to defend his group's borders.

Back at camp, Clear Sky announces his intent to expand his territory, going on patrol with Thunder and Petal. They have a run-in with a rogue named Misty, with Petal recognizing her and loathing her for rejecting her in her time of need. Despite Thunder trying to avoid a fight starting, the two she-cats attack each other, with Petal killing Misty. The three then find that Misty was fighting so fiercely because she had two young kits, which Clear Sky suggests killing to put them out of their misery. Thunder rejects this idea though, and Petal decides to raise them as her own instead, naming them Alder and Birch. As they head back home, the orange tom looks at Misty's body and laments that she didn't deserve to die, thinking about how Clear Sky didn't need all the territory he wished to claim, and wondering if he would've killed the kittens had Petal not intervened, realizing it's a question he can't answer.

Later, Thunder is approached by Fircone and Nettle, who ask him to get Clear Sky to change the way he treats outsiders. He tells the leader their campmate's thoughts, and Clear Sky asks if he speaks for all of them. Thunder then suggests they forget about expanding and focus on the territory they already have, but the pale gray tom retorts that it's too late to stop what's already begun, adding that the effects of the fire don't seem to be leaving anytime soon. Thunder responds that he's seen fresh growth coming in, and that he just wants to help. Clear Sky then calls Frost over and demands that he show Thunder his infected burns from the fire, stating that he can't contribute to patrols in the condition he's in. Thunder defends the white tom, pointing out that he can contribute again once he recovers, to which Clear Sky commands him to lick the wounds clean if he cares so much. He refuses to be humiliated like that though, turning to the leader and asking what happened to wanting to protect every cat in the group. Clear Sky then orders him to take Frost away and leave him alone somewhere in the forest for the maggots. Shocked and disgusted, Thunder sees his birth father for the monster he is as Frost begs for mercy. He announces that he and Frost will be leaving the group, realizing that it's not what its truly like to live in a community.

A fox then comes into camp, with Clear Sky accusing Thunder of luring it there. Thunder then defeats the fox, and when Clear Sky comments that someone taught him well, the young tom snaps that it wasn't him. The leader then tells him he won't be allowed back if he leaves, and he replies that he has no intent of returning anyways. He carries Frost out of the camp and starts heading towards the moorlands, wondering what had planted a rotten seed in Clear Sky's heart. As the moor comes into view, he thinks about how Gray Wing is there, and hope is as well.

The First Battle[]

Thunder shows up in the moorlands with Frost, and Gray Wing is surprised to see him, asking why he's returned. He balefully replies that he has no father, refusing to accept he's the offspring of a cat as cruel as Clear Sky. Gray Wing wonders if Clear Sky will listen to him and peacefully discuss his desire to expand his territory, which Thunder reports. He later sees cats around the moor camp training for a possible battle with Clear Sky's group, and not believing the upcoming meeting has to result in battle, he tries yet fails to get them to stop. He soon concedes, thinking that if it comes to a battle, they should be prepared for it.

While out with Jackdaw's Cry, he and Thunder encounter Petal, who's with the older tom's sister Falling Feather. Petal, angry to see them in Clear Sky's territory, goes on a rant about how borders will stop the fighting between the two groups. Thunder insists she let them pass to speak to Clear Sky, relived when she agrees to let them go. In the forest's camp, he sees Clear Sky resting on a low branch, commenting that he thought he'd seen the last of the orange tom, blaming himself for getting betrayed because he trusted his son. Thunder informs him that his brother wishes to speak with him peacefully, and though he argues at first, the pale gray tom agrees to do so for a price. He states that Jackdaw's Cry will stay in the forest camp until the meeting, and whatever happens then, he'll do what he wants to the black tom. Though uneasy, Thunder leaves him at the camp when Jackdaw's Cry insists that he'll be fine.

As he heads back to camp, he's pounced on by a copper-colored kittypet tom, who claims he was just playing when Thunder fights back. When asked who he is, the stranger introduces himself as Tom. Thunder replies that he already knows he's a tom, and asks once more for his name, to which he repeats that his name is Tom. Thunder finds this strange, and wonders if the twolegs also have a cat named "She-Cat". Tom then asks where Bumble - a fellow kittypet that he used to live with - is, and Thunder informs him that she's dead and Clear Sky murdered her, showing him her grave. Tom then tells him that while she was living in the twolegplace, Turtle Tail was briefly his mate, and was expecting their kits when she went back to the moor. He asks Thunder if his kits will be given to him, and the orange tom refuses. Tom refuses to accept this though, and tells him to tell Turtle Tail that he'll be waiting for her near Bumble's grave, and won't leave until she lets him see their children. Realizing Tom could be a threat, he lies that he'll tell her before he continues back to camp. Thunder informs Turtle Tail and Gray Wing of Tom's demands, and the former believes she'll need to meet with him if she wants to keep her kits safe. Thunder, Gray Wing and Tall Shadow go with her to this meeting, which results in a brief fight. Tom insists Turtle Tail show him the kits, but she refuses.

