"I’m sorry, Pig. Mom's not here. Just a video." Tip’s first appearance.
Tip watching a video of her and Lucy on her laptop.
Tip and Lucy fall down in the snow.
Tip and Lucy sharing a laugh in the snow.
Tip shuts Oh in the freezer.
Tip notices the flashback of her mother capture by The Boov.
"Guess who made this one."
Lucy and Tip at Christmas Time.
Tip, Lucy, and Pig floating in the midair.
Tip and Pig floating in the air.
Tip looks there’s a hole in the house.
Pig and Tip floating in the midair.
Tip sees her mother disappears in the hole of her home.
Tip sees her mother is captured by The Boov.
Tip looks back on what happened when she and her mother got separated.
"It's all your fault." Tip to Oh.
"You stole my mom." Tip to Oh.
"Smell ya later boov." Tip to Oh, before she leaves the store.
Tip shooing Oh's hand away
"Keep your Boov paws off my car!
Tip is NOT amused with Oh.
Tip Buries Kyle, underneath a stack of cans.
Thus unknowingly saving Oh.
Oh is really grateful that he has been saved!
Oh notices the pile of cans on the ground.
Tip breathing while glaring at Oh nastily.
"Oh: I never lie. Yes, you do.
Oh and Tip fighting with the door.
Oh and Tip fighting with the car door.
Tip opens the car door and hits Kyle.
"That's not how it works!"
"You HAVE to HELP ME GET to Paris."
Tip puts the duct tape on Oh.
"Oh I understands I don't CARE."
"What? It's called dancing!"
Tip watching a video of her and Lucy in the phone in the night.
Tip sitting on the hood of Slushious with a rather lonely look on her face.
Tip notices Oh returns from the ocean.
Tip notices Oh swimming towards her.
Tip kicking Oh in the face.
"Where have you been!? You were gone forever." Tip to Oh.
"I thought you were dead or hurt."
"But you cannot just leave someone alone like that!"
"Put yourself in my shoes!"
"If I am seen by any Boov I am 100% POPULAR for being arrested."
"Aha, what I can fix that?"
Tip helps Oh disguise himself with only a beauty mark.
"Whoa, this is uber freaky."
"Does this mean those horrible monster Gorg thingies will come to Earth?"
"Then you got it to fix this!"
"On your feet." Tip to Oh.
"Sure?" Tip shocks that's her mother.
Tip looks at Lucy in the big screen.
Oh and Tip look at Lucy on the screen.
Tip witnessing Oh and Smek's spat.
"This Humans Girl Got an A in Geometrey!"
Tip, turns the Eiffel Tower, into upside down.
Oh and Tip sliding down the Eiffel Tower.
"It is possible that I will continue to make hilarious mistakes."
Tip plays her ukulele with Oh.
Tip shows Oh a photo of her and Lucy on her phone.
Oh and Tip sitting on a barbeque bench 35,000 feet above the ground.
Oh, Pig and Tip Take a Selfie Together.
Tip notices that her mother wasn't here.
Tip sees her mother is not here.
Tip searching in her phone.
Tip asking the people if they know where her mother is.
Tip looks for her mother own her own.
Tip notices that the battery on her phone is dead.
Tip's eyes swelling up with tears.
Tip and Pig sharing a hug.
Oh and Tip sharing a hug.
"What are you doing here."
Tip shocked to see that’s her mother.
Tip runs to her mother to get her a hug.
Lucy and Tip sharing a hug.
Oh, Lucy and Tip sharing a hug.
Tip and Lucy shocked that Oh take a hug.
Tip shocked that Lucy kick Oh in the face.
Tip coming to Oh's defense.
Tip helping Oh up after Lucy kicked him in the face.
Tip defending Oh telling her mother that Oh is her friend.
Tip telling Lucy that Oh is her friend.
Tip runs getting closer to Oh from danger.
Tip looks sad because Oh is dead before he fixes his mistakes.
Tip notice that Oh throw the Gorg egg at her.
Tip picks up the Gorg egg.
Tip and Lucy hear the ship beep.
Tip and Lucy sad looking at the ship beep.
Tip with an uneasy look on her face.
Tip, Oh, Lucy and K-Tron.
Tip finally reunited with her mother
"Awesome Party Oh." Tip to Oh.
'Is it time to pick it up a level?"
Oh and Tip are now Besties.
A picture of Oh, Tip and Pig.
Oh and Tip putting on a show.
Tip with a fire extinguisher on her hand.
Tip writing an essay on her laptop.
Oh and Tip reading together.
Tip blocking her ears due to Oh's loud ukelele playing.
Tip holding a record between her fingers.
Oh and Tip having a selfie.
Lucy taking a selfie while Tip jumps over Oh's head wildly.
Oh and Tip have done arts and crafts.
Oh, Pig and Tip having a slumber party.
Tip trying to stop Oh eating a priceless artwork.
Oh and Tip popping bubbles in the streets.
Tip and Lucy embarrassed by Oh's camera pose.
Oh and Tip have drawn pictures of themselves.
Oh and Tip in a Blanket Fort telling the stories to each other.
Oh and Tip building a Snowman.
Oh, Tip and Pig at a 3D Movie Theater.
Oh and Tip singing and dancing.
Oh, Tip, Lucy, Kyle and Smek in Venice.