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Heroes Wiki

I don't know from what crazy lab you escaped from, but you're amazing, little amigo! Amazing!
~ Tito to Theo/Turbo.

Tito Lopez is the tritagonist in the 2013 DreamWorks movie Turbo, and its spin-off series Turbo FAST.

He is a Dos Bros taco truck driver along with his brother, Angelo Lopez. Tito befriends Turbo.

He was voiced by Michael Peña; who also played Luis in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Trini Garcia in Fury, and Kai in The LEGO Ninjago Movie.


Tito has a personality very similar to that of Turbo (Theo): a slightly wacky and helpful dreamer. Tito can be very kind and creative in many ways, although his brother, Angelo, is against this.

Initially he seemed to have bad intentions, kidnapping Theo and Chet, when in reality he wanted them to go racing with other snails. He becomes fast friends with Theo/Turbo after seeing him with his super speed.




I wish I was tiny, so I can give you a hug.
~ Tito to Turbo.
Wooah.. shiny.
~ Tito.
Uhh, no, that would be ridiculous!... cmon, phony glasses, do your thing
~ A nervous Tito.


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