Soon after Wind Runner gives birth to her and Gorse Fur's kittens, Turtle Tail's own litter goes missing. Believing Tom had kidnapped them, Thunder and Lightning Tail go to confront him, running into Clear Sky along the way, asking if he'd seem the kits. When learning of the situation, Clear Sky defends Tom' choice by claiming that kittens should be with their father, and Thunder asks if that's why he sent his own son away twice. Clear Sky sneers that he always knew Thunder wanted to be with gray Wing instead, disowning the orange tom and ordering him and Lightning Tail to get out of his territory. Soon the two pick up Turtle Tail's scent across the thunderpath, which River Ripple helps them cross. They find Turtle Tail dead, having been run over by a monster, and all three are stricken with grief. River Ripple agrees to help get the kits back, introducing them to a kittypet named Flower who shows them where Tom and his owners live. Tom refuses to give his kits up though, so a plan is formed to have Lightning Tail distract him and his twolegs while the other two grab the kittens. Tom gives chase as they flee, but soon gives up and tells them he doesn't care about the kits that much, letting them have them. Back at camp, Gray Wing is overjoyed that the kits are safe, but devastated when Thunder breaks the news that Turtle Tail had died trying to rescue them.

A little while later, Gray Wing, Tall Shadow and Thunder all go to meet Clear Sky, where the four of them sit on top of a tall rock in the middle of a hollow. Thunder and Clear Sky quickly get into an argument, the former snarling that he'll never be cruel like the latter, and to his distaste, Gray Wing apologizes to the pale gray tom on his behalf. The meeting then starts going peacefully, but is interrupted by Jackdaw's Cry catching and eating a bat, as Clear Sky hadn't been feeding him while keeping him in his camp. Thunder tells Clear Sky he'd promised to take care of Jackdaw's Cry, and the older tom snaps back that disloyal and ungrateful, and he shouldn't even exist. he then calls for his cats to attack, and the hollow breaks into battle. Realizing the moor cats are outnumbered, Tall Shadow and Gray Wing send Thunder to fetch reinforcements. Clear Sky's cats follow him though, and he figures out that he must go through the underground tunnels to avoid leading them to camp. Despite having to fight off a badger while in the tunnels, Thunder is able to bring back reinforcements, yowling to Clear Sky that he's going to rescue Tall Shadow and Gray Wing when he returns to the hollow.

Clear Sky snarls that if he wants to save them, he'll need to come and get him. During the battle, Jackdaw's Cry, Falling Feather, Frost, Hawk Swoop and Fircone are all killed. Clear Sky murders Rainswept Flower in front of everyone when she calls him greedy for wanting to expand his territory, and Thunder notes that the pale gray tom was glad to have taken another life. He's about to kill Gray Wing as well, but can't bring himself to do it, abruptly calling the battle to a halt. The spirits of all the cats who have died since they moved to the forest and moor - including those who were recently killed in the battle, then appear in the hollow. They tell the living cats that there's been enough senseless fighting, and they must "unite or die." They continue that they all live under the same sky, after which Clear Sky promises that they'll work together from now on. The spirits then tell all the leaders - including Thunder and River Ripple - to meet at the hollow again the next moon to hear their next message. Afterwards, Thunder, Lightning Tail and Acorn Fur all grieve Hawk Swoop's death.

The Blazing Star[]

As Tall Shadow remarks that they need to start burying the dead, Thunder look out over the hollow, now filled with dead cats, and spots a crow looking at the bodies hungrily. As Clear Sky helps to bury them, Thunder reflects on how the two of them were fighting to the death not long ago. He looks at Hawk Swoop's body and remembers how she raised him before looking back to Clear Sky, who seems genuinely remorseful for killing Rainswept Flower. Gray Wing passes his leadership of the moorland cats down to Thunder, as he has proved himself worthy during the battle. When Tall Shadow comments that they should help any cat in trouble, Thunder agrees with her.

On the way back to camp, the moor cats come across three rogues named Holly, Mud Paws and Mouse Ear. They ask to join the moorland group, and Thunder and Tall Shadow accept them. At camp, Gray Wing starts passing on his duties to his son. Thunder asks if he thinks the spirits will appear again in the hollow next moon, and the gray tom believes they will. A month later, the two groups, as well as River Ripple's group, gather at the hollow again, calmed by the friendly atmosphere. The spirits then show up again and praise the cats for keeping peace, but then request that they "grow and spread" like the Blazing Star. The leaders are confused as to what the Blazing Star is, and a stranger shows up, saying it must be some sort of message. The stranger - a golden tabby she-cat - looks at Thunder, saying she's heard lots of things about him and has been dying to meet him. As she leaves, Thunder stares at her longingly.

When finding out that Clear Sky had taken Tom into his group, Gray Wing and Thunder go to confront him about it, seeing as Tom had kidnapped Turtle Tail's kits. Clear Sky is furios at the two for embarassing him in front of his two newest recruits; Tom and a large ginger tom named One Eye. He tells Gray Wing that he's lucky Thunder didn't send him away because of the asthma he's developed ever since the forest fire, but then apologizes. The two leave, and Thunder suggests they start making up new battle moves to defends themselves from both other cats as well as foxes, badgers and rats. When telling Holly, Mud Paws and Mouse Ear about the Blazing Star, to Thunder's awe Mouse Ear suggests that it may be a type of plant.

After Gray Wing disappears from the moorlands, Thunder is incredibly worried about him. Clear Sky visits the moor cats to discuss the recent sickness that's been afflicting both groups, and what herbs are needed to treat it, so Thunder arranges a meeting at the hollow to talk it over with the other leaders. At the meeting, he sees Gray Wing with River Ripple, who explains that he needed time to himself to think about his place in life, and will continue staying in River Ripple's group for a while. The golden tabby she-cat from before shows up again, introducing herself as Star Flower, telling Thunder that she'd be willing to teach him some fighting moves, which he accepts.

