Heroes Wiki

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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

It's called dancing!
~ Tip Tucci

Gratuity "Tip" Tucci is the deuteragonist of DreamWorks' Home franchise.

She is an ordinary girl from planet Earth who sought to find her long-lost mother, Lucy, who got captured by the Boov alien race as part of their mission to live on said planet. On her journey, she befriended an actual Boov named Oh, who supported to help her mission of finally reuniting with her mother.

In the film, she is voiced by singer Rihanna, she also voiced Smurfette in the 2025 film The Smurfs. In the TV series, she is instead voiced by Rachel Crow, who also voiced Carla in Rio 2. In the Japanese dub for the film, she is voiced by Ryōko Shiraishi.


Tip is a brave, smart, and caring girl. She is also determined and resourceful. Gratuity was at first suspicious of Oh upon first meeting him but has warmed up to him over time, finally becoming his best friend Tip can be Lucy’s daughter.

Home (2015)[]

Tip is a spirited teenage girl who lives with her loving mother, Lucy, and her trusty cat, Pig. One day, her mother goes missing, and on a journey to avoid capture from aliens, she has a run-in with an exiled Boov named Oh. The two of them start out butting heads, but they unexpectedly become friends.


Tip is a young girl Barbadian American and has medium-length midnight brown hair in a curly afro (low ponytail in the TV series) and olive-green eyes. She wears small gold hoop earrings, a ivory and pale green striped tank top, an orange zip-up open hoodie with off-white drawstrings, purple, teal and light grey wristband and cherry red converse sneakers with white laces and soles.


I know what you’re are? No, you cannot "come into the out" now. You can never come into the out, ever again!
~ Tip Tucci after shuts Oh in the freezer.
It's all your fault. You stole my mom. Smell ya later, boov.
~ Tip Tucci to Oh that it was his fault that he stole her mother.
Gratuity Tucci. But my friends call me "Tip." I said "my friends."
~ Tip introduction herself to Oh
Why is call the Shusher?
~ Tip to Oh.
I’ve been looking everywhere, Mom.
~ Tip finally found her mother.
Oh? What are you doing? Oh! You can’t do this on your own! No! Stop, no! Please don't do this by yourself! No! Don't! Oh!
~ Tip to Oh after he keeps her Lucy and Pig in the car to safe.
What was all that? No wonder they've been chasing you.
~ Tip to Oh about The Gorg.

External Links[]


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The Boov
Oh | Kyle

Tucci Family
Tip Tucci | Pig | Lucy Tucci
