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Toa Hagah are the group of heroes that appeared in the BIONICLE series. They are the elite Toa that once served the Brotherhood of Makuta until they rebelled against them when they found out their corruption, which was caused by Makuta Teridax himself. During the rebellion, the Toa Hagah were transformed into the strange creatures called Rahaga by Roodaka, a Voltixx who served as the Brotherhood's lieutenant; though they managed to steal the Kanohi Avohkii, the Mask of Light as they keep it in the island of Metru Nui.

When they heard about the legend of Keetongu, they began their quest of searching for him as they believed that his power will cure their mutations. Eventually with the help of the Toa Hordika, the heroes successfully defeated the Visorak Horde and as the result, Keetongu.