Once Gray Wing returns to the moor, he sees Thunder and Lightning Tail giving their campmates a hunting lesson, when Star Flower appears to comment on the small amount of prey Thunder had caught. Lightning Tail is annoyed by the orange tom's fascination with her, saying he doesn't really trust her. Thunder then sends him campmates back to camp, after which Star Flower takes him to a secret garden. He asks if she knows what the Blazing Star is, and she informs him that it's an herb with healing properties. He tells her about his life as the two watch the sunset together. Thunder feels something strong in his chest, but is unable to identify what it is. He considers asking Star Flower to join his group, but decides to put it off and return to camp. There, Clear Sky tells him that One Eye has turned against him and taken over his camp, and Jagged Peak reveals that Holly has fallen ill with the strange disease. Thunder tell him that he knows what the Blazing Star is, and it might be able to save Holly.

The moor cats want to go get the Blazing Star right away, but One Eye's presence makes such at task too dangerous. As Clear Sky tells everyone of One Eye's evil, Shattered Ice states they must come up with a plan to defeat him. Gray Wing says that they'll get the herb first and deal with One Eye after though, sending Jagged Peak to lead a patrol to gather it. The patrol is unable to get the herb though, as on the way there they ran into One Eye, who attacked them. Gray Wing comments that it a good thing they were though, as it meant he could move on to the next stage of his plan. He lays out a plan to lure One Eye away from his allies in the forest into the open moor, where they'll ambush him, and Thunder says that they will defeat him, but can't kill him, as he doesn't want to stoop to his level.

Thunder and Lightning Tail go out to ask Wind Runner's and River Ripple's groups for help with the plan, arguing on the way there, with Lightning Tail accusing his adoptive littermate of not caring about others' opinions. Wind Runner denies helping with the plan, asking for the herb, but neither of the two have it. Thunder suggests that River Ripple will give them a friendlier approach, but Lightning Tail doesn't respond, so the orange tom exasperatedly asks if they aren't going to talk anymore. The black-and-white tom says that his loyalty is only to the moor group now, not to Thunder, and attacks him in rage, hissing that he's fallen right into Star Flower's trap. Once the fight breaks up, Lightning Tail remains silent the rest of the way, refusing to talk about Star Flower any further. River Ripple agrees to aid in the plan, and warns Thunder to be careful, telling him he knows who One Eye is. On the way back home, to Lightning Tail's disgust, the two run into Star Flower. She tells them that she'd seen a patch of Blazing Star herbs growing by the river, which exited Thunder. As she leads them to it, she tells them that she's familiar with One Eye. Thunder tells her about Gray Wing's plan and asks her to help with it. When they get to the river though, the orange tom is disappointed to find that the flowers she was talking about were just ordinary plants, not Blazing Stars.

When the time comes to put the plan into motion, Clear Sky volunteers to be the cat to lure One Eye out. The moorland cats wait in anticipation, and spring into action when One Eye threatens to kill Clear Sky. Many of One Eye's followers join in as well though, and he states that he knew about their plan all along. He then calls for Star Flower, who reveals herself. Thunder is frozen in shock, wondering how their plan could've gone so wrong, and realizes that Star Flower is One Eye's daughter, and told him everything Thunder told her. Beside him, Gray Wing somberly tells his son that he's been betrayed. As One Eye's rogues corner Clear Sky, Gray Wing comes up with another plan to climb up into the trees and call out to One Eye. This way, when One Eye looks up to see them, the sunlight will blind him and give them a chance to attack. This strategy works, but as they attack the rogues, Star Flower attacks Thunder, though he's able to fend her off quickly. Thunder, Gray Wing, Lightning Tail and Cloud Spots then all work together to attack One Eye, killing him by snapping his neck.

The other rogues flee, but Star Flower remains, pleading to Thunder to let her say goodbye to her father. Disgusted, Thunder replies that he finds it funny how she never mentioned One Eye was her father before now. Star Flower tells him that she did genuinely like him, but when One Eye found out about their bond, he had her try to get information out of the orange tom and find out what the moor cats were planning. Thunder orders her to leave, but she asks if she can have a burial for One Eye first, leaving afterwards. River Ripple the tries comforting a downtrodden Thunder by telling him that he'll find love again one day, though he isn't sure of this.

After the real Blazing Stars are found and the sickness is cured, the leaders all go to the hollow. The soon realize it isn't the real hollow though, but instead a vision in one large shared dream. The spirit of Turtle Tail asks what has happened since they'd last spoken, and Thunder tells her of how they killed One Eye and found the Blazing Stars. Turtle Tail then remarks how a Blazing Star has five petals, just like a cat has five claws. The spirits then start chanting "grow and spread" as they fade away, and when Thunder calls out to them, all the dreaming cats then wake up. Gray Wing scolds Thunder for ending the dream, after which he talks to Tall Shadow about the spirits' message. The leaders all decide to go to the real hollow, where they argue over the meaning of the message. River Ripple says he'll unite with them all, and Thunder adds that their survival depends on it. Gray Wing then says he might have an idea as to what "growing and spreading" might be; for the cats to all separate into groups of five.

