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But this plan of yours is foolish! It will bring nothing but grief to our land and cause needless pain and suffering to our neighbors! There must be another way. We should not try to help our own kind by bringing harm to someone else. It's wrong.
~ Tikal objects to her father’s plans on seizing the Chaos Emeralds

Tikal the Echidna is a supporting character in the anime series Sonic X. serving as the overarching protagonist of Sonic Adventure Arc.

She is an anthropomorphic echidna sprit and the daughter of Chief Pachacamac of the Knuckles Clan.

She was voiced by Rebecca Honig in the English version of the anime, and by Kaori Asoh in the Japanese version.


Tikal was born in a generation of Pachacamac, the leader of the Knuckles clan, as a born warrior. She was very different from the other Echidnas of her tribe of hers, she was kind and caring instead of cold and bitter and always opposed the terrible ways of her father. At one point, she befriended the colony of Chao at the Emerald Altar, along with the guardian of Chao, Chaos.

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            SonicXLogo Heroes

Sonic's World
Sonic and Friends
Amy Rose | Cheese | Cream the Rabbit | Knuckles the Echidna | Miles "Tails" Prower | Rouge the Bat | Sonic the Hedgehog | Vanilla the Rabbit
Chaotix Detective Agency
Charmy Bee | Espio the Chameleon | Vector the Crocodile
Eggman Empire
Bokkun | Decoe and Bocoe | Dr. Eggman
Other Characters
Big the Cat | Tikal the Echidna

Human World
Main Characters
Christopher Thorndyke | Shadow the Hedgehog
Other Characters
Chuck Thorndyke | Danny | Ella | Frances | Helen | Maria Robotnik | Mr. Stewart | Sam Speed | Scarlet Garcia | Seamus MacGuffin | Topaz

Metarex Saga
Cosmo | Earthia | Galaxina | Molly

See Also
Sonic the Hedgehog Heroes
