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“ | We need to reset. No more revenge plots, no more violence. | „ |
~ Paula to Lily and Sofus Mahkent in "Chapter Ten: The Killer. |
Paula Brooks, also known as Tigress, is a major antagonist turned anti-hero in The CW and DC Universe television series Stargirl.
She is the wife of Larry Crock/Sportsmaster and the mother of Artemis Crock/Artemis as well as a former member of the Injustice League. She is a former gym teacher at Blue Valley High School and a (former) assassin handy with a crossbow and arrows.
Early Life[]
Paula Brooks' early life is mostly unknown; she eventually became a member of the Injustice Society of America and fell in love with ISA member, Sportsmaster. Eventually the two married and had a daughter together, Artemis Crock. They became part of the Blue Valley Community, where Paula became a gym coach at Blue Valley High School. Paula and Larry hoped that their daughter would become the first woman in the NFL. However, the couple would butt-heads with the principal of the school, Anaya Bowin (their fellow ISA teammate), who would get mad at Sportsmaster and Tigress for killing coaches or making them "mysteriously disappear".
Season One (2020)[]
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Season Two (2021)[]
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Season Three (2022)[]
Becoming a hero in her own right, Paula and her family became the Whitmore-Dugan family's neighbors, where she formed a growing friendship with Barbara Whitmore. She and her husband are murdered by a revived Jordan Mahkent/Icicle. Two years later, their deaths are later avenged by their daughter, who tracks Jordan in Copenhagen, Denmark, by setting his remains on fire to prevent him from ever reforming again.
Paula used to be fanatic and prone to violence like her husband, Larry Crock. They so ruthless that Larry and Paula would kill any of the football coaches if they insulted Artemis. She was also willing to join the Injustice Society, kill many of the JSA members and violently attached the Dugan-Whitmore and the newly formed Justice Society. She is incredibly bloodthirsty and vitriolic where she just murdered Anaya Bowin for insulting her skills as a mother to Artemis. However, after spending time in prison, she also formed a genuine friendship with Barbara Whitmore and bonded due to their roles as mothers.
Despite her violent tendencies, Paula was a loving wife for her husband and a caring mother for Artemis. It was so strong that Artemis grew up to hate Jordan Mahkent and wished to avenger parents deaths. Paula always supporting her daughter even when she acts out on the field. However, she becomes protective of Barbara, up to the point where Paula didn't appreciate the way Barbara's boss Tim talked to her and threatened him to be nicer.
Physical Appearance[]
Paula Brooks is a woman in her early 40's and of Asian descent. She has dark brown eyes, brown hair with an olive skin complex.
As Paula Brooks, she always wears her coach gym uniforn. She also followed a strict diet and exercise. As Tigress, Paula wears an eye patch with a white cover over its socket.
- Peak Human Condition
- Peak Human Strength
- Peak Human Durability
- Peak Human Agility
- Peak Human Stamina
- Peak Human Reflexes
- Peak Human Senses
- Master Martial Artist
- Expert Markswoman
- Tigress Suit: Paula wears her Tigress suit to protect her identity and herself whenever she went on ISA missions.
- Twin Handguns: Paula owns a pair of semi-aumatic handguns hidden within her shoulder pads.
- Crossbow: Tigress' main weapon choice. It was later inherited by Barbara Whitmore, who used it against Icicle.