A Forest Divided[]

Clear Sky visits the moor group as he talks with Gray Wing about how to hunt in the snow, the pale gray tom wondering if his son could ever forgive him for sending him away as a kit. He tries convincing Thunder, Tall Shadow and Gray Wing to grow and spread, but they decline, with the orange tom saying that he can't just pretend that the borders he created aren't there, especially after cats died for them. Clear Sky then leaves, and Thunder, feeling a bit bad about his harshness, follows him to make sure he gets back to his camp safely. He apologizes for what he said, but Clear Sky doesn't reply, and the two are then attacked by a badger. After fighting it off, Clear Sky is injured, and brought back to the moor to be tended to, which annoys Tall Shadow. Jagged Peak then tells Thunder that he's heard gossip about some cats wanting to leave the moorlands. The cats then hold a vote to determine who will live in each group, and when everyone has voted but Thunder, he hesitantly chooses to go join Clear Sky's group. Clear Sky thanks him for this, and the orange tom says goodbye to Gray Wing once more, who tells him that he cannot go, as Tall Shadow and Pebble Heart need his support.

In the forest, Thunder and Clear Sky come across Star Flower, who asks to join their group. Clear Sky refuses, but Thunder is convinced to give her a second chance as she can't survive on her own. He then convinces Clear Sky as well, who tells him that he'll be the one to tell the group why Star Flower came back, causing Thunder to think about what Lightning Tail, who also joined the group, will say.

Later, Thunder tires joining a patrol Clear Sky is leading in an attempt to flatter him, lying that he didn't know where the borders were, to which the blue-eyed tom says that if he still doesn't remember, then he never would. He then says that he wants to e alone, which confuses the orange tom, who follows him in secret anyways. He's enraged when he sees Clear Sky meeting up with Star Flower in secret, realizing the two have fallen in love. Back in camp, tired of Clear Sky, Thunder announces that he's going to start his own group, and Lightning Tail, Pink Eyes, Cloud Spots, Leaf and Owl Eyes all join him, with Milkweed and her kits Clover and Thistle joining them soon after. They travel deeper into the forest, and make a sandy ravine into their camp.

The next morning, when Thunder catches a sparrow, a black tom angrily says he was hunting it first. Thunder apologizes, and the black tom says that he and the old gray she-cat with him came from the mountains, which interests the orange tom, wondering if they're from the Tribe. The black tom introduces himself as Sun Shadow and the gray she-cat as Quiet Rain, the latter asking if Thunder knows Clear Sky, Gray Wing or Jagged peak, informing him that she's their mother. Thunder then takes the two to Tall Shadow's camp, knowing that Gray Wing will be there, and preferring to avoid Clear Sky. When they get there however, Gray Wing is gone, and Tall Shadow sends the orange tom to go find him.

He soon finds his adoptive father and brings him back to camp, with Gray Wing excited that his mother is visiting. Quiet Rain is horrified to learn of all the battles and death that has happened, saying the former Tribe cats should never have come to the forest, and asks to see Clear Sky. Gray Wing asks Thunder to go fetch him, and he reluctantly agrees, not looking forward to seeing him again. He tells his group's camp where he's going on the way, and Lighting Tail joins him. When they get to Clear Sky's camp and tell him about Quiet Rain, Star Flower offers to go as well, but the pale gray tom says she can't, as she's expecting their kits, which shocks Thunder. Star Flower follows them anyways though, which annoys Thunder.

At the moor camp, Thunder worries about Quiet Rain's reaction to what Clear Sky did, and frets that she might die. When Jagged Peak and Clear Sky then start arguing in front of their mother, Star Flower scolds the both of them, and the orange tom thinks that she and Clear Sky might not be a good couple. Later, Thunder wakes up Clear Sky and tells him that Quiet Rain's condition is getting worse. The three brothers then say their goodbyes as their mother passes away. She is buried at Fourtrees the next day, after which the pale gray tom tries convincing everyone to join back together. They all decline however, with Thunder telling him that he has his own group now, and his loyalty is to them, not his father. He adds that though they will always be kin, he must find his own path, which he can't do in Clear Sky's group. Star Flower replies that he already knows this, and the orange tom tells the two to take care as he leaves. Back in his camp, Lighting Tail reports to him what happened while he was gone, and he thinks that the next day, he'll go hunting to feed his own group.

Path of Stars[]

While hunting with Lighting Tail and Pink Eyes, Thunder thinks about the other day and hopes that Gray Wing is happy in his own camp. He then thinks about how despite Gray Wing's love and care, he was always curious about his birth father, and how he was never fully accepted into Clear Sky's group, but was happy now that he's the leader of his own. The three then hear Clear Sky coming, with Lighting Tail worrying that he's about to start a fight, and when Pink Eyes responds that there's no reason to right now, the black-and-white tom snorts that Clear Sky is always looking for a reason, but Thunder suggests he might just be bringing news. Clear Sky then tells them that Star Flower has been taken over by a group of rogues lead by a cat named Slash, asking Thunder for help in saving her, adding that Slash would only let her go if they gave him prey. Thunder says he can't help, as he can't give prey away, since he must put his own group first. Furious, Clear Sky asks him what kind of son he is, saying that he'll never forgive him if his mate or kits are killed by Slash's group and asking how long he'll resent him for becoming mates with Star Flower. Thunder insists that he isn't punishing anyone, he just needs to look out for his group first, and that the pale gray tom needs to work out his own problems. Clear Sky leaves enraged, and Thunder feels bad about turning him down, wondering if doing so will lead to another massive battle.

When meeting Slash at Fourtrees, Clear Sky wonders if Thunder will show up, and is relived when he does alongside the other leaders. Slash then appears, asking Clear Sky if the other leaders care whether or not Star Flower dies. The pale gray tom reminds the rogue that he brought the other leaders because he requested it, to which Slash snorts that he just wanted to see if they would actually come. Wind Runner asks what would've happened if they didn't show, and Slash replies that he would've found some other way to deal with Star Flower and make them give him prey, which angers Thunder, who demands to know he he dares to threaten them. The rogue asks if he really wants to argue, and Thunder asks how he's so sure they'll give him prey. Slash replies that he wouldn't want to see Clear Sky lose his mate, but the leader still refuse to give him anything, so he scowls and leaves.

The day after Star Flower is saved by Gray Wing and gives birth in Tall Shadow's camp, Thunder goes to visit his newborn half-siblings, surprised by how happy Clear Sky is to see him. He asks how the kits are, and as Clear Sky talks about them lovingly, he feels envious that he never got that amount of affection, thinking about how he's only alive because Gray Wing and Hawk Swoop had raised him, wondering what his life would've been like if he had never been turned away. He leaves soon after, promising to visit Clear Sky again, and worries that Slash will cause trouble again soon, but he doesn't know where.

Back in camp, Lightning Tail tells him that they got attacked by five rogues near a sycamore, causing the leader to wonder if they're the same rogues that are in Slash's group. Lightning Tail suggests they start training for battle, and as the other cats in the group start proposing ideas for battle moves, Thunder is assured that if something ever happened to him, Lighting Tail would be able to lead the group in his stead, seeing the determination in his cats' eyes. Later, after a meeting a Fourtrees, Thunder and Lightning Tail decide to spy on Slash's camp. There, they overhear Slash flirting with a dark gray she-cat named Violet, who Thunder finds quite pretty. They come back the next day, with the leader wanting to see Violet again, and on the way there they hear a patrol complaining about going hunting when there's already so much food in the camp that it's rotting away. Thunder suggests they try spying on the camp once more to find out what battle moves the rogues were learning, ignoring Lightning tail when the black-and-white tom replies that he's pushing his luck.

While they spy on the camp, a pack of dogs suddenly attacks it, killing two rogues named Frog and Beech. Thunder and Lightning Tail rush in to help, successfully driving the dogs away, after which Slash confronts the orange tom on his spying. Slash then decides to leave the camp, with several of his cats defecting from him to join the other groups, Violet being among them. Clear Sky later calls a meeting to discuss the former members of Slash's group, and Thunder reports that Violet is adapting well, but the others are struggling a bit. He then points out that one of the ex-rogues, named Red, had been the one to accidentally lure the dogs into the camp, warning his father to keep an eye on him. The pale gray tom then bursts out that being a father to Star Flower's kits has made him realize how badly he'd failed Thunder, apologizing to him and telling him he can come to his group for help any time. Clear Sky then realizes sadly that Thunder may never confide in him, as nothing he could do would make up for abandoning him as a kit.

Later, Thunder and Violet help reinforce the camp's walls, the former tries to ask the latter something, but can't find the words. he wonders how River Ripple is doing with the ex-rogues in his group, so he and the dark gray she-cat decide to go check on him. Lighting Tail wishes to come too, but Violet tells him that she'd like to be alone with Thunder. As they travel to River Ripple's island, Violet asks Thunder what he was going to say, and when he asks if they can be friends, she responds that she thought they already were. Thunder then confesses that he loves her, and has thought she was beautiful ever since he first saw her, asking if they could become mates once they know each other better. She replies that she'd love that more than anything, but that they should visit with River Ripple before they start planning out their future. She adds that she thought Lightning Tail would've asked her for him, and he thinks that he likely would have, reflecting on how much he values his friendship with the black-and-white tom and hoping that Violet would approve. he then appoints Lighting Tail as his deputy, stating that if something happens to him, he hopes his deputy will take his place as leader. Violet snaps that she won't let anything happen to him, as they're going to start a family, and she needs him, with him saying he needs her as well.

At the next meeting at Fourtrees, the former members of Slash's group who joined the groups are given new names, with Violet being renamed Violet Dawn, a name which Thunder thinks is beautiful. Ember refuses to be renamed though, and Slash then appears, saying that he never made cats in his group do anything, threatening that they'll all learn the price to pay for defying him. Gray Wing asks if he's done anything' to Clear Sky, Star Flower or their kits, but Slash responds that he's not interested in making Clear Sky suffer anymore, and is instead targeting Gray Wing now. Thunder and Wind Runner then rush back to camp, fearing the rogues had done something to Gray Wing's new mate Slate and their kits. They find the camp had been raided, and Gray Wing's son Black Ear was kidnapped. The gray tom is grief-stricken, and Thunder promises to save him. As the orange tom sets off to find Black Ear with Sparrow Fur and Owl Eyes, he remembers how one of Slash's cats was not present at the meeting, and concludes that they must have been the one to kidnap the kit. The three find a cave with Black Ear's scent, though the kit isn't inside. Clear Sky then joins their search, and the four see Slash's crossing a thunderpath, with one of them carrying the kitten. They try to attack, but the rogue carrying Black Ear drops him and darts to the other side of the thunderpath. The group watches in horror as a monster is about to hit the black-and-white kitten, but Clear Sky saves him, his tail getting run over in the process.

Thunder brings Clear Sky to Tall Shadow's camp, as he's too injured to go back to his own camp. While the pale gray tom rests, he tells Thunder that he had to save Black Ear, because Gray Wing had saved his kits, the orange tom included. he then expresses remorse at not being able to raise Thunder as well as his brother had, and gratitude towards Gray Wing for it. Slate then informs them that her mate is very ill again, and somberly Thunder realizes that he won't recover this time. At Wind Runner's camp, Thunder, Jagged Peak, Clear Sky and Pebble Heart all come to see Gray Wing as he dies. Gray Wing and his kits then give the five groups official names: ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, WindClan and SkyClan. Gray Wing then passes away, with Thunder grieving his death alongside everyone else.

Moth Flight's Vision[]

At the Gathering, both Thunder and Clear Sky report that newleaf has brought bountiful prey to the forest. Later, Moth Flight tells the leaders about a special crystal in a cave known as the Moonstone, which the spirits - now known as StarClan - can be contacted through, and that said spirits want each Clan to have a medicine cat to communicate with them and heal their sick and injured Clanmates. She then introduces them to her mate Micah, a former loner who had saved her from a dog, and Thunder narrows his eyes in suspicion at him. The spirits then descends into Fourtrees and confirm Moth Flight's message, to which Thunder lifts his tail and declares that the five Clans will follow their instructions and have medicine cats. He then states that Cloud Spots will be the medicine cat of ThunderClan, as StarClan had chosen.

While the medicine cats visit the Moonstone for the first time, StarClan suggests they try to learn as much as they can from each other, so Moth Flight and Micah go to ThunderClan soon after to learn from Cloud Spots. On the way there, Moth Flight wonders if Cloud Spots had told Thunder that StarClan wanted the medicine cats to share their knowledge with each other, recalling that the leader is the son of Clear Sky and wondering if that meant he was just as suspicious of everyone outside his Clan as the pale gray tom is. In ThunderClan's camp, as Cloud Spots gives the two a tour, he remarks that Violet Dawn is expecting her and Thunder's kits, so she will soon move into his den. Thunder then comes into camp holding a rabbit, with Lightning Tail following behind him, and Cloud Spots asks who their hunting went. Thunder then notices Micah, who says he hopes he doesn't mind his presence, but the leader assures him that he's welcome, and they're honored to have him visit. He then asks Micah how Clear Sky is, and the yellow tom reports that he's doing fine. Lightning Tail jokingly asks if Clear Sky still thinks he's the best cat in the whole forest, to which Micah says he knows his strengths, and Thunder snorts that he bets he likes him. Thistle and Clover then come into camp with a large pigeon, with their leader expressing surprise that they got it down the cliff.

The next morning, Spotted Fur comes to ThunderClan camp, looking for Moth Flight and Micah. Annoyed, Thunder tells him that he's disturbing the Clan, and Moth Flight wonders why Spotted Fur is being so rude. She then asks Thunder if it's ok for her and Micah to go back home now, and thanks him for his hospitality when he says yes. He tells the young she-cat to send her parents his regards with warmth in his eyes as she and her mate leave.

At the next Gathering, as Wind Runner reports that SkyClan has been stealing WindClan's prey, Thunder takes Clear Sky's side, which causes Wind Runner to angrily say she isn't surprised he would defend his kin. SkyClan fails to show up due to their closed borders meanwhile, and Thunder is hesitant to start without him. Wind Runner suggests they turn their backs on Clear Sky, as he doesn't respect any of them anyways, and when Thunder asks what she means, she explains that SkyClan should just be ignored and left to survive on their own. The orange tom disagrees, reasoning that SkyClan must have closed its borders for a reason, asking the leader of WindClan for proof that he was stealing prey and pointing out that he's not here to defend himself. Tall Shadow then says that Thunder is only defending him because he's his son, and that Wind Runner could be right. The gathered cats start to argue, and the orange tom reminds them that they must "unite or die", and that their dispute must be solved through words. He glances gratefully when River Ripple comments that StarClan knows better than them, stating that they can't make any hasty decisions without talking to Clear Sky beforehand. Dust Muzzle then shows up abruptly and announces that Tiny Branch is in trouble, and when Shattered Ice tries to stop Moth Flight from going to help, saying they should just ignore SkyClan, Thunder snaps at him to let her go. Shattered Ice snaps back that he's not his leader, but River Ripple tells him to let her go as well, so the white tom obeys.

After Wind Runner is fatally wounded, Moth Flight takes her to the Moonstone, where StarClan gives her nine lives and grants her the new name Windstar. StarClan then tells Moth Flight to bring the other four leaders there so they may get the same thing, so she goes to each of their camps to inform them of this. Soon after Thunder goes to the Moonstone, where StarClan gives him nine lives, with his first being from Gray Wing and his second being from Storm, and he earns the name Thunderstar. Cloud Spots announces this at the next medicine cat meeting, and all the others confirm that their leaders have too.

When Moth Flight decides to give up her four kits, not being able to take care of them while also performing her medicine cat duties, she decides to give one to each Clan, giving Blue Whisker to ThunderClan. Blue Whisker wonders if ThunderClan cats can climb trees, and her brother Honey Pelt that he bets they're always doing it, and it will be the first thing Thunderstar teaches her. While the leaders meet the kits, Thunderstar remarks that they look so much like Micah, asking which one is Blue Whisker. The small she-kit says she is, stepping forward while trying not to tremble, intimidated by the leader's large build. The orange tom tells her that she can share a nest with Violet Dawn, and when she says that she's never slept alone before, he assures he that she can sleep with Milkweed and her new litter of kits, as they aren't much older than her. He adds that Milkweed's kits fidget in their sleep though, but Blue Whisker replies that her sister Bubbling Stream does as well, so she won't mind. Thunderstar then looks to the forest and asks Blue Whisker if she's ready to go, and as they walk to ThunderClan, she gives a tearful goodbye to her mother and siblings.

Many moons later, when blue Whisker is about to give birth, Thunderstar requests Moth Flight, Honey Pelt, Bubbling Stream and Spider Paw all visit her in ThunderClan, believing it will make her feel better.

Thunderstar's Echo[]

Thunderstar praises Snail Shell when he catches a large vole, telling his mentor Owl Eyes that he did well in training him. While assessing Apple Blossom's hunting skills, he asks her what she'll catch when she scents a mouse and a rabbit. She replies that a mouse would be easier to catch, but a rabbit would feed more cats, deciding on the latter. The leader approves of her choice, suggesting she hunt it with Snail Shell, as that's how WindClan cats catch them, praising the two when they succeed.

As the patrol heads towards the RiverClan border, Thunderstar thinks about how they barely caught enough prey to survive the last leafbare, and on the way back reflects on how much the Clans have changed, as before no cat would've dared come so close to another Clan's borders, but now there was no reason to fight. He then thinks about how young cats like Apple Blossom and Snail Shell were allowed to roam freely with the threat of Slash and his rogues gone, but Owl Eyes interrupts his train of thought by asking his apprentice what kind of prey they should look for around the river. Snail Shell complains that they've been hunting all day and asks to take a break, which Thunderstar allows, with Lighting Tail commenting dryly that they saved Pebble Heart, Sparrow Fur and Owl Eyes from Tom when they were to two apprentices' age. Apple Blossom asks if that was true, and Lightning Tail begins telling her and her brother about the rescue, and then the battle against One Eye. Thunderstar thinks about how good his deputy is with apprentices, sighing with satisfaction that he chose the right cat to succeed him.

When the group gets back to camp, Thunderstar's heart sinks when he sees a bunch of cats arguing over petty things, hoping their leader could resolve their quarrels for them. He hears Clover and Thistle arguing over how they got the wrong leaves for Cloud Spots' apprentice Shivering Rose, with Blue Whisker interjecting periodically. Thunderstar flicks his ears disapprovingly at Blue Whisker for this, believing her to just be causing trouble for trouble's sake. He then heads for his den, hoping Violet Dawn will be there, but is stopped by Clover yowling to him to settle the quarrel. he sighs and asks what the problem is, pretending to be interested when Shivering Rose explains that they brought her beech leaves instead of dock leaves. As they continues to yowl at each other, Thunderstar thinks about strategizing with Gray Wing and charging into battle with Lightning Tail, reflecting on how he doesn't miss the constant conflict, but there was less time to argue about petty things like leaves. His thought are interrupted as the argument escalates, so he steps in and apologizes to Shivering Rose for the mix-up, asking her to show the two what dock leaves look like tomorrow. They try to keep quarreling, but the leader silences them, telling them to stop fighting like kits.

As Thunder walks away, he hears Pink Eyes telling Leaf that prey should go in the fresh-kill pile, and Leaf retorts that he was giving the prey he'd caught to his mate Milkweed and their kits. Pink Eyes says that his kits are all he thinks about, and Leaf spats that the visually-impaired tom couldn't even tell the difference. Thunderstar interjects, scolding Leaf for saying something like that, and tells the two to leave each other alone. The two try continuing their quarrel, but he tells them that they're too old to be fighting over such minor things, commenting that it's no wonder their younger Clanmates are acting the same way. he then threatens to make them pick ticks off of Gooseberry if they keep fighting before walking away, searching for Violet Dawn.

As he looks for his mate, he wonders why his cats are making his solve every little dispute they have, though concludes that it's part of being a leader. he doesn't find Violet Dawn in his den, but soon spots her going into the medicine den. When he enters, he sees her talking to Cloud Spots, who leaves to give the two some privacy. While alone, Violet Dawn reveals t hat she's pregnant with their kittens, which surprised and overjoys her mate. He worries about his future kits later that night, but Lightning Tail comforts him. The next morning, it rains heavily, with the orange tom thinking that it's been hard to catch prey lately with so much rain. he decides to lead a hunting patrol when one comes back with a small amount of prey, with the patrol skeptical of how well they'll do, and Lightning Tail trying to rally some excitement.

The patrol catches a den full of mice and a pigeon, which their Clan congratulates them for when they return. Milkweed then freezes up and asks Thunderstar if he can smell the scent she just picked up. A pack of dogs then bursts into the camp, and the cats all climb up into trees, with Violet Dawn, Owl Eyes, Snail Shell and Clover all huddling in the warriors' den instead. Thunderstar then jumps down and has the dogs follow him out of camp, climbing up a tree once they're out. He then sees the cats in the warriors' den doing the same thing, with Violet Dawn getting attacked but fighting off the dog.

In the aftermath, though the fresh-kill pile has been decimated, Thunderstar assures the Clan that they'll be ok. He worries about the safety of his and Violet Dawn's future kits, but she promises him they'll be fine. The Clan then decides to warn the other Clans about the dogs, with Thuderstar going to warn SkyClan. He's escorted into the camp by Dew Petal and Honey Pelt, with Skystar greeting him and asking why he's there. Upon telling Skystar about the dogs, he finds that SkyClan had already known, and the two leaders conclude that the dogs' acrid thunderpath scent means they must have come from far away. Thunderstar and Skystar track the scent, and find the dogs residing in a place full of "dead" monsters.

Thunderstar later returns to this spot to investigate with Lightning Tail, finding and burying a rogue the dogs had killed along the way. The two try blocking the spot the dogs come in and out of, but the pack start chasing them. They're attacked but manage to get away, yet die of their injures soon after. Thunder star revives and is grief-stricken at his dead friend, who he buries and sits vigil for. He then notices some twolegs nearby, and manages to get their attention, leading them to the hole the dogs came out of so they can take care of it. He then pays respects at Lightning Tail's grave before returning to camp.

At ThunderClan camp, Thunderstar somberly tells everyone what happened to the deputy. They mour Lightning Tail's death for two days, and Violet Dawn suggests picking a new deputy, though her mate is wary of doing so. The dark gray she-cat then goes into labor, and is rushed into the nursery. Thunderstar feels useless as she gives birth, but Owl Eyes assures him that the kits will be fine. After she's given birth, she calls for him to come inside, and he rushes into the nurdery. Cloud Spots says he should probably wait outside, but Violet Dawn insists he stay to see his newborn children.

At the next Gathering, Thunderstar announces the birth of his and Violet Dawn's kits, and then named Owl Eyes as the new deputy of ThunderClan, apologizing to Owl Eyes for springing it on him, but the newly-named deputy doesn't mind. Back in camp, he tells his mate that Owl Eyes is the new deputy, a choice she approves of. They then name their four kittens; the blue-eyed gray tom is named Sleek Fur, the tortoiseshell she-kit is named Feather Ear, the gray tabby tom is named Shell Claw, and finally the ginger tabby she-kit is named Lightning Stripe in memory of Lightning Tail. Thunderstar thinks about how he hasn't truly lost Lighting Tail, as he'll always be watching over him and the Clan from StarClan.

Shadowstar's Life[]

During a Gathering, Thunderstar remarks how Shadowstar hasn't chosen a new deputy ever since Sun Shadow's death, and empathizes with her grief in losing him, telling her how difficult Lightning Tail's death was for him. When Skystar reports twolegs invading SkyClan's territory, Thuderstar backs this up, and wonders if the neighboring Clan will start building new dens. The orange tom then suggests they each give up a bit of their territory to SkyClan to make up for the land the twolegs had taken, but Riverstar and Windstar refuse, while Shadowstar says she needs more time to decide.

While going to speak with Thunderstar about SkyClan's territory, Shadowstar picks up the scent of Quick Water - the cat who had killed Sun Shadow and taken one of her lives - in ThunderClan territory. She confronts the orange tom over this, who explains that ever since Quick Water had been banished from SkyClan, ThunderClan has been sheltering her, expressing frustration that Skystar has exiled her without listening to her side of the story first. Shadowstar and Raven Pelt object to this, but Thunderstar refuses to kick Quick Water out, vowing to protect her.

Thunderstar brings Quick Water to the next Gathering to make a statement about his support for her. He accuses Skystar of abandoning his Clanmate, and convinces the pale gray tom to take her back in. When ShadowClan and WindClan team up against ThunderClan and SkyClan, Thunderstar tries reasoning with them, but Windstar says he's blinded by his affection for Quick Water, and the four Clans fight.

Pinestar's Choice[]

Many decades later, as Pineheart is visiting StarClan at the Moonpool to become the new leader of ThunderClan, Thunderstar appears during the ceremony to give him his eighth life. He introduces himself quietly and warns Pineheart that he'll make the hardest choice of all one day, and gives him a life of making difficult decisions. Moons later, as Pinestar loses a life, he hears Thunderstar's voice warning him that the time to choose is approaching fast. He remembers this warning when he wonders if he should leave his Clan and spend his final life as a kittypet.

The Power of Three[]

Long Shadows[]

Thunderstar, Riverstar, Shadowstar and Windstar confront Midnight the badger about telling a rogue named Sol about a solar eclipse, as he used the knowledge to take over ShadowClan. While the other three founders are more hostile toward Midnight and each other, Thunderstar remains calm, carefully asking questions and trying to avoid starting a fight.

A Starless Clan[]


In StarClan, the five founders watch in dismay as the RiverClan apprentice Frostpaw bleeds out, having been ambushed and severely wounded by her Clanmate Splashtail. Windstar states that she's dying, and Thunderstar cries that this was not her destiny, as she was never meant to be a medicine cat. Despite the other founders' concerns and protests though, Riverstar remains certain that Frostpaw will survive and save her Clan from Splashtail.


  • Counting adoptive and half-siblings, Thunderstar has the most siblings in the series, at fifteen in total.
  • Thunder is the only one of the five founders to not have a two-word name before gaining the -star suffix.
  • Before Dawn of the Clans, there were two separate origins for his name. In a QNA with the authors in 2010, it was stated that he was named after the thunderpath near ThunderClan's territory in the forest. In the discontinued 2011 version of the official Warriors app however, it was stated that he got his name from his unique method of hunting during storms and catching prey that gets disoriented from claps of thunder.
  • He was mistakenly called golden instead of orange on page 126 of The First Battle.

External links[]

Thunderstar on the Warriors Wiki